Help for searching library
- Created: 19 October 2012
Automatic right truncation Instead of specifying a precise search term, you may just give a root. It allows you to search on leading sequences of characters. Example: "architec" will search "architect" or "architecte" or "architecture" or "architectural" etc.. "Perre" = "Perreira" or "Perretor" or "Perrett" or "Perreault" or "Pérreard" or etc.. Using "All fields" box , the search applies to :
- Words from Title
- Author (Person)
- Author (Corp.)
- Keywords
- Subj.(Monuments and Sites)
Example: "vernacular;architecture;China" searches these three terms in the above mentionned fields.
N.B. A semi-colon is used as the separator character between 2 words or more. Using the other boxes , you can search terms from the alphabetical list of the terms (Click on ). This alphabetical list starts with the characters, if any, typed in the left box area. Example: If you type "life" or "lif" then click on the alphabetical list starts at "LIFE AND TRADITION...." Boolean operators You can combine your search terms using the boolean operators:
The AND operator retrieves all records that contain both search terms. Example: for box "words from title" : To search for records that refer to "war" and "peace":
- Enter "war;peace" in the "words from title" box.
- Click on
or just type <enter>.
The Search results page will be displayed, listing all records containing the words "war" and "peace". If you select more than one term from the browse index, the program automatically combines them in the search box using this operator. The OR operator retrieves all records that contain any or all of the search terms it separates. This type of search retrieves more results than if you searched for one of the terms on its own. Example: To search records that refer to the four seasons in the title:
- Enter "spring;summer;autumn;winter" in the "words from title" box.
- Click on "or" boolean operator.
- Click on
or just type <enter>.
The Search Results page will be displayed, listing all records containing any or all of the words "spring", "summer", "autumn" or "winter". |