Call for Candidatures: Focal Point for the ICOMOS Sustainable Development Working Group (2024-2027)
Since 2011, ICOMOS has been closely engaged with the topic of heritage and sustainable development. This advocacy predates the formation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in 2015 and it remains actively engaged with the pursuit of advocating for a more holistic Culture Goal beyond 2030. ICOMOS’ work is undertaken by the Sustainable Development Goals Working Group (SDGWG) under the coordination of a volunteer ICOMOS Focal Point.
The period of appointment of the current Focal Point, Mr Gabriel Caballero, concludes at the end 2024 – and we are therefore seeking candidates to take on this volunteer position for the period November 2024- November 2027.
For more information on the position and how to apply, click here.
The candidate’s CV (maximum 2 pages) and motivation letter (maximum 1 page) in English should be sent to secretariat[at] by 22 September 2024.