Alerte patrimoine: Hôpital Otto-Wagner, Steinhof, Vienne
Mise à jour février 2017
ICOMOS international et ICOMOS Autriche ont envoyé une nouvelle lettre au maire adjoint de la ville de Vienne, Mag. Maria Vassilakou, exprimant leur vive inquiétude sur les derniers développements - l'abattage d'arbres en vue de nouvelles constructions; rappelant les recommandations formulées par l'ICOMOS en mars 2016 et renouvelant son appel que «tous les projets de construction devraient être arrêtées en attendant la présentation de l'étude WSE et la conclusion des discussions nécessaires qui devraient en suivre".
Télécharger la lettre de l'ICOMOS du 10 février 2017
Télécharger la lettre de l'ICOMOS du 16 mars 2016
Télécharger la lettre de la Ville de Vienne du 20 janvier 2016
Décembre 2015
ICOMOS international et l'ICOMOS Autriche ont écrit au maire de la ville de Vienne pour exprimer leur profonde préoccupation face à la situation de l' Hôpital Otto-Wagner, Steinhof, à Vienne, appartenant à la Ville de Vienne.
En anglais uniquement
ICOMOS international and ICOMOS Austria have written to the Mayor of the City of Vienna to express their deep concern at the situation of the Otto-Wagner-Hospital, Steinhof, in Vienna, owned by the City of Vienna.
The significance of the site as an extensive ensemble, built from 1903-1907 by Otto Wagner with the participation of Heinrich Goldemund, among others, is beyond doubt and has been confirmed by several scientific studies. The importance refers to both the architectural characteristics and the spatial planning of the site, including the horticultural design of the gardens. In addition, its relevance to developments in medical and therapeutic history are eminent and therefore of major cultural value.
Whilst the core area (Kernbereich, pavilions and church) of the site benefits of Statutory Monument Protection, no protection is afforded to the so called economic area (Wirtschaftsbereich) in the eastern part and today the site is gravely endangered by:
- Already newly erected constructions (VAMED) and buildings under construction;
- Change in land use/dedication of the so called economic area (Wirtschaftsbereich) in the eastern part of the ensemble;
- The planned closing of hospital services within the next decade.
Also a number of the historic structures are in an increasingly poor state of conservation.
ICOMOS therefore again calls upon the authorities of Vienna and Austria not to allow economic aspects to override the cultural importance of the ensemble and to urgently:
- Extend the status of protection to also include the so called economic area (Wirtschaftsbereich) in the eastern part of the site;
- Reconsider the development and conservation concept for the entire area;
- Develop a usage programme for the future when the hospital services close, which takes into consideration the exceptional importance and history of the whole ensemble.
Images :
Above : Detail of the Dome of the Kirche am Steinhof / walter_a_aue on Flickr
Below : Kirche am Steinhof/ jo.schz on Flickr