ICOMOS e-News n°240 - August 2024


Joint UNESCO/ICOMOS mission to help enhance emergency preparedness of the Saint Sophia Cathedral complex, Kyiv


From 28 July to 7 August 2024, a joint UNESCO/ICOMOS mission on Advanced documentation of the state of conservation and emergency preparedness planning for the Saint-Sophia Cathedral complex took place in Kyiv, Ukraine.

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46th Session of the World Heritage Committee in New Delhi, India


The 46th Session of the World Heritage Committee took place from 21 to 31 July 2024 in New Delhi, India. Both the ICOMOS Evaluation Unit and the Monitoring Unit were present through their Directors, along with ICOMOS President Teresa Patrício, General Director Marie-Laure Lavenir, and ICOMOS World Heritage Advisors and Board members.

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Preserving Legacies: Publication of 2 New Risk Assessments Reports


The Preserving Legacies team, in collaboration with ICOMOS and local authorities, has published Climate Risk Assessment reports related to the project's first year primary sites: Petra and the Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras.

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The 2023 ICOMOS Annual Report is available!


This report showcases the dedication of the ICOMOS network to protecting cultural heritage worldwide throughout 2023. It highlights last year's activities and achievements, including research publications and international events.

Read the Annual Report

Africa24 Conference - Early Bird Registration


The Africa24 conference will be held from 25 to 29 November 2024 in Mombasa, Kenya, and will focus on the conservation of built heritage in Africa to provide support to African local communities and professionals. Register before 10 October to get early bird tickets! 

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