Upcoming Webinars

"APA #5 Honoring heroes, silencing victims: State memorialization of the Pacific War in the Philippines" ICOMOS Philipinnes, Malaysia and Pakistan - 18 September 2022
"20cHTF Seminar Series #1: New Nation-States within the Twentieth-Century Historic Thematic Framework" ICOMOS ISC20C - 21 September 2022
"Stories of Self-Liberation across the Americas" US ICOMOS - 26 September 2022
"Descubriendo el National Park Service | Session 3: El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro: arrojando luz sobre la gestión de un patrimonio compartido" ICOMOS Spain - 28 September 2022
Learn more here
Send in your upcoming webinars for the next ICOMOS e-News!
If you are an ICOMOS Committee or an ICOMOS Working Group organizing a webinar and want it to be included in the next ICOMOS e-news, please fill out this template and send it to project.intern@icomos.org by 25 September 2022, making sure that the email subject line is entitled: “ICOMOS Upcoming Webinars e-News”.
The Secretariat will then include your webinar in the “Upcoming Webinars” article on the ICOMOS website and in ICOMOS October e-news.
We invite you to watch previous ICOMOS webinars on the ICOMOS Webinars page. If you would like to have your webinar recording added to this page, please contact project.intern@icomos.org.