Don't forget to register for the 2023 General Assembly in Sydney!

The core General Assembly will occur between 4 and 8 September 2023 within an exciting ten-day program of site visits, workshops, lectures, expert meetings and social gatherings. Venues include the World Heritage listed Sydney Opera House, Cockatoo Island / Wareamah, Hyde Park Barracks and Greater Blue Mountains and a wide variety of other Aboriginal and colonial cultural places.

We encourage you to book your place before 31 May 2023 to enjoy discounted rates for the General Assembly, Scientific Symposium and associated social functions, activities and tours.



Should you need accommodation during your stay, our accommodation specialists have secured a selection of rooms at recommended nearby hotels in Sydney, offering a range of price and star options. You can add accommodation to your online booking. 

Travel to GA2023

Qantas is proud to be the Official Airline Partner of ICOMOS GA2023 and, in conjunction with partner airlines, Qantas is offering registered delegates and travel partners discounted fares on eligible flights, which can booked online at a dedicated GA2023 portal.  Please see HERE for further details of how to book – and please include carbon offsets in your booking if you can. 

Please don’t hesitate to contact us at: if we can help facilitate any other aspects of your trip. We look forward to seeing you in Sydney!

Click here to access the latest news and updates for the 21st Triennial General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of ICOMOS, which will be hosted in Sydney in September 2023. 


Prof Richard Mackay, AM

ICOMOS GA2023 Convenor

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