International Day for Monuments and Sites - 18 April 2017 - Events

In 2017, the theme is “Cultural Heritage & Sustainable Tourism”, chosen in relation to the United Nations International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development and in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals.
ICTC - Albania - Armenia - Australia - Bolivia - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Canada - Costa Rica - China - Croatia - Cuba - Cyprus - Dominican Republic - France - Greece - Guatemala - India - Iran - Ireland - Italia - Latvia - Lithuania - North Macedonia - Malaysia - Mali - Morocco - Mexico - Pakistan - Philippines - Portugal - Russia - Serbia - Seychelles - Spain - Tunisia - Turkey. - Venezuela - U.S.A. -
NB: The language of the descriptions is such as we received them .
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Who? ICOMOS ISC Cultural Tourism (ICTC)
What? International Expert Symposium: Cultural Heritage Conservation & Sustainable Tourism & International Cultural Tourism Charter Review +20 Workshop 2017. This important two day workshop is a key event for ICOMOS & the International Scientific Committee on Cultural Tourism (ICTC) in 2017.
When? Thursday 18 - Friday 19 May
Where? Romualdo del Bianco Foundation, Florence, Italy
Official contact:; ICOMOS ICTC President Sue Millar
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Culture Heritage in Përmet as a great potential for a sustainable tourism
Who? ICOMOS Albania-University of Tirana
What? International Day for Monuments and Sites 2017, will be held in the city of Përmet. On that day we are launching an initiative called: “the doors".We choose this element, as a significant architectural detail which is 'symbol of hospitality' and generosity ' of Përmet.Starting from that day, the students of Culture Heritage will work for two weeks, for the documentation of the doors of the historic city.
When? The first week of May, 2017
Where? Historic Centre of Përmet, Albania
Official contact:;
“The cultural heritage of Yerevan and the sustainable tourism. Erebuni, Karmir blur, Shengavit”.
Who? ICOMOS/Armenia & “Erebuni” Historical Archaeological Museum-Reserve
What? This year, on April 18, within the framework of the International Day for Monuments and Sites, ICOMOS/Armenia in close collaboration with “Erebuni” Historical & Archaeological Museum-Reserve will organize an exhibition entitled “The cultural heritage of Yerevan and the sustainable tourism. Erebuni, Karmir blur, Shengavit” in “Erebuni” Historical & Archaeological Museum-Reserve.
The main goal of the exhibition is to highlight the problems concerning the reconstruction and visitors service modernization of the archaeological sites of Erebuni, Karmir blur and Shengavit , using new approaches and technologies with the help of models, drawing and informative posters.
When? 2017, 18 April, 14:00
Where? Republic of Armenia, Yerevan, Erebuni 38
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2017 Jim Kerr Address
Who? Australia ICOMOS
What? Guest speaker Richard Johnson AO OBE, will present the talk HERITAGE – INHERITANCE “Contemporary Relevance and Continuity”, which will explore that which we have inherited from the past and its continued value and contemporary relevance as an expression of our living culture.
When? Tuesday 18 April 2017, 5.30pm
Where? Sydney Opera House, Bennelong Point, Sydney 2000
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Tasmania’s Historical Tourists, Their Legacy – Our Heritage, and Sustainable Management, free public lecture
Who? Australia ICOMOS & Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery
What? Guest speakers will explore the heritage of historical tourism in Tasmania in the context of the sustainable management of heritage sites.
When? Thursday 20 April 2017, 5.30pm
Where? Royal Society Room, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart
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Sustainable Heritage? How does sustaining Cultural Heritage relate to Sustainable Tourism? Panel/Talk
Who? Australia ICOMOS
What? The panel will explore various issues around this main question: What is Sustainable Tourism when related to Cultural Heritage, what is ‘Sustainable Heritage?
