ICOMOS e-news n°123: Proposed amendments to the ICOMOS Statutes - call for comments - deadline 2 May 2016

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e-News n°123

18 July 2024

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Proposed amendments to the Statutes

Extraordinary General Assembly 2016

As foreshadowed at last year’s Annual General Assembly in Fukuoka, the ICOMOS Board is intending to call an Extraordinary General Assembly in conjunction with the forthcoming Annual General Assembly taking place in Istanbul in October 2016, for the purpose of making some minor amendments to the ICOMOS StatutesThe formal notice of meeting will be sent in June.

Draft Amendments

In the meantime, the draft amendments and explanatory notes are being circulated for comment and can be downloaded here. Please send any comments to the International Secretariat (secretariat@icomos.org) by 2 May 2016.

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Istanbul Skyline - © Ulla Moilanen/Flickr

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