ICOMOS e-News n° 116: 2015 Annual General Assembly - Fukuoka, Japan - website now available

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e-News n°116

18 July 2024

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2015 Annual General Assembly - Fukuoka, Japan
Website now available! 

The ICOMOS Annual General Assemblies

The new ICOMOS Statutes adopted in November 2014, foresee an annual General Assembly that takes place on the same occasion as the annual Advisory Committee meeting.

The agenda of the annual General Assembly focuses on: receiving the reports of the ICOMOS President and Treasurer on the management by the Board and the health and financial situation of the association; and approving the annual report and accounts and discharging the Board, as well as voting next year’s budget.
All other matters such as adoption of doctrinal texts, elections of the Board and officers, conferring of Honorary membership, voting the ICOMOS General Programme and budgetary guidelines for the next triennium, as well as proposing resolutions for adoption by ICOMOS continue to be dealt with by the triennial General Assembly (next one in 2017, Delhi, India). 

All members shall have the right to attend the General Assembly and may be designated to be a voting member at the General Assembly within the conditions set out in Articles 9-a and 13-d-4 of the Statutes. 

2015 Annual General Assembly

The 2015 Annual General Assembly and Advisory Committee meetings will take place from 26 - 28 October 2015 in Fukuoka on the invitation of ICOMOS Japan. The Annual General Assembly will take place on the afternoon of 27 October only. In addition, the Advisory Committee is organizing a Scientific Symposium on 29 October - Part 3 of the Symposium cycle “Tangible Risks, Intangible Opportunities: Long-Term Risk Preparedness and Responses for Threats to Cultural Heritage” the theme is “Risks to Identity: Loss of Traditions and Collective Memory”. ICOMOS Japan is also organizing cultural visits on 30 October. 

For more information, and to register and book your hotel, go to www.icomosadcom2015.com (Currently available in English. The French and Spanish versions will be available soon). 

Before registering - please consult in particular the page "Delegates" and after registering - please carefully read the information provided in the automatic reply you will receive. 

Registration deadline: 25 September 2015

Inquiries: adcom2015.inquiry@japan-icomos.org

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