Publications received in 2011 at the ICOMOS Documentation centre
- Created: 10 September 2015
International Polar Heritage Committee (IPHC) of ICOMOS
Polar Settlements: Location, Techniques and Conservation. A compilation of presentations made to the IPHC conference held in Punta Areans, Chile in April 2010. 100 p., illus.
ISBN: 978-82-996891-3-7
ICOMOS ISC* on Heritage Documentation (CIPA)
CIPA Heritage Documentation: Best practices and applications. Athens: CIPA, 2011. 103 p., illus.
ISSN: 1682-1750
ICOMOS International
ICOMOS Monuments and Sites Vol. XV: ICOMOS-ISCS: Illustrated glossary on stone deterioration patterns / Ilustrovaný glosár proveju poskození kamene. Paris: ICOMOS-ISCS, 2008. 78 p., illus.
ISBN: 978-2-918086-07-9. English-Czech version / Angliko-ceská verze.
ICOMOS International
ICOMOS Monuments and Sites Vol. XV: ICOMOS-ISCS: Illustrated glossary on stone deterioration patterns / Illustriertes Glossar der Verwitterungsformen von Naturstein. Paris: ICOMOS-ISCS, 2008. 78 p., illus.
ISBN: 978-2-918086-07-9. English-German version / Englisch-Deutsche Fassung.
The image of Heritage - Changing perception, permanent responsibilities. Proceedings of the International Conference of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for the Theory and the Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration, 6-8 March 2009, Florence, Italy. Ed. by Tomaszewski, Andrzej and Giometti, Simone. Florence, Edizioni Polistampa, 2011. 346 p., illus.
ISBN: 978-88-596-0886-8
ICOMOS Finland
Integrity and authenticity in modern movement architecture: Case Paimio hospital. Outcomes of the International expert seminar, 1-2 October 2009 in the Paimio hospital, Finland. Ed. by Salastie, Riita. Helsinki, ICOMOS National Finnish Committee, 2010. 123 p., illus.
ISBN: 978-952-67465-0-0
*International Scientific Committee
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