ICOMOS e-news n°119: 2015 Annual General Assembly - Preliminary Agenda

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e-News n°119

18 July 2024

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2015 Annual General Assembly & 50th Anniversary Publication 

Annual General Assembly - Preliminary Agenda 

The 2015 Annual General Assembly will take place on the afternoon of 27 October 2015 from 16:00 to 18:00 in Fukuoka, Japan. Its preliminary agenda is now available and will focus on: receiving the reports of the ICOMOS President and Treasurer on the management by the Board and the health and financial situation of the association; and approving the annual report and accounts and discharging the Board, as well as voting next year’s budget. 

All other matters such as adoption of doctrinal texts, elections of the Board and officers, conferring of Honorary membership, voting the ICOMOS General Programme and budgetary guidelines for the next triennium, as well as proposing resolutions for adoption by ICOMOS will be dealt with by the next triennial General Assembly (2017, Delhi, India). 

All members have the right to attend the General Assembly and may be designated to be a voting member at the General Assembly by their National Committee within the conditions set out in Articles 9-a and 13-d-4 of the Statutes.

Download the Preliminary Agenda in English - French

Information & Registration (deadline 25 September 2015): www.icomosadcom2015.com 


50th Anniversary Publication - Call for contributions

From 22-24 June 2015, the Conference “Heritage in Transformation” and the commemorating ceremony of the 50th anniversary of the founding of ICOMOS were held in Warsaw and gathered over 200 participants, representing ICOMOS National and International Scientific Committees from around the world.

ICOMOS Poland is planning to edit the conference publication 'Heritage in Transformation' and invites additional authors to submit proposals of articles by 30 September 2015 to icomos50@gmail.com
Download the call for contributions and the paper format

View the photo gallery of the official 50th anniversary celebration / Download the group photo - 23 June 2015, Warsaw, Poland.

View the photo gallery of the founding General Assembly in 1965 

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