Charters and other doctrinal texts
All ICOMOS doctrinal texts are distributed under the Creative Commons licence "Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives CC BY-NC-ND".
This license allows you to download and share the texts freely, provided that you credit ICOMOS by name and do not modify them in any way.
(see also "Monuments and Sites" - vol. I, 2004)
Venice Charter and cultural heritage sites
- International Charter for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites (Venice Charter) - 1964 [Albanian] [Arabic] [Armenian] [Azerbaijani] [Bulgarian] [Croatian] [Czech] [Danish] [Dutch] [Estonian] [Finnish] [French] [Georgian] [German] [Greek] [Hebrew] [Hindi] [Hungarian] [Indonesian] [Italian] [Japanese] [Lithuanian] [Persian] [Polish] [Portuguese] [Romanian] [Russian] [Serbian] [Sinhala] [Slovak] [Slovenian] [Spanish] [Swedish] [Thai] [Turkish] [Ukrainian]
- ICOMOS Charter on the Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites - 2008 [Albanian] [Arabic] [Chinese] [French] [Spanish]
Education and training
- Guidelines for Education and Training in the Conservation of Monuments, Ensembles and Sites (1993) [Albanian] [Arabic] [French]
Heritage documentation
- Principles for the recording of monuments, groups of buildings and sites (1996) [Albanian] [Arabic] [French]
Archaeological heritage
- Charter for the Protection and Management of the Archaeological Heritage - 1990 [Albanian] [Arabic] [French] [Spanish]
- Salalah Guidelines for the management of Public Archaeological Sites - 2017 [Arabic] [French]
Architectural heritage
- ICOMOS Charter – Principles for the Analysis, Conservation and Structural Restoration of Architectural Heritage - 2003 [Albanian] [Arabic] [French] [Spanish]
Cultural landscapes
Cultural routes
Cultural tourism
- Charter of Cultural Tourism - 1976 [Albanian] [French] [Spanish]
- International Cultural Tourism Charter - Managing Tourism at Places of Heritage Significance - 1999 [Albanian] [Arabic] [French]
- ICOMOS International Cultural Heritage Tourism Charter - 2022 [Arabic] [Chinese] [Danish] [French] [German] [Italian] [Spanish]
Historic cities, towns, villages and gardens
- Historic Gardens (Florence Charter) - 1981 [Albanian] [Arabic] [French] [Spanish]
- Charter for the Conservation of Historic Towns and Urban Areas (Washington Charter) - 1987 [Albanian] [Arabic] [French] [Spanish]
- Valletta Principles for the Safeguarding and Management of Historic Cities, Towns and Urban Areas - 2011 [Albanian] [Arabic] [Chinese] [Croatian/Serbian/Bosnian] [French] [Hebrew] [Hindi] [Italian] [Polish] [Portuguese] [Russian] - Book in 5 languages: English, French, Greek, Spanish, Russian
- Document on Historic Urban Public Parks - 2017 [Arabic] [French]
Industrial heritage
- Joint ICOMOS – TICCIH Principles for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage Sites, Structures, Areas and Landscapes (Dublin Principles) - 2011 [Albanian] [Arabic] [French]
Intangible cultural heritage
- International Charter and Guidance on Sites with Intangible Cultural Heritage - 2024 [French] [Spanish]
Military heritage
Mural paintings
- ICOMOS Principles for the Preservation and Conservation-Restoration of Wall Paintings - 2003 [Albanian] [Arabic] [French] [Spanish]
Polar heritage
- ICOMOS Antarctic Archaeological Guidelines - 2022 [French] [Russian] [Spanish]
Underwater cultural heritage
- Charter on the Protection and Management of the Underwater Cultural Heritage - 1996 [Albanian] [Arabic] [French] [Spanish]
Vernacular architecture
- Charter on the Built Vernacular Heritage - 1999 [Albanian] [Arabic] [French] [Spanish]
- Principles for the Preservation of Historic Timber Structures - 1999 [Arabic] [French] [Spanish]
- Principles for the Conservation of Wooden Built Heritage - 2017 [Albanian] [Arabic] [Basque] [Chinese] [Finnish] [French] [Hungarian] [Italian] [Polish] [Russian] [Spanish] [Turkish]
- Resolutions of the Symposium on the introduction of contemporary architecture into ancient groups of buildings, at the 3rd ICOMOS General Assembly (1972) [Albanian]
- Resolutions of the International Symposium on the Conservation of Smaller Historic Towns, at the 4th ICOMOS General Assembly (1975) [Albanian]
- Tlaxcala Declaration on the Revitalization of Small Settlements (1982) [Albanian]
- Declaration of Dresden on the "Reconstruction of Monuments Destroyed by War" (1982)
- Declaration of Rome (1983)
- Nara Document on Authenticity (1994) - [Albanian] [Arabic] [French]
- Declaration of San Antonio (1996)
- Stockholm Declaration: Declaration of ICOMOS marking the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1998) [Albanian] [French]
- Xi'an Declaration on the Conservation of the Setting of Heritage Structures, Sites and Areas (2005) [Albanian] [Arabic] [French] [Spanish] [Portuguese]
- Québec Declaration on the preservation of the spirit of place (2008) [Arabic] [French] [Portuguese]
- Lima Declaration for disaster risk management of cultural heritage (2010) [Albanian] [Spanish]
- Paris Declaration on heritage as a driver of development (2011) [Albanian] [Arabic] [French]
- Florence Declaration on heritage and landscape as human values (2014) [Arabic] [French] [Italian]
- Delhi Declaration on heritage and democracy (2017)
- Buenos Aires Declaration marking the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (2018) [French]
- Principles for the Conservation of Heritage Sites in China: English language translation, with Chinese text, of the document issued by China ICOMOS. 2nd Printing with revision. Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute, 2004.
- Indonesia Charter for Heritage Conservation / Piagam Pelestarian Pusaka Indonesia (ICOMOS Indonesia) - 2003
- Australia ICOMOS Charter for the Conservation of Places of Cultural Significance - (The Burra Charter) (ICOMOS Australia) - 1981, updated in 2013 - [Albanian] [Arabic] (2013 version) - [French] [Indonesian] [Spanish] (1999 version)
- Charter for the Preservation of Quebec's Heritage (Deschambault Declaration) (ICOMOS Canada) [French]
- Appleton Charter for the Protection and Enhancement of the Built Environment (ICOMOS Canada) - 1983 [French]
- First Brazilian Seminar About the preservation and Revitalization of Historic Centers (ICOMOS Brazil) - 1987
- Charter for the Conservation of Places of Cultural Heritage Value (ICOMOS New Zealand, text revised and approved by the Executive Board of ICOMOS NZ on 4 September 2010) [Maori]
- ICOMOS-Spain Charter for the Integrated Management of Prehistoric Rock Art and its Landscapes (Alicante Charter) - 2023 [Spanish]
- Athens Charter for the Restoration of Historic Monuments (Athens Conference, 21-30 October 1931) [French]
- Final Report of the Meeting on the Preservation and Utilization of Monuments and Sites of Artistic and historical Value held in Quito, Ecuador, 1967
- Declaration of Amsterdam (Congress on the European Architectural Heritage, 21-25 October 1975) - [Albanian] [French]
- European Charter of the Architectural Heritage (Council of Europe, October 1975) [French]
- UNESCO Convention and Recommendations