20th ICOMOS General Assembly – Register now and consult the working documents
Dear ICOMOS members,
The 20th ICOMOS General Assembly is now only one month away – it’s time to register and study the working documents!
As you know, the General Assembly will take place through 3 online sessions on:
- Thursday, 3 December 2020 – starting 12:00 pm (noon) until approx. 13:00 or 14:00 CET (In accordance with art. 9.c. of the ICOMOS Statutes, “should the voting members present and represented come from less than the required third of National Committees, the General Assembly shall be adjourned for one hour and reconvened, after which its decisions shall be valid regardless of the number of National Committees.”)
- Monday, 7 December 2020 – starting 12:00 pm (noon) until approx. 14:00 pm CET
- Wednesday, 16 December 2020 - starting 12:00 pm (noon) until approx. 13:30 pm CET
All ICOMOS members wishing to attend the 20th General Assembly must register for all the sessions they plan to attend by filling out this online form by latest 1 December.
ICOMOS has decided as an exception to waive the registration fee so that this first online General Assembly can be accessible to all members and benefit from the widest possible participation. We wish to invite you to make a donation via the ICOMOS 2020 Giving Day platform so as to support us in covering the costs of the event (interpretation, voting and meeting tools). We need to raise 15 000 €. By giving 30 € you will cover the cost of your own attendance. Not everybody will be able to give. If you can donate more – please do so. |
Working Documents and Voting
The General Assembly working documents and draft resolutions are available at this link.See below the information sessions and calendar for sending written questions on any working documents or draft resolutions ahead of the General Assembly.
The agenda includes all the items that are part of the General Assembly. Items blocked in grey will be addressed during the online sessions (and for some also on the voting platforms) and items in white will only be the object of voting on the voting platforms. All timings for items are tentative.
Except for the business resolutions on 3 December, all other voting (for the Board elections and other resolutions) will be done via successive online voting platforms (the same type we used for the July General Assembly). The voting platforms will be open for 24 hours in parallel to the meeting sessions – on the same days. Designated voting members will be provided with more information on how to vote nearer to the date (see also the information sessions below).
Resolutions consultation calendar and prior written questions on Statutory Reports
The 1st drafts of the resolutions proposed for adoption by the General Assembly is now available. Discussion of the draft resolutions will take place through a prior online Information session and written comments on the successive drafts made available to the membership according to the calendar below. During the General Assembly online session of 7 December, the Chair of the Resolutions Committee will provide clarifications under item 6-2 of the agenda in response to a selection of prior written questions (sent in by 4 December) so as to facilitate voting choices by the membership - there will be no further discussion at that time on the final draft texts of the resolutions. Members who wish to comment on the successive drafts or send in clarification requests are invited to send their comments/questions to GA2020-Resolutions@icomos.org by the deadlines mentioned below (please state your name and National Committee in your email).
- 4 November – publication of 1st drafts of the resolutions
- 9 November – publication of 2nd drafts (including any draft resolutions coming from the Advisory Committee and considered urgent and important by the Board)
- 10 November – online Resolutions Information Session (see below for details)
- 14 November – deadline for written comments on 1st and 2nd drafts of the resolutions
- 21 November – publication of the 3rd drafts of the resolutions (taking into account comments received by 14 November)
- 24 November – deadline for written comments on the 3rd drafts of the resolutions
- 1 December – publication of the final draft resolutions to be submitted to the General Assembly for voting via the online voting platform and the Resolutions Committee report.
- 4 December – deadline for written questions to be raised under item “6-2 Question & Answer on Resolutions” of the General Assembly agenda on 7 December.
Members wishing to send in written questions for the President, Secretary General and Treasurer General arising from the statutory reports included in the working documents should do so by 24 November to secretariat@icomos.org (please state your name and National Committee in the email – and to whom your question is addressed). A selection of questions will be answered under item “5-4 Question & Answer Session on Statutory Reports” on 7 December within the time available.
Information Sessions for Members
The General Assembly will be preceded by a number of optional online Information Sessions in November:
- Tuesday 10 November (10:00 and again at 18:00 CET – Paris time): Proposed draft resolutions – for members who have questions for the Resolutions Committee on the proposed draft resolutions - download here the presentation used for this information session
- Tuesday 17 November (12:00 CET – Paris time) : ICOMOS Financial reports and draft budget – for members who want to ask questions to the Treasurer and Director General about the financial reports included in the working documents - recording of the meeting available on request by writing to secretariat[at]icomos.org
- Tuesday 24 November (10:00 and again at 18:00 CET – Paris time): General Assembly procedures and voting – for members who want clarifications on how the online General Assembly will work and in particular the vote - recording of the meeting available on request by writing to secretariat[at]icomos.org
Download the presentation on the GA procedutres and voting, as well as the document presenting the Euro-Vote online voting platform.
We thank you for your cooperation.
Yours sincerely
The ICOMOS International Secretariat
See also:
More information about the ICOMOS 20th General Assembly
List of candidates for the Board elections with their video presentations