AFRICA24 Conference – Call for abstracts

The AFRICA24 conference is an international event focusing on the conservation of the built heritage in
Africa, with the aim to:

  • Support African local communities and colleagues working in the fields of vernacular, earthen architecture,
    cultural landscapes, intangible heritage, cultural tourism, sustainability and rights-based
    approach to heritage;
  • Promote the conservation of the traditional built heritage in Africa;
  • Promote education, fight gender inequality, endorse sustainable development
  • Place the cultural heritage of Africa to the center of ICOMOS interests and activities.

The AFRICA24 Conference will be held from 25 to 29 November 2024 in Mombasa (Kenya), at the Swahilipot Hub Foundation.


● Main theme: The Heritage We Want: Shaping the African Renaissance in a Global Context

● Sub-themes:

  1. Climate change, risk management and disaster preparedness responses for conservation and sustainability;
  2. Learning from Kenya: Approaches to preserving and promoting diverse heritage;
  3. Post-Colonial and Decolonial approaches to preserving heritage;
  4. The role of heritage in preserving African identities for an inclusive future;
  5. Applying traditional knowledge and practices to heritage conservation and new construction;
  6. The role of youth and new technologies in heritage conservation: opportunities and potential






– 2 oct 2023 : Call for abstracts
– 30 nov 2023 : Deadline for submission of abstracts [CLOSED]
– 1 jan 2024 : Abstract acceptance/reject
– 15 apr 2024 : Deadline full papers 1st submission
– 15 avr – 1 jun 2024 : Paper peer review
– 30 aug 2024 : Final paper submission
– 1-20 sept 2024 : Paper final review

© Alyssa Barry and Njeri Mbure 

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