Monuments and Sites: Czech Republic (1996)

 ms czech


169 pages

Out of Stock / Epuisé / Agotado


Introductory Studies
1. Historical Sites and Architectural Monuments in the Czech Republic
Dobroslav Libal
2. Schedules of Monuments
Milos Pistorius and Jiri Novacek
3. Legislature and Organisation of the Care of Monuments
Ales Vosahlik

Protection of monuments
4. Evolution of the Protection of Monument and its Actual Conception
Ivo Hlobil
5. Protection of the Cultural Heritage in the Czech Republic
Ales Vosahlik

Scientific Research and Education
6. Cognition of the Historical Aspects of Architectural Ensembles and of Cultural Monuments
Dobroslav Libal
7. Specific Education at Universities and at Secondary Schools
Hana Némeckova

Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Renovation of Historic Sites
8. Castles and Chateaus
Marié Mzykova
9. Protection of Sacred Monuments
Zdenek Chudarek
10. Renovation of Historic Towns
Karel Kibic
11. National Architecture its Protection and Conservation
Pavel Bures
12. Historic Gardens
Olga Baseova
13. Conservation and Restoration of Monuments of Painting, Sculpture and Arts and Crafts
Vratislav Nejedly
14. Technical Monuments -its Protection Conservation and Utilisation
Eva Dvorakova

Protection of archaeological monuments
15. Protection of Archaeological Monuments
Petr Sommer and Lenka Krusinova

16. Conclusion
Josef Stulc

Monuments and Sites: Cyprus (1996)

ms cyprus


118 pages

Out of Stock / Epuisé / Agotado


- Introduction
Demos Christou
1.The Birth of an Island
George Constantinou
2.The Inhabited Island
Sophocles Hadjisawas
3. Excavations and Scientific Research
Marina Solomidou-Ieronymidou
4. Religious Architecture and Architectural Conservation
Glafkos Papadouris
5. Vernacular Architecture in Cyprus
Androulla Floridou
6. Conservation of Mosaics in Cyprus
Andreas Farmakas
7. The Conservation of Wood
Andreas Georgiades
8. Administration and Legal Protection of Ancient Monuments
Euphrosyne Rizopoulou-Egoumenidou
9. Cultural Heritage Management
Sophocles Hadjisavvas
- Chronological Table
- Bibliography of Cypriot Archaeology 1935-1994
- List of Authors

Monuments and Sites: Cuba (1996)

ms cuba


143 pages

Out of Stock / Epuisé / Agotado


1. Patrimonio e identidad
Marta Arjona
2. La gesta de la restauración
Eusebio Leal
3. Evolución urbana en Cuba colonial
Isabel Rigol y Luis Lâpidus
4. Para aprender del pasado: una guía de La Habana
Mario Coyula
5. Caracterización de la arquitectura cubana hasta 1930
Daniel Taboada
6. El Convento de Santa Clara en tres siglos y medio
Isabel Rigol
7. Trinidad. Ciudad testimonio
Carlos Venegas Fornias
8. El Patrimonio agroindustrial cubano del Siglo XIX
Luis Lâpidus.
9. La Plaza del Himno de Bayamo
Isabel Rigol.
10. Santiago de Cuba
Luis Lâpidus.
11. Vifiales. Un conjunto excepcional
Nelson Melero Lazo.
12. Patrimonio y herencia del siglo XX en Cuba
Luis Lâpidus.
- Sobre los autores

Monuments and Sites: Bulgaria (1996)

ms bulgaria


179 pages

Out of Stock / Epuisé / Agotado


- Introduction
Peyo Rerbenliev
1. Legislation Management and Urban Policy
Todor Krestev, Maria Karazlateva
2. Conservation and Exposition of Archaeological Monuments and Reserves
Royan Kouzoupov
3. Bulgarian Vernacular Architecture and Its Preservation
Rashel Angelova
4. Protection of Religious Monuments -Bulgarian Orthodox Churches
Zdrava Ganeva, Dora Dimitrova, Kiril Georgiev
5. Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art
Lozinka Koinava-Arnaudova
6. Bulgarian Cultural Values Entered in the World Heritage List
Emma Moscova
- List of Authors

Monuments and Sites: Bolivia (1996)

ms bolivia

154 pages

Out of Stock / Epuisé / Agotado


1. Breve Historia de la Arquitectura en Bolivia
José de Mesa, Teresa Gisbert
2. El Arte en Bolivia
Pedro Querejazu
3. Arte Rupestre en Bolivia
Matthias Strecker
4. La Pintura Mural en Bolivia
Juan Carlos Jemio
5. Potosí, Patrimonio de la Humanidad
Luis Prado Rios
6. Sucre, la Ciudad
Pedro Querejazu, Laura Escobari
7. Las Misiones Jesuíticas de Chiquitos
Alcides Parejas Moreno
8. Proyectos en Centros Historicos de Bolivia. Evaluacion Crítica
Elizabeth Torres
9. Restauración de las Iglesias Misionales de Chiquitos
Hans Roth
10. Legislación Boliviana sobre Monumentos

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