Monuments and Sites: Russia (1996)

ms russia


277 pages

Out of Stock / Epuisé / Agotado




- Monuments of Russian Architecture and Culture inscribed in the World Heritage List
- Kizhi Pogost. Modern problems of Jnvestigation and Conservation
- In memory of Alexander Opolovnikov (1911 -1994)
Elena Opolovnikova
- The Church of Transfiguration in the ensemble of Kizhi Pogost
Alexander Opolovnikov
- The ensemble of Kizhi Pogost
Alexander Opolovnikov.
- Fragments from the Chronicle of the International Cooperation. 1988 -1996
- The Fate of the Historic Centre of St.Petersburg
Boris Kirikov
- The Mysteries of the Church of the Intercession on the river Nerl
Yuli Raninsky


Heritage of Moscow and preservation of its peculiarity
- The Memory of Moscow
Dmitri Shvidkovsky
- Some Thoughts on the Historical Fate of twentietlh century Moscow
Natalia Dushkina.
- Historic city. Regeneration or reconstruction?
Natalia Potapova
- ECOS: the dialogue between an architect and society
Alexander Kudryavtsev

From the History of Investigation and Restoration of the World Heritage Sites in Moscow and its environs
- The Restoration of the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin in the late 19th -early 20th century
Alexei Schenkov
- The Great Kremlin Palace
Sergei Klimenko
- The Church of the Ascension in the village of Kolomenskoye
Georgi Golts
- The monuments of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery and their Restoration
Victor Baldin
- The Trinity-Sergius Lavra. View from inside
Anatoli Feodorov

Reinstitution of the lost monuments
- The Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan
Oleg Zhurin
- The Gates of the Resurrection
Oleg Zhurin
- The problems of Reinstitution of the lost Monuments of Architecture and History
Mikhail Miltchik

Heritage of the 2Oth century
- Moscow of Pavel Florensky
Elena Chemyavskaya
- Architectural monuments of the Newest Time
Yuri Volchok.
- The Phenomenon of the Moscow Metro
Natalia Dushkina
- The List of Monuments of Soviet Architecture


- Historic Towns in Russia: an Experience of summary description
Vladimir Krogius
- The Historic Landscape of the city of Voronezh: the Past and the Present
Eteri Bazarova
- Value character of the Historic fabric of Moscow
Elena Nikulina

List of Authors

Monuments and Sites: Japan (1996)

ms japan


176 pages

Out of Stock / Epuisé / Agotado


Historic Buildings and Gardens in the World Heritage Sites

1. Outline of Japanese Historic Sites and Monuments
Its Past and Present
Yukio Nishimura

2. The Preservation and Restoration of Wooden Monuments in Japan
Masaru Sekino
3. Principles of Conservation and Restoration Regarding Wooden Buildings in Japan
Masaru Sekino
4. On Tsugite Shikuchi and Woodworking Tools
Nobuo Ito
5. Aspects of Japanese Wooden Buildings
Masaru Sekino
6. Restoration of Wooden Buildings
Kakichi Suzuki
7. Present Condition of the Training of Specialists in the Conservation of Cultural Properties in Japan
Nobuo Ito
8. Training of Architects as Conservators in the Course of Higher Education in Japan
Eizo Inagaki
9. Training of Conservation Specialists for Cultural Property Buildings
Kakichi Suzuki
10. Authenticity in the Context of Japanese Wooden Architecture
Eizo Inagaki
11. Rescue Excavation in Japan
Migaku Tanaka
12. Urbanization, Nara Palace, and its Excavation
Kiyotari Tsuboi and Migaku Tanaka
13. Issues in Japanese Archaeology
Kiyotari Tsuboi
14. Books on Historic Garden
Kenkichi Ono

Notes -Authors and Sources of the Selected Papers

Monuments and Sites: Israel (1996)

ms israel


67 pages

Out of Stock / Epuisé / Agotado


Conservation in Israel, Giora Solar

27 documents

Monuments and Sites: India (1996)

ms india

157 pages

Out of Stock / Epuisé / Agotado


1. Sanchi
2. Ajanta, Ellora and Elephanta
3. Buddhist Rock - Cut Caves
4. Early Temples of South India
5. Early Temples of North India
6. Architecture of the Vijayanagar Empire
7. Monuments of Kerala
8. Temples of Jammu and Kashmir
9. Fatehpur Sikri
10. Taj Mahal
11. Agra Fort
12. Churches of Goa
13. Forts of India
14. Monuments of Delhi

Monuments and Sites: Hungary (1996)


ms hungary


169 pages

Out of Stock / Epuisé / Agotado


Introductory Studies
1. The Problems of Authenticity and Identity as Retlected by Archaeological Preservation of Monuments
Julius Gy. Hajnoczi

General Studies
2. Authenticity and Landscape Architecture
Ilona Balogh-Ormos
3. Building Materials and Structures Applied during the Era of Historism Problems Associated with their Restoration
Attila Déry
4. Les paysages culturels et patrimoniaux (Les intentions et la réalité)
Tamas Fejérdy
5. Preservation of Railway Buildings in Hungary
Mihaly Kubinszky
6. The Conservation of Architectural Values of Vinages in South Transdanubia
Tünde L6rincz-Szabo
7. Historic Towns in Hungary in the Second Half of the 2Oth Century
Andras Roman
8. New Technical Procedures in Developing Principles and Methods of Authentic Monument Restoration
Mihaly Zádor

Studies on individual cases
9. Reincarnations of the Western Portal at Jak, around the Turn of the Century
Alice Debreczeni-Mezei
Edit Szentesi
10. Modernization and Restoration of the Budapest Central Market Hall
Gergely Nagy
11. Restoration of the Provostal Ruins at Domos as Seen by a Practising Architect, in a "Bottom-Line View" of the Concept of Authenticity
Klara Nandori
12. Restoration of the Interior of the Saint Francis' Wounds Church in Buda
Tamas Toth

List of Abbreviations

List of Authors

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