Why join ICOMOS?
ICOMOS has over 10,500 members in over 150 countries. It is the largest global organisation of its kind, and includes professionals working in all of the disciplines associated with cultural heritage places. ICOMOS is an Advisory Body to the UNESCO World Heritage Committee.
Members of ICOMOS become part of an international professional network and can participate in expert meetings, professional workshops, scientific exchanges, site inspections and training programs all over the world.
Other membership benefits include:
- The right of attendance at ICOMOS General Assemblies, including the triennial General Assembly, together with their Scientific Symposiums
- The ability to join and participate in International Scientific Committees
- The ability to participate in local activities of their National Committee
- Free access to the ICOMOS e-news and the ICOMOS Documentation Centre
- Reduced prices for ICOMOS publications
- The opportunity to participate in the World Heritage work of ICOMOS through desk reviews and expert missions
- Free or reduced admission to many heritage sites and museums world-wide
→ See the list of historic monuments / sites accessible through the ICOMOS member's card
Membership categories
The primary aim of ICOMOS is furthering the conservation of cultural heritage in its tangible and intangible aspects. It has four categories of members:
- Individual members, people with expertise in one or more areas related to the aims of ICOMOS and to students who have chosen a discipline in one of these areas
- Institutional members, organisations of any kind with expertise in one or more areas related to the aims of ICOMOS and those that own or look after cultural heritage places
- Affiliate members, individuals, institutions and organisations who are interested in cultural heritage conservation and wish to support the aims and activities of ICOMOS
- Honorary members elected by the General Assembly, individuals who have given distinguished services at the international level to the conservation of cultural heritage
Some National Committees of ICOMOS have additional local categories of membership.
How to become a member
Most ICOMOS members belong to the ICOMOS National Committee within their country. Where there is no National Committee in a country, members can belong to a Transnational Committee if one exists, or can belong to the International organisation directly through its headquarters in Paris.
If you wish to become a member of ICOMOS, you should therefore submit a membership application to your National Committee or Transnational Committee if one exists.
If there is no National or Transnational Committee in your country, you can apply to join ICOMOS through the ICOMOS International Secretariat.
If your application for membership is rejected, or you receive no response to your application, you can appeal directly to the ICOMOS International Board. The appeal procedure is set out in Articles 18 and 86 of the Rules of Procedure.