ICOMOS at 2nd Conference of Ministers of Culture 2023 in Davos

In January 2018, the European Ministers of Culture adopted the Davos Declaration “Towards a high-quality Baukultur for Europe”, highlighting strategic and political pathways. In January 2023, the second ministerial Conference aimed to further specify the general goals of the Davos Declaration 2018.
The ministerial Conference “Davos Baukultur Alliance 2023” addressed the impact of the market and the business on the shaping of a high-quality living environment and explored opportunities for better cooperation between the public and private sectors as well as civil society. On the last day of the Conference, the new Davos Baukultur Alliance was launched: it will address urgent issues for improving the quality of our living environment by initiating continous exchange and networking between the stakeholders mentioned above.

Davos Signing Teresa Alliance

ICOMOS is proud to contribute to the ambitions of the Davos Baukultur Alliance to empower culture and heritage as strategic assets for a diverse and democratic World. ICOMOS is a global organisation of heritage experts promoting and safeguarding heritage as a resource for sustainable development. Moreover, ICOMOS asserts that culture and heritage are drivers of economic, social and technological transformation, contributing to social innovation and people’s quality of life

- Teresa Patricio, ICOMOS President


Davos-Signing-CoFounders-Alliance.pngThe "Quality Principles for EU-funded interventions with potential impact on cultural heritage", developed by ICOMOS under the mandate of the European Commission complement the 8 criteria of the Baukultur Quality System perfectly and can help achieve a high-quality Baukultur not only in the EU, but globally.

ICOMOS encourages all the members of the Davos Alliance to support and promote the ICOMOS Quality Principles as a complementary tool to achieve the practical implementation of the Davos Declaration and the Davos Baukultur Quality System with regards to cultural heritage assets as part of the wider built environment. 


Photo credits: ©  Swiss Federal Office of Culture

See also

Press Release of the Swiss Confederation on the Baukultur Alliance

EU Quality Principles

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