Giving Tuesday 2022: Support Culture-Nature Initiatives!



ICOMOS is launching the ICOMOS Culture-Nature Prize, which will be funded by your donations and will be awarded next year to support the most promising Culture-Nature initiatives undertaken by our members.
Our goal is to raise 15 000€ on Giving Tuesday 2022.

Culture-Nature initiatives recognise the interconnections between cultural and natural heritage and rethink how we can protect culture and nature through a comprehensive approach with local communities. Through integrated protection, management and sustainable development of our heritage places, Culture-Nature initiatives build resilience to today’s challenges of climate change, pollution and rapid urbanisation. 


Click to donate in order to enable ICOMOS heritage professionals world-wide shape our work on linking cultural and natural heritage!



And watch our trailer to learn more!

Watch Trailer GivingTuesday Website  

Your donations to ICOMOS help protect our shared cultural and natural heritage for future generationsDonations received before 10 December 2022 will be acknowledged in the ICOMOS 2023 Annual Report. Donors of 100 € and above will in addition receive a personal certificate of appreciation signed by the President of ICOMOS. 

We count on your support to help us reach our goal of raising 15 000€ by 29 November! 


See also

Picto doigtSee the work ICOMOS is already doing on Culture-Nature approaches to heritage on our dedicated webpage


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