ICOMOS past General Assemblies
- Annual General Assembly online - November 2021: Minutes of the General assembly in English and in French - Results of the 2021 Annual General Assembly online
- General Assembly online - July 2020 Minutes of the General assembly in English and in French - Results of the 20th General Assembly online
- Annual General Assembly - Marrakesh, Morocco, 2019: Minutes of the General assembly in English and in French - Results of the 2019 Annual General Assembly
- Annual General Assembly - Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2018:Minutes of the General Assembly in English and French - Buenos Aires Declaration marking the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- 19th General Assembly - New Delhi, India, 2017: Minutes of the General Assembly - Minutes of the Extraordinary General Assembly - Results of the 19th General Assembly, New Delhi, 2017 - Proceedings of the Scientific Symposium
- Annual General Assembly - Istanbul, Turkey, 2016: Minutes of the General Assembly
- Annual General Assembly - Fukuoka, Japan, 2015: Minutes of the General Assembly in English and French
- 18th General Assembly: Florence, Italy, 2014 "Heritage and Landscape as Human Values" - Outcomes, Proceedings of the Scientific symposium, the Florence Declaration.
- 17th General Assembly "Heritage, driver of development": Paris, France, 2011: General Assembly: results and documents - Proceedings of the Scientific Symposium
- 16th General Assembly "Finding the spirit of the place": Québec, Canada, 2008: General Assembly: results and documents - Scientific Symposium - official web site - ICOMOS Newsletter
- 15th General Assembly “Monuments and sites in their setting - conserving cultural heritage in changing townscapes and landscapes”: Xi'an, China, 2005: official web site - CD-Rom - ICOMOS Newsletter
- 14th General Assembly “Place - Memory - Meaning: Preserving Intangible values in Monuments and Sites”: Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 2003: official web site - CD-Rom - ICOMOS Newsletter
- 13th General Assembly “Strategies for the World’s Cultural Heritage - Preservation in a Globalised World - Principles, Practices, Perspectives”: Madrid, Spain, 2002: official web site - publication - ICOMOS Newsletter
- 12th General Assembly “The Wise Use of Heritage - Heritage and Development”: Mexico City, Mexico, 1999 - ICOMOS Newsletter
- 11th General Assembly “Heritage and Social Changes”: Sofia, Bulgaria, 1996: publication - ICOMOS Newsletter
- 10th General Assembly “Archaeological Heritage Management, Cultural Tourism and Conservation Economics”: Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1993: Assembly report - ICOMOS Newsletter
- 9th General Assembly “ICOMOS, a Quarter Century, Achievements and Future Prospects”: Lausanne, Switzerland, 1990: article on the ICOMOS Scientific Journal, n°5, ICOMOS Switzerland (1995) - publication - report on the General Assembly (hard copy) - ICOMOS Newsletter
- 8th General Assembly “Old Cultures in New Worlds”: Washington D.C., USA, 1987: article on the ICOMOS Scientific Journal, n°5, Webster-Smith, Ann (1995) - publication - report on the General Assembly (hard copy) - ICOMOS Newsletter
- 7th General Assembly “Monuments and Cultural Identity”: Rostock, Germany, 1984: article on the ICOMOS Scientific Journal, n°5, Stelzer, Helmut (1995) - report on the General Assembly - hard copy - ICOMOS Newsletter
- 6th General Assembly “No Past, no Future” -: Rome, Italy, 1981: article on the ICOMOS Scientific Journal, n°5, ICOMOS, Italy (1995) - publication - report on the General Assembly - ICOMOS Newsletter
- 5th General Assembly “The Protection of Historical Cities and Historical Quarters in the Framework of Urban Development”: Moscow, USSR, 1978: article on the ICOMOS Scientific Journal, n°5, Chalturin, A.G (1995) - report on the General Assembly - ICOMOS Newsletter
- 4th General Assembly “The Small Town” : Rothenburg, Germany, 1975: article on the ICOMOS Scientific Journal, n°5, Mayr, Vincent (1995) - publication - report on the General Assembly (hard copy) - ICOMOS Newsletter
- 3rd General Assembly “Modern Architecture in Historic Ensembles and Monuments”: Budapest, Hungary, 1972: article on the ICOMOS Scientific Journal, n°5, Roman, Andràs (1995) - report on the General Assembly (hard copy)
- 2nd General Assembly “The Value for Tourism of the Conservation and Presentation of Monuments and Sites with Special Reference to Experience and Practice in Great Britain”: Oxford, United-Kingdom, 1969: article on the ICOMOS Scientific Journal, n°5, Whitbourn, Philip (1995) - report on the General Assembly (hard copy)
- 1st General Assembly "Regulations, By-Laws and National Committees ”: Cracow, Poland, 1965: article on the ICOMOS Scientific Journal, n°5, Zaryn Alksandra (1995) - report on the General Assembly (hard copy)
The new ICOMOS Statutes adopted in November 2014, foresee an annual General Assembly that takes place on the same occasion as the annual Advisory Committee meeting.
The agenda of the annual General Assembly focuses on: receiving the reports of the ICOMOS President and Treasurer on the management by the Board and the health and financial situation of the association; and approving the annual report and accounts and discharging the Board, as well as voting next year’s budget.
All other matters such as adoption of doctrinal texts, elections of the Board and officers, conferring of Honorary membership, voting the ICOMOS General Programme and budgetary guidelines for the next triennium, as well as proposing resolutions for adoption by ICOMOS continue to be dealt with by the triennial General Assembly (next one in 2017, Delhi, India).
All members shall have the right to attend the General Assembly and may be designated to be a voting member at the General Assembly within the conditions set out in Articles 9-a and 13-d-4 of the Statutes.