Upcoming Webinars
Conference on "Risk and Emergency Management in Cultural Heritage: Safeguard Plans"
Conference on Risk and Emergency Management
ICOMOS Spain, Patronato de la Alhambra y Generalife and Plan Nacional de Emergencias y Gestión de Riesgos en Patrimonio Cultural (PNEGR)
09:00 AM - 7:30 PM GMT+2
13 - 16 September 2023
Join the 4-day hybrid conference, organised by ICOMOS España, the Board of Patronato de la Alhambra y Generalife, and the Spanish National Plan for Emergencies and Risk Management (Plan Nacional de Emergencias y Gestión de Riesgos).
This conference aims to provide essential training for individuals involved in the development and implementation of emergency safety plans for cultural heritage. The programme will cover threat analysis, vulnerability assessment, preventive measures, and immediate responses to various risk situations. It includes engaging theoretical sessions, practical exercises and in-depth examination of real-life examples.
- The conference language will be in Spanish only -
Read here for more information.
Click here to register.
Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT) - ICOMOS Austria
Annual Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies
CHNT Hybrid annual conference
09:00 AM - 11:30 PM
15 - 17 November 2023
Join the annual conference organised by International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies in collaboration with Stadt Wien on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies.
This year's conference will focus on innovative strategies in archaeology and cultural heritage. It will explore the integration of technology, digital access and circular economy principles to address challenges and present the latest research. Key topics will include digital impact, ethics, authenticity, and interdisciplinary collaboration in cultural heritage.
Read here for more information.
Click here to register.
International Scientific Committee for the Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites - ICIP
Call for Expressions of Interest
Submission deadline: 27 July 2023
ICIP Hybrid Sumposium
30 August 2023
Join the ICIP Hybrid Symposium on Heritage Interpretation that will take place just before the ICOMOS General Assembly in Sydney.The symposium aims to bring together heritage interpretation professionals from around the world to share their research, best practices, challenges and innovations.
Click here for more information.
ICOMOS Europe Group / ISC20C
Challenges and Dissonance of 20th Century Heritage
20 June 2023
Join the ICOMOS Europe Group and the International Scientific Committee on 20th Century Heritage for a public seminar on dissonant heritage, urban layers, war graves and symbols of occupation. Multiple case studies from Estonia, Serbia, Kosovo, Germany, Romania, Moldova, Italy, Türkiye, Slovenia and Norway will be discussed, with experts from all over Europe!
Click here to join the livestream.
More information on the programme here.
International Scientific Committee on Shared Built Heritage - ISCSBH
ISCSBH Webinar and Workshop Towards Sydney 2023
17 June 2023
10:30 AM CEST (Paris time)
Join the International Scientific Committee on Shared Built Heritage (ISCSBH) webinar to learn about the work of heritage experts in Australia and the use of the term "shared" in Australian cultural heritage activities. Explore Australia's diverse cultural landscape and multi-faceted heritage shaped by indigenous foundations, British institutions and multicultural migrations - while getting ready for the 21st International ICOMOS General Assembly in Sydney, 31 August-9 September 2023
Click here to register.
ICOMOS Denmark and ICOMOS Germany
Summer School 2023: Coastal Heritage in Climate Change
24 June - 1 July 2023
9:30 AM - 3:30 PM CEST
ICOMOS Denmark and ICOMOS Germany are organising a hybrid summer school to share open intercultural exchange and explore effective strategies to safeguard coastal heritage affected by climate change. This initiative is inspired by the theme "Leave No One Behind" of the UIA World Congress of Architects 2023 in Copenhagen.
Click here to register.
More information on the programme here.
International Scientific Committee on Risk Preparedness - ICORP
Expect the Unexpected: Earthquakes
8 May 2023
2:00 PM CET
Join us for the upcoming ICOMOS ICORP event on Expect Unexpected: Earthquakes! Our Crisis Monitoring and Response Working Group (CMRH-WG) is hosting this panel series to share knowledge and experiences on protecting cultural heritage from natural events and unexpected disasters.
The panel will focus on the critical response phase of emergencies for cultural heritage users. This event will be a great opportunity to learn about the best practices in earthquake disaster management.
Click here to attend.
More information on the programme here.
Conservation of 20th Century Architectural Heritage : Research, Education and Practice
Hybrid event / Pisa, Piombino
6 May 2023
9:00AM - 1:15 PM CET
Learn more about modern cultural landscapes, Innovaconcrete and Erasmus+ projects related to concrete, the Cadiz Document, the 20th century heritage and its similarities and divergences with previous heritage, conserving the works of Frank Llyod Wright and understanding the Tripoli Fair by OscarNiemeyer. Listen to the intake and presentations by 7 experts and 20th century heritage professionals The seminar will be followed by a round table discussion and a live Q&A.
Click here to attend.
More information on the programme here.
Future for the Modern Past: Heritage-led Development for IIM Ahmedabad
Online event
13-14 April 2023
17:00-20:15 IST / 13:30-16:45 CEST
ICOMOS India and Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi Institute for Architecture and Environmental Studies (KRVIA) present present: Future for the Modern Past: Heritage-led Development for IIM Ahmedabad - a school of which the old campus has been on ICOMOS' Heritage Alert radar since 2021.
This online seminar will be attended by more than 20 speakers who will be sharing insights and best practices for the sustainable management of cultural and historical buildings.
Click here to register.
More information on the programme here.
Industrial Heritage and Today's Transformation of Cities
Online event
30 March 2023
9:00AM-16:00PM CEST
Register now to learn more about international practices in the field at the micro and macro levels.
Click here to register.
More information on the programme here.
