ICOMOS at World Water Week 2019 in Stockholm

StockholmWaterWeek3The session "WATER AND HERITAGE, traditional knowledge for the future" is our contribution to the World Water Week 2019 in Stockholm.

Click on this link to watch the video of our session.

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Two Invited Experts to the ICOMOS Board

The Statutes of ICOMOS allow the Board to invite experts to attend the meetings of the Board in a non-voting advisory capacity, in line with the agenda (Article 10 a.).

In order to achieve a more balanced representation of all regions of the world within the Board, and in particular in order to benefit from their expertise on heritage and professionals in the Middle East and North Africa, the Board has invited Mohammad Yosof Al-Aidaroos (ICOMOS Saudi Arabia) and Khalid El Harrouni (ICOMOS Morocco) to join it until the next Triennial General Assembly in 2020 as invited experts.

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Vacancy Notice - Replacement Maternity Leave

Joomla Webmaster / Documentalist
ICOMOS Documentation Centre (M/F)

ICOMOS is looking for a person to update/develop ICOMOS International secretariat’s website, online tools and platforms, and to manage the Documentation centre.

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Meet the New ICOMOS Committee Presidents for 2024!

3ICOMOS is pleased to introduce you to its newly elected National and International Scientific Committees Presidents.

Discover their rich professional experience and academic background in the short presentations below!

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