When? Thursday 20 April 2017, 5.00pm
Where? Menzies Room, National Archives of Australia, East Block, Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes, Canberra
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Marking the Rolls – Preserving Queensland’s Architectural Heritage
Who? Australia ICOMOS, University of Queensland and the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection
What? Marking the Rolls – Preserving Queensland’s Architectural Heritage will see the official launch of a new digitised architectural research resource by the Honourable Dr Steven Miles MP, Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection and Minister for National Parks and the Great Barrier Reef.
When? Tuesday 18 April 2017, 5.00pm
Where? Fryer Library, Duhig Tower (2), University of Queensland, St Lucia Campus
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International Day of Monuments and Sites.
Who? Bolivian National Committee ICOMOS Bolivia, Faculty of Architecture, Arts, Urbanism and Design
What? Analysis and diffusion of the main characteristics and importance of different sites recognized as World Heritage, in relation to its tourist use and that allows visibilizing the contribution to local and regional economic growth, social inclusion, and efficient use of resources
When? Tuesday, April 18, 15.00 - 21.00
Where? Bolivia, city of La Paz, Bicentennial Square
Official contact
Coffee and Marraqueta Conversatory, III Cycle Heritage, University and Society
Who? Bolivian National Committee ICOMOS Bolivia, Heritage and Culture Program for the Development of the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation for Development (AECID), Cultural Center of Spain in La Paz
What? To make visible the work and experiences of training, research and social interaction linked to the conservation, research and management of Cultural Heritage, which has been developing the University of San Andrés through its different careers and research institutes.
When? Monthly Activity, last Wednesday of each month, 18.30 - 9.00 p.m.
Where? Bolivia, city of La Paz, Cultural Center of Spain in La Paz (Av. Camacho 1484).
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Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tourism Cultural Heritage & Sustainable
Who? ICOMOS National Committee in B&H, Ilijas Municipality, Ilijas NGOs (Napredak,..)
What? The Old Town Dubrovnik, Koposici-locality of Stecis with its very important landscape are great potentials for Sustainable Tourism. The delegation from NGO (DPDS) from Dubrovnik (Croatia) will participate too.
When? 22nd April 2017
Where? Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ilijas Municipality, Old Town Dubrovnik and Koposici
Official contact ICOMOS National Committee in B&HOfficial website
Table ronde : le mont Royal, le patrimoine et le tourisme
Who? Héritage Montréal et Les amis de la montagne
What? Présentation d’une table ronde pour échanger sur les différents enjeux entourant le tourisme et la préservation du patrimoine dans le cas précis du mont Royal : l’accès, la gestion quotidienne et l’expérience des usagers et visiteurs ainsi que les actions entourant la reconnaissance internationale de la montagne. Avec la participation de : Dinu Bumbaru, directeur des politiques, Héritage Montréal et Ancien secrétaire général, ICOMOS, Fergus Maclaren, expert canadien membre du Comité international scientifique sur le tourisme culturel, ICOMOS, David Maneli, responsable des sciences et des communications, Réserve naturelle Gault, Université McGill, Sylvie Guilbault, directrice générale, Les amis de la montagne, Geneviève Poirier-Ghys, responsable de la conservation et des communications, Centre de la Nature du mont Saint-Hilaire
When? mercredi 19 avril, 2017 de 17 h 30 à 19 h 30
Where? Cercle Universitaire de McGill, Salle à manger principale, 2e étage (3450, rue McTavish, Montréal, Québec, Canada)
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Mount Royal, Cultural Heritage and Tourism Roundtable Discussion
Heritage Montreal and Les amis de la montagne
What? This discussion will allow participants to exchange views on the various stakes concerning tourism and the preservation of cultural heritage on Mount Royal related to its access, the daily management and experience of users and visitors as well as actions pertaining to the mountain’s international recognition. Dinu Bumbaru, Policy Director, Heritage Montreal and Former ICOMOS Secretary General, Sylvie Guilbault, Executive Director, Les amis de la montagne, David Maneli, Science & Communication Manager, Gault Nature Reserve, McGill University, Fergus Maclaren, Canadian National Expert representative on the ICOMOS International Cultural Tourism Committee, Geneviève Poirier-Ghys, Conservation and Communications Officer, Centre de la Nature du mont Saint-Hilaire