ICOMOS at UN Water Conference 2023
Learning from the science of the past to inform the science of the future
Online event
11am – 12:30pm New York
4 -5:30pm CET
Listening only to the science of the future risks forgetting the lessons of the past. Climate change will not only affect the earth's biodiversity, landscapes and ecosystems, but also have significant impacts on humanity with economic, political, cultural, health and identity implications especially in small island developing states. Rising sea levels and storm surges will inundate coastal towns and heritage on the coastal margins, threatening the very existence of entire communities.
This session will bring together experts on these themes to explore various topics that have a major impact on waters, both inland and offshore, which are critical elements of the 2030 Agenda.
Click here to register.
More information on the programme here.
Eryldene Trust
Climate Resilience: Understanding New Challenges for Historic Gardens
Online event / Gordon, AUSTRALIA
30 March 2023
9:00AM-12:30PM CEST
Register now to participate in a webinar which will explore how historic gardens around the world are building resilience to climate change.
Click here to register.
More information on the programme here.
International Scientific Committee on Twentieth Century Heritage [ISC20C] and Getty Conservation Institute
Global Corporations within the 20th Century Historic Thematic Framework
Hybrid event / Rome, ITALY
27 January 2023
3pm CET
Centered around Theme 4 of the 20cHTF that embraces “World Trade and Global Corporations”, this seminar focuses on the subtheme that relates to the rise of multinational corporations and the consequent realization of international manufacturing plants, corporate and organizational headquarters and office buildings, as well as showrooms, workers housing estates and social services. With three different case studies, covering buildings and sites from diverse geographical, historical and political contexts, the workshop aims to open up the conversation around the particular difficulties of heritage relating to global corporations and potential benefits of engaging with the ISC20C framework.
Click here to register.
ICOMOS Scientific Committee on Water [ISC Water] - Webinar on Valuing Water Culture and Heritage
Connecting Past, Present and Future
Hybrid event / New York City, USA
2 December 2022
1-3 PM CET
This webinar provides insights from academics and practitioners on the significance of water related heritage in sustainably solving present and future water related challenges.
Webinar programme:
-Meeting Chair / Welcome by the host
-Water management perspective on water heritage
-Heritage perspective on Water
-Bridging the divides of Water, Culture and Heritage: The Blue Paper, Water Values Game and Professional
-The Dutch Compendium
-Discussion chair / First round of comments
-Further discussion with the audience
To download the programme, click here
Link to the ZOOM webinar
ICOMOS International Wood Committee [IIWC] - 24th International Symposium on the Conservation of Wooden Heritage
Learning from Inherited Knowledge
Hybrid event / Castro, Chiloé, CHILE
28 November - 3 December 2022
The archipelago of Chiloé, in the south of Chile, will host the 24th International Symposium and IIWC.
Following topics will be discussed:
-The great diversity of the heritage built in wood, and all the associated intangible heritage.
-The skills of carpenters and builders and their cultural, traditional and ancestral knowledge.
-The continuous evolution of cultural values over time and the need to periodically verify how they are identified and how authenticity is determined in order to adapt to changing perceptions and attitudes.
-Different local traditions, building practices and conservation approaches, taking into account the wide variety of methodologies and techniques that can be employed in conservation.
-Wood as container and content in different heritages throughout history.
The presentations of Chilean experts will be ONSITE, those of experts from other countries could be ONLINE or ONSITE.
To download the programme, click here
Want to register to the online events?
1) Select "ONLINE PARTICIPATION" and pay online
2) Fill out the registration form
Deadline: 15 November
International Scientific Committee on Twentieth Century Heritage [ISC20C] and Getty Conservation InstituteIntroducing the Twentieth-century Historic Thematic Framework as a Tool for Identifying, Assessing and Celebrating Heritage Places
ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on 20th Century Heritage with the Getty Conservation Institute invites you for a webinar introducing the Twentieth Century Historic Thematic Framework (20cHTF)
The webinar aims to bring together professionals to learn, debate and stimulate the use of the 20cHTF.
The seminar will introduce the framework and outline its ten themes. Three guest speakers will present their experiences working with parallel frameworks and join a roundtable discussion to discuss why and how the 20cHTF can be used to broaden and stimulate the protection of 20th-century heritage.
The seminar will be conducted in English and online.
14 October 2022
17:00 - 19:00 CEST
Contact person: Vice President Grethe Pontoppidan, gp[at]arkitekturet.dk
Registration link
Link to the Introductory Seminar Page
Link to the Seminar Series Page
ICOMOS SpainDescubriendo el National Park Service
The cycle of webinars aims to reflect on the management model of the National Park Service and to show the management strategies developed in three national parks closely related to the Spanish presence in the current United States of America: the Castillo de San Marcos, El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro and Padre Island National Seashore.
Session 2: El Castillo de San Marcos y la preservación del legado colonial español
25 May 2022
17:30 (CET)
Session 3: El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro: arrojando luz sobre la gestión de un patrimonio compartido
28 September 2022
17:30 (CET)
Session 4: Gestionar el registro arqueológico español: los naufragios en Padre Island National Seashore
30 November 2022
17:30 (CET)
To register and to download the programme, click here
International Scientific Committee on Twentieth Century Heritage [ISC20C]Exploring the Twentieth-century Historic Thematic Framework in the European context
ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on 20th Century Heritage (ISC20C) together with the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), invites members and heritage professionals to a series of European seminars that present and discuss the Twentieth Century Historic Thematic Framework (20cHTF) from Fall 2022 to Spring 2023.
The seminars aim to bring together professionals, policymakers, academics, and representatives from heritage groups and organizations currently practicing within the modern built heritage, with an intent to learn, debate and stimulate the use of the 20cHTF.
Fall 2022 – Spring 2023
Register here to get more information
Official Webinar series website