ICOMOS e-News n°214 - October 2022
ICOMOS has the pleasure of announcing the 2022 winners of the ICOMOS Culture-Nature Prize, funded by your donations to our Giving Tuesday 2021 fundraising campaign.
This year, 5 outstanding Culture-Nature initiatives undertaken by our members have been awarded for their significant contributions to the heritage field in innovative and effective ways.
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ICOMOS was present at the UNESCO World Conference on Cultural Policies and Sustainable Development that was held in Mexico City from 28 to 30 September 2022. This conference was focused on embarking on new priorities for the cultural sector that is fully anchored to perspectives of sustainable development and integrated with the new realities affecting the sector brought forth by the climate crisis and the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. On this occasion, ICOMOS delivered a statement on six issues to deal with in future cultural policies: read it in English, French and Spanish.
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The Climate Heritage Network (CHN), of which ICOMOS is a founding member and its Secretariat, launches new plan to empower people to imagine and realise climate resilient futures through culture - from arts to heritage. The CHN is a global network of more than 250 member organisations committed to supporting communities in achieving the ambitions of the Paris Agreement by scaling up culture-based climate action.
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21 Sept. 2022 – Update: The Viking Ship Hall, Roskilde, Denmark
Whilst the initial ICOMOS Heritage Alert may have contributed to the positive decision not to demolish the hall immediately, and to include it in plans for the new museum site, a number of significant concerns and uncertainties persist and ICOMOS still considers its future to be threatened.
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Heritage Naija 3.0 6-7 October 2022
The EPWG of ICOMOS Nigeria invites you to their annual flagship event "Heritage Naija 3.0". It is a unique Nigerian Heritage Content Based Programme held around the date of Nigeria's Independence anniversary (1 October). Participants will learn about Nigeria's rich heritage, thanks to cross-border dialogues among heritage experts chiefly across the African continent. It is a virtual event scheduled to be held on 6 and 7 October 2022, 10:00-11:30am (GMT+1, Nigeria time).
Read the full programme here.
Follow this event on Zoom.
ICOMOS Side Events at European Week of Regions and Cities 2022 12 and 14 October 2022
We are pleased to announce that ICOMOS will be part of this year's European Week of Regions and Cities with two side events!
Join us in these two webinars, respectively dedicated to the Russian invasion of Ukraine: consequences for Europe and Green transition, with a view on the use of ICOMOS' European Quality Principles. There will be also room for discussion during the second half of the events, which will be dedicated to Q&As.
Registration links:
ICLAFI Symposium and Annual Meeting 2022 17-18 October 2022
Within the scope of the annual meeting of ICLAFI ISC, the symposium on “The Efficacy of Public and Private Partnerships (PPP) in Heritage Conservation” will take place on 17-18 October 2022 in Izmir (Türkiye). The symposium, which is being organized jointly by ICLAFI, ICOMOS Türkiye, Izmir Metropolitan Municipality and TARKEM (Historical Kemeraltı Construction Investment Trade Inc.) will be held in-person with participation of ICLAFI members, but the sessions can be attended online.
Those who are willing to follow the sessions online are cordially invited to register to the symposium here for free until 7 October 2022.
Read the symposium program here.
Upcoming Webinars

"Introducing the Twentieth-century Historic Thematic Framework as a Tool for Identifying, Assessing and Celebrating Heritage Places" International Scientific Committee on Twentieth Century Heritage [ISC20C] and Getty Conservation Institute - 14 October 2022
"Descubriendo el National Park Service, Session 4: Gestionar el registro arqueológico español: los naufragios en Padre Island National Seashore" ICOMOS Spain - 30 November 2022
Learn more here
Send in your upcoming webinars for the next ICOMOS e-News!
If you are an ICOMOS Committee or an ICOMOS Working Group organizing a webinar and want it to be included in the next ICOMOS e-news, please fill out this template and send it to project.intern@icomos.org by 25 October 2022, making sure that the email subject line is entitled: “ICOMOS Upcoming Webinars e-News”.
The Secretariat will then include your webinar in the “Upcoming Webinars” article on the ICOMOS website and in ICOMOS November e-news.
We invite you to watch previous ICOMOS webinars on the ICOMOS Webinars page. If you would like to have your webinar recording added to this page, please contact project.intern@icomos.org.
Calendar / calendrier
Consult the ICOMOS Calendar of events by ICOMOS National Committees and International Scientific Committes.