When? Wednesday, April 19, 2017, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
McGill Faculty Club, Dining room, second floor, 3450 McTavish Street, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
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Running Wall Lovers
Who? ICOMOS International Conservation Center-Xi’an
What? Running
When? April the 18th 2017, 13h00-16h00
Where? On the City Wall of Xi’an between the South Gate and Hanguang Gate (arranged for the time being)
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Event Visit
Who? ICOMOS International Conservation Center-Xi’an
What? A visit of the Daming Palace National Heritage Park in the morning and parent-child games in the afternoon
When? : April 2017
Where? Daming Palace National Heritage Park / Dahua mill Industrial Heritage Museum
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Title of your event Great Wild Goose Pagoda scenic area
Who? ICOMOS International Conservation Center-Xi’an
What? Lecture
When? : April 2017
Where? Great Wild Goose Pagoda
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Title of your event Qinglong Temple sakura festival
Who? ICOMOS International Conservation Center-Xi’an
What? Festival
When? late March 2017
Where? Qinglong Temple scenic area
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Title of your event Cultural activities in the Chongwen Pagoda areaWho? ICOMOS International Conservation Center-Xi’an
What? Brick painting workshop
When? April the 16th 2017, 9h00-12h00
Where? Chongwen Pagoda area
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Title of your event Lecture about Shaaxi Merchants
Who? ICOMOS International Conservation Center-Xi’an
What? Lecture
When? April the 16th 2017, 10h00-11h30
Where? Chongwen Pagoda scenic area
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Title of your event Little museum lover
Who? ICOMOS International Conservation Center-Xi’an
What? One-day tour inside the Chongwen Pagoda scenic area
When? April the 16th 2017, 14h00-15h30
Where? Chongwen Pagoda scenic area
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Title of your event Stage
Who? ICOMOS International Conservation Center-Xi’an
What? Stage
When? March to April, 2017
Where? Online: Use Weibo, Webchat and the social network of our partners
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Title of your event: Symposium on “Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Tourism”
Who? ICOMOS CHINA, Zhongshan University School ofTourism
What? presentations of scholars and experts on the conservation and use of cultural heritage, dialogues and discussions, live broadcasting and interaction with the public
When? April 18, 2017
Where? Zhuhai city, Guangdong Province
Official contact: ICOMOS CHINA, Zhongshan University School of Tourism
Costa Rica
Patrimonio cultural y turismo sostenible, Recuperar la ciudad de Limon para la gente que la vive
Who? ICOMOS Costa Rica
What? The Old Town Dubrovnik, Koposici-locality of Stecis with its very important landscape are great potentials for Sustainable Tourism. The delegation from NGO (DPDS) from Dubrovnik (Croatia) will participate too.
When? viernes 21 y sabado 22 de abril 2017
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Title of your event: “Living with Heritage: Conservation of Protected Urban Settings and Sustainable Tourism in Croatia”
Who? ICOMOS Croatia
What? It is a part of a series of annual conferences entitled Dialogues with Heritage
When? 20-21 April 2017
Where? Rijeka (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences), Croatia
Title of your event: Dialogues with Heritage (Living with Heritage)
Who? Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Rijeka –ICOMOS Croatia
What? Annual meeting of heritage experts in Croatia on the occasion of 18 April
Who? 20 and 21 April 2017
Where ? Croatia, Rijeka, Sveucilisna avenija 3
Official contact : Prof. Marijan Bradanovic,
El Premio Nacional de Conservación y Restauración de MonumentosWho? Consejo Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural
What? Short presentation of the event: tiene una frecuencia anual, fue entregado por primera vez el 18 de Abril de 2003, en ocasión de celebrar el Día Internacional de los Monumentos y Sitios. Desde esa ocasión, cada 18 de abril el Consejo Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural otorga el Premio Nacional de Conservación y Restauración de Monumentos con la finalidad de estimular la protección y rescate de los Monumentos Nacionales y Locales, así como el patrimonio edificado, histórico y natural de la nación. Solo toman parte las obras propuestas por las Comisiones Provinciales de Monumentos que han sido concluidas en el año que se convoca en cada provincia. El jurado es nombrado por el Consejo Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural entre especialistas de reconocido prestigio en el tema, cuyo fallo es inapelable.
