Call for Candidatures: Focal Point for the ICOMOS Climate Action Working Group (2024-2027)
The ICOMOS Climate Change and Heritage Working Group (CCHWG) was formed in 2017 to help address cultural heritage issues related to climate change. In 2021, the group was renamed the Climate Action Working Group (CAWG) and expanded its focus to include the implementation of the 2021–2024 ICOMOS Triennial Scientific Plan, education, resource creation, and managing key climate-related projects, including the National Geographic-funded Preserving Legacies Project and ongoing efforts to development of a Climate Action Toolkit for World Heritage.
The work of the CAWG is managed by a volunteer Focal Point. William Megarry, who has served as Focal Point since 2021, has indicated his intention to step down from the post in Autumn 2024. He remains committed to the Working Group and to supporting his successor during the initial months of their tenure. ICOMOS is therefore seeking candidates to take on this volunteer Focal Point position for the period from November 2024 through to November 2027
For more information on the position and how to apply, click here.
The candidate’s CV (maximum 2 pages) and motivation letter (maximum 1 page) in English should be sent to secretariat[at] by 22 September 2024.