Publications received in 2021 at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre

ICOMOS ICCROM Analysis of Case studies in Recovery and Reconstruction Vol1CoverICOMOS-ICCROM

ICOMOS-ICCROM Analysis of Case Studies in Recovery and Reconstruction Volume 2. ICOMOS - ICCROM. Haselberger, Martina et Ranjitkar, Rohit et Krist, Gabriela et Zi, Huang et Ishizawa, Maya et Karangwa, Jérôme et Kasmo, Ruba et Kutiefan, Lina et de los Angeles Muñoz Martinez, Maria et Schimek, Michael et Schneider, Renata. ICOMOS, 2021. 220 p. illus. [ENG] 

ISSN 978-92-9077-305-4

The joint ICOMOS-ICCROM publication, Analysis of Case Studies in Recovery and Reconstruction brings together the voices and experiences of experts and practitioners working in the field. Published in two volumes with an accompanying report, the publication includes 11 case studies addressing post-trauma recovery and reconstruction. Managed through a joint Working Group comprising members of both organizations and was administered through both the ICOMOS Secretariat and the ICCROM-Sharjah Regional Office, this highly collaborative project has provided an opportunity for both organizations to learn from a diverse set of experiences in recovery and reconstruction around the world.

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ICOMOS ICCROM Analysis of Case studies in Recovery and Reconstruction Vol1CoverICOMOS-ICCROM

ICOMOS-ICCROM Analysis of Case Studies in Recovery and Reconstruction Volume 1. ICOMOS - ICCROM. Ahunbay, Zeynep et Arafat, Nusir R. et Bartolomucci, Carla et Fiorani, Donatella et Ohs, Amanda et Forbes, Catherine et Clark, Winston et Wykes, Fiona. ICOMOS, 2021. 278 p. illus. [ENG] 

ISSN 978-92-9077-304-7

The joint ICOMOS-ICCROM publication, Analysis of Case Studies in Recovery and Reconstruction brings together the voices and experiences of experts and practitioners working in the field. Published in two volumes with an accompanying report, the publication includes 11 case studies addressing post-trauma recovery and reconstruction. Managed through a joint Working Group comprising members of both organizations and was administered through both the ICOMOS Secretariat and the ICCROM-Sharjah Regional Office, this highly collaborative project has provided an opportunity for both organizations to learn from a diverse set of experiences in recovery and reconstruction around the world.

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ICOMOS Ireland

ICOMOS Ireland Other Stories

OTHER STORIESCultural Heritage and Society. ICOMOS Ireland Research and Advocacy Project –inspired by the Council of Europe Faro Convention 2005 on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society. Lavelle,  Eilis (ed.), Lynch, Rosie (ed.), Phelan, Sinead (ed.) and O'Connell, Eimear (Workhouse Union team). ICOMOS Ireland, 2020. 58 p.illus. [Eng]

ISBN : 978-0-9568370-1-1

Through Other Stories and other work, ICOMOS Ireland is advocating for Ireland to sign and ratify the Faro Convention. This Convention provides a framework for engaging with cultural heritage, one which can be adapted to the Irish context. A context which is evolving as culture, heritage and society evolve.
Other Storiesis a call to broaden and deepen the relationship between cultural heritage and society. It advocates for more inclusive, considered and creative approaches which present, protect and sustainably develop the rich seams of cultural heritage in Ireland. It is also a showcase of exemplary and inspiring work of individuals and organisations across an evolving spectrum of heritage.

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