El Premio se otorga en dos categorías:
Conservación: por la salvaguarda y autenticidad de un Monumento o bien patrimonial, demostrando excelencia en el cuidado, manejo y uso del mismo (consiste en Trofeo, Diploma y 5000.00 pesos cubanos.
Restauración: por el rigor y calidad integral de la inversión, proyecto y ejecución de una obra que conlleve al rescate de los valores del bien restaurado, o la readaptación de un inmueble para un uso contemporáneo diferente al original, preservando y realzando con creatividad sus cualidades o una nueva inserción, respetuosa con su entorno (consiste en: al Inversionista Principal: Trofeo, Diploma y 5000.00 pesos cubanos, al Proyectista Principal: Trofeo, Diploma y 5000.00 pesos cubanos, y al Ejecutor Principal: Trofeo, Diploma y 5000.00 pesos cubanos)
When?18 de Abril de 2017
Where? La Habana, Cuba
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Title of your event: Screening of the film ''Hail Arcadia'' by Filippos Koutsaftis, within the framework of the April 18th celebration
Who? Department of Antiquities of Cyprus, ICOMOS Cyprus
What? Screening of the film ''The Mourning Rock (in Greek: Agelastos Petra)'' by Filippos Koutsaftis, in the presence of the director. Discussion will follow.
When? 21 April 2017
Where? Nicosia, Artosin Nicosia, Cyprus
Dominican Republic
La Declaratoria del Comité Dominicano del ICOMOS con motivo del Día Internacional de los Monumentos y Sitios
What? Dans ce cadre, ICOMOS France vous propose une expérience touristique à Paris, mardi 18 avril 2017, le temps d'une balade avec un greeters, ("Hôte/hôtesse" en anglais).
Les greeters de France accueillent les touristes gratuitement et en ami, pour une balade personnalisée. Les greeters ne sont pas des guides mais des habitants passionnés de leur ville ou région qui souhaitent partager avec vous les histoires de leur quartier, vous révéler des lieux inconnus ou vous indiquer les bonnes adresses du coin. Au cours d’une balade, ils vous montrent leur vie quotidienne comme ils le feraient pour des amis. Cette forme de tourisme basée sur la convivialité, la gratuité et la rencontre est une manière différente de découvrir la ville. 4 balades seront réalisées par des Greeters
When? l e18 avril 2017
Where? Paris
Nous vous invitons à réserver votre balade avant le jeudi 13 avril 2017 13h00 puisque nous disposons seulement de 24 places.
Afin que l'expérience touristique soit totale, le lieu et le thème de votre balade ne seront révélés qu'au moment de votre inscription.
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What? Workshop : « Les nouvelles pratiques du tourisme durable : le Paris des Parisiens»
A l’occasion de La journée internationale des monuments et des sites, ICOMOS France amorce une réflexion sur « Les nouvelles pratiques du tourisme durable : le Paris des Parisiens » en partenariat avec les étudiants de l’IREST et le Comité scientifique du tourisme culturel de l'ICOMOS.
Dans ce contexte, ICOMOS France propose aux étudiants de l’IREST de mener une étude sur les nouvelles formes de tourisme durable à Paris. L’étude sera composée de travaux réalisés par les étudiants et enrichie par une enquête de terrain menée par les promotions 2017-2018.
La restitution des travaux aura lieu au Salon international du patrimoine culturel qui se tiendra du 2 au 5 novembre 2017 sur le thème « Le Patrimoine et le tourisme culturel ». Les étudiants bénéficieront d’un créneau de conférence d’une heure pour présenter leur travail.
