ICOMOS e-news n° 125: International Symposium "Heritage and Landscape as Human Values" – Proceedings now available

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e-News n°125

18 July 2024

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International Symposium "Heritage and Landscape as Human Values" – Proceedings now available

The official proceedings of the ICOMOS International Symposium "Heritage and Landscape as Human Values" held in 2014 on the occasion of the 18th ICOMOS General Assembly in Florence are now available for purchase in e-book and hardcopy versions.


This main volume (ISBN ICOMOS 978-2-918086-02-04 / ISBN ESI 978-88-495-3057-5) contains the 196 papers presented by participants on the five themes of the Symposium and submitted in accordance with publishing guidelines, as well as "The Florence Declaration on Heritage and Landscapes as Human Values" in 3 languages, the papers presented at the Youth Forum and a selection of photographs of the event.

Only for Theme 1 “Sharing and experiencing the identity of communities through tourism and interpretation”, a separate volume (ISBN ICOMOS 978-2-918086-14-7 / ISBN ESI 978-88-495-3021-6) comprising the papers presented on this theme is also available. Theme 1 papers are also included in the full proceedings above.

How to order

The e-book and hardcopy versions can be purchased from ESI Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane. ICOMOS members can benefit from a 50% discount on the hardcopy version (+ shipping costs) by purchasing their copy through ICOMOS Italy, not via the editor, by contacting icomos@icomositalia.com.

Please note that the authors of the 196 presented papers will receive an access code to download a free PDF compilation of the papers, whose format is unlike the e-book that can be read on e-readers and other electronic devices.

Future publication

Later this year, another volume containing the papers selected for the Poster and General Interest sections, but not presented during the Symposium, will be published by ICOMOS Italy as an e-book with an ISBN. Its publication will be announced on the ICOMOS website.

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Heritage and Landscape Symposium Florence 2014

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