Publications received in 2013 at the ICOMOS Documentation centre


ICOMOS Austria, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Germany
couv monumentaiiDenkmalpflege: Internationale grundsätze in theorie und praxis / Conservation of monuments and sites: International principles in theory and practice. Berlin, hendrik Bäsler verlag, 2013. 268 p., illus. (Monumenta I
I) (various texts in Eng, Ger)

ISSN-Print: 2364-8910
ISBN: 978-3-930388-22-6. 22,80€


couv modernaconsModern Conservation. 1st issue. Šekarić, Branka (ed.). Belgrade, ICOMOS Serbia, November 2013. 272 p., illus. 

ISSN: 2334-9239. 

Order and information

Presentation on ICOMOS Serbia's website: "It is conceived as an annual periodical, with sections on history, theory and philosophy of conservation, conservation practices, interview with important personalities from the world of conservation, translations of the current international documents and reviews of the books, conferences and other events related to the heritage protection."

ICOMOS Belgium

couv-prevoir-imprevisibleProceedings of symposium « Prévoir l’imprévisible. La gestion des risques au quotidien dans le monde patrimonial » held on 22 October 2010 at Moulin de Beez, Namur (Belgium), by ICOMOS Wallonie-Bruxelles together with the 'Association des Archivistes francophones de Belgique'. Delplancq, Thierry (ed.), Thomas, Catherine (ed.). Bruxelles, Archives et Bibliothèques de Belgique, 2012. 121 p., illus. (Fre). (Archives et bibliothèques en Belgique, special issue No. 97) 

ISSN: 0775-0722. 15€.

Order and information : abb[at]

ICOMOS Netherlands
Water and Heritage NDL smallICOMOS Conference: Water & Heritage. Protecting deltas: heritage helps! The Netherlands, 23-28 September 2013. Six, Arnoud (ed.); Six, Diederick (ed.); Luijendijk, Erik (ed.). Amsterdam, ICOMOS Netherlands, September 2013. 43 p. (Eng). 

More info

ICOMOS Argentina
Entrevistas ICOMOS Argentina samllEntrevistas ICOMOS. La Plata, ICOMOS Argentina, 2013. 155 p. (Spa)

ISBN: 978-987-29432-0-2

"Este libro es el resultado de las entevistas que se han hecho a los miembros del comité Argentino de ICOMOS, en ellas se encuentran, en forma aleatoria, en un leguaje secillo pero profundo y con alto contenido: conceptos, doctrinas, opiniones y comentarios de los profesionales más calificados en la disciplina."

Heritage and accessibility: How to make protected towns, monuments and sites in Europe barrier-free? / Patrimoines et accessibilité : comment rendre accessibles à tous, les villes, les monuments et les sites protégés en Europe ? Tilmont, Michèle (ed.). ICOMOS France. Paris, ICOMOS France, 2013. 128 p., illus. (Les Cahiers d'ICOMOS France, No. 27) (Var. texts in Fre, Eng)

ISSN: 0297-3189. 15€ (ICOMOS members) / 20€ (non members)



svetska bashtinaWorld Heritage: Terminology, Criteria, Role / Svetska Bashtina: Terminologuia, kriteijumi, uloga. Workshop. Studenica monastery, Serbia, 18 April 2012. Dimitrijevic Markovic, Svetlana (ed.); Sekaric, Branka (ed.). ICOMOS Serbia. Belgrade, ICOMOS Serbia, 2012. CD-ROM, illus. (Ser). (Eng)

ISBN: 978-86-916137-0-9

Heritage, a driver of development: Rising to the challenge. Results of the 17th ICOMOS General Assembly Symposium. Mouton, Benjamin (ed.); Hidalgo Sanchez, Santiagoa (ed.); Palmi, Isabelle (ed.); Gottfried, Cédric (ed.). ICOMOS France. Paris, ICOMOS France, 2013. 119 p., illus., CD-ROM (including the complete proceedings of the symposium in electronic format). (Same text in Fre, Eng)

ISBN: 978-2-9543731-0-2. 10€ (ICOMOS members) / 14€ (non members)


ICOMOS Bosnia & Herzegovina
FIRDUZ-BEY5-HAMMAMFIRDUZ-BEY’S HAMMAM: Revitalization of the archaeological site. Sanković Simćić, Vjekoslava (ed.), Mulabegović, Ferhad, Mujezinović, Nermina, Pravidur, Andrijana, Sanković Simćić, Vjekoslava, Simović, Snježana, Šekarić, Branka, Škarpa DubretaDarija. Sarajevo: Nacionalni komitet ICOMOS u Bosni i Hercegovini, 2013. 104 p., illus.

ISBN: 978-9958-9094-6-7.

"The most important event for the cultural heritage in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and especially in Sarajevo in 2010, was the research of the archaeological site called Firduz/Firuz’s hammam and the discovery of its remarkably valuable substructures. The authentic remains of the hammam’s hypocaustum bear vividly witness to the concept, method and building technique of this type of structures in the Ottoman period. That valuable site should be presented and accessible to the wider public, that is, needs to be conserved, restored and adequately integrated into the contemporary life of the Bašćaršija quarter in Sarajevo."

Read online

portada post patrimonioPost Patrimonio. Nordenflycht Concha, José de. ICOMOS Chile, Escuela de Arquitectura FAAD UNAB, 2012
. 103 p., illus. (Spa)

"Antología de textos críticos sobre patrimonio publicados en este blog entre 2006 y 2012, publicados en coedición por la Escuela de Arquitectura de la UNAB Sede Viña del Mar y el Comité Chileno del Consejo Internacional de Monumentos y Sitios, 2012."

ICOMOS Germany
ICOMOS Germany Journal-NoLIVStadtentwicklung zur Moderne: Entstehung großstädtischer Hafen- und Bürohausquartiere / Urban Development towards Modernism: The birth of the Metropolitan Harbour and Commercial Districts. 
ICOMOS Germany. Berlin, hendrik Basler Verlag, 2012. 240 p., illus.

ISBN: 978-3-930388-17-2.


Latest ICOMOS publications

Publications received in 2012 at ICOMOS Documentation centre

Publications received in 2011 at ICOMOS Documentation centre