Objectifs :
- Inviter les futures jeunes professionnels à participer aux travaux d’ICOMOS France
- Renforcer les liens entre l’IREST et ICOMOS France
- Établir des liens plus solides avec les réseaux universitaire et notamment UNITWIN
Rejoindre les thématiques de travail du CSI Tourisme Culturel
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Who? ICOMOS Hellenic National Committee, under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and the Hellenic National Committee for UNESCO
What? One day thematic conference “Cultural Heritage & Sustainable Tourism in Greece”
When? Wednesday, April 26th 2017
Where? National Technical University of Athens, School of Architecture, Averoff Building.
35 Stournari St., Athens.
Official contact: ICOMOS Hellenic National Committee, Peireos 73, 10553, Athens Greece, icomoshellenic[at]
Official website:
Who? Hellenic National Committee, under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and the Hellenic National Committee for UNESCO.
What? Celebration event (photo exhibition, one-day conference) on the occasion of the international day on Tourism (27th September 2017).
When? Wednesday, September 27th 2017
Where? ICOMOS Hellenic National Committee Building
Peireos 73, 10553, Athens Greece
Official contact: ICOMOS Hellenic National Committee, Peireos 73, 10553, Athens Greece, icomoshellenic[at]
Official website:
"Revalorando lo Nuestro"2.
Who? Museo de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala3.
When? Miércoles 19 de abril, de 10:30 a 16:30 hrs.4. ¿Dónde? País: Guatemala, Ciudad de Guatemala, zona 1, Centro Histórico5.
Where? El antiguo Edificio de la Universidad de San Carlos -USAC-, hoy es la sede del Museo de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala -MUSAC-, es un emblemático edificio es de estilo neoclásico, posee la belleza interior y exterior que ostentaba en el siglo XIX, gracias a un delicado proceso de restauración emprendido en 1985, a raíz de los terremotos de 1917-18 y de 1976. Luego en 1994, fue inaugurado como Museo. Por cualidades estéticas e históricas el edificio fue declarado Monumento Nacional por el Ministerio de Educación en 1970, y Monumento Histórico por la USAC en 1997. Es una joya del Centro Histórico de la Ciudad de Guatemala, rodeado de arquitecturas del siglo XIX, XX y XXI.La actividad tiene como objetivo que se conozca el proceso de rescate y revalorización de este Monumento.ACTIVIDADES
10:30 a 12:00 hrs.
Mesa Redonda “Revalorando lo Nuestro”
Restauración y puesta en valor del Antiguo Edificio de la Universidad de San Carlos -USAC- Con la participación del Equipo Técnico del Departamento de Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Inmuebles Culturales –DECORBIC- del Instituto de Antropología e Historia -IDAEH- y arquitectos vinculados a la restauración del Edificio.
Para estudiantes de historia, arte, restauración, arquitectura, turismo o áreas afines Admisión Gratuita15:00 a 16:30 hrs.
Visita guiada por la Bóvedas Antiguo Edificio de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala Dirigido a público en general Inscripción previa Admisión gratuita6. ¿Contacto oficial? Mtr. Gladys Barrios, Directora del Museo Licda. Flor de María Santizo Cerén, Educadora del Museo
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Open Doors at Le Prince Haveli: come see the restoration of the frescoes and art galleries
Who? Joël Cadiou and Cécile Charpentier
What? The public will be able to visit for free Le Prince Haveli, this mogul house built by a rich Indian merchant in the 19th century. The walls are covered with meaningful and unique frescoes, currently being restored by our team of experts and students from Europe and India.
When? 18th of April from 9 AM to 6 PM
Where? Country, town, address: Near Chauhan Well, Fatehpur, Sikar dist. 332301 Rajasthan, INDIA
Official contact:
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"A Walk into a Fading Heritage" by Donin Yeng celebrating the World Heritage Day on 18th April, 2017
Who? Fading Heritage / Donin Yeng (Photographer)"A Walk into a Fading Heritage" is an International Photography Exhibition presented by Donin Yeng Photography and powered by Fading Heritage.Donin Yeng, a Travel Photographer from Imphal, Manipur (North East India) and based in Dimapur, Nagaland is here to Exhibit his vast collections of photographs taken during his many Exploration Tours from all across North East India as he continues to travel far and wide taking the Road Less Travelled.
It is his humble and most sincere efforts in trying to "Bring People From Around The World Closer To North East India Through The Untold Stories He Reveals To Us In His Photographs".
The main collections for this photo exhibition will be from Nagaland.
Commemorating the Celebration of World Heritage Day on the 18th April, 2017, the photo exhibition is portrayed in unveiling the rich cultural heritage that's lost in time yet so pristine.
It's Aim and Objective is to Preserve | Protect | Promote the rich old cultural heritage of Our People | Our Place | Our Heritage.
Let us all see through the images of our roots for a sustainable coexistence of the beautiful world that we live in and the blessed life we have to see it all.
When? 18th April, 2017.
Where? Kohima, Nagaland, India.
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"Awarness Programs conducted" organised by S. Rama Krishna Pisipaty
What? Aim of 2017 International Day for Monuments and Sites is to encourage local communities and individuals throughout the world to consider the importance of cultural heritage to their lives, Identities and communities, and to promote awareness of its diversity and vulnerability and the efforts required to protect and conserve it.
Who? SCSVMV University with International Scientific Committee on Archeological Heritage Management (ICAHM)
When? 18th april 2017
Where? Faculty of Sanskrit & Indian Culture - Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya
Official contact:
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International Day for Monuments and Sites, 2017 (1396 SH)
Who? ICOMOS Iran
What? Detailed program:
1. General assembly of ICOMOS Iran members and special guests
2. Reading ICOMOS international statement (translation) by ICOMOS Iran secretary
3. ICOMOS Iran president speech on International theme and announcing Iranian annual theme starting on the first day of Iranian calendar, i.e. Nowruz which is celebrated on vernal equinox (21 March). This theme will also remain in focus through the year with the international theme (cultural heritage and sustainable tourism)
4. Speech on the international theme by President of Iranian Academy of Science
5. Coffee break
6. Discussions and colloquial.
When? 18 April 2017/ 29 Farvardin 1396 (SH)
Where? ICOMOS Iran Office, Tehran
Official contact: Dr. Mohammadreza Rahimzadeh, ICOMOS Iran Secretary,
Official website:
Telegram: @iranicomosinfo
Instagram: @iranicomosorg
Tel: +98 (21) 3344 0054-5
Title of the event: Acknowledging the International Year of Sustainable Tourism, together with the 18 April theme of 'the Heritage of Tourism', the day itself is to be used to launch /advertise the activities planned on this theme for the remainder of the year. Events include an outreach talk/presentation on the day itself, the annual outing (typically July), to be organized to a location which commemorates the theme Heritage of Tourism and the Annual (Maura Shaffrey Commemorative) lecture to be held in October on a similar theme, together with a daylong sidebar seminar event on the Heritage of Tourism.
Who? NSCCT organizing annual lecture and seminar:
Official contact: Marc Ritchie, Convenor, NSCCT.; <>;
L’ICOMOS Custodi del Patrimonio, Cercatori del Significato
Who? ICOMOS Italia
What? Forum della Partecipazione per il G7 della cultura di Firenze: Patrimonio e Sostenibilità negli SDGs 2030When 30-31 March 2017
Where? Firenze, Italia
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The ICOMOS Wardens of heritage, Seekers of Meaning
Who? ICOMOS Italia
What? Forum of Participation for the G7 of culture in Florence
Heritage and Sustainability in the SDGs 2030
When? 30-31 March 2017
Where? Firenze, Italia
Official contact
Official website
The beginners and continuators of cultural heritage preservation in Latvia 2018 – 1918 =100
Who? Organizers ICOMOS Latvia in cooperation with State Cultural Capital Foundation, State Inspection for Heritage Protection, Kuldiga municipality, Daugavpils municipality, UNESCO Latvian National Commission
What? Short presentation of the event: The event of 21.April 2017 is the initiative event connected to the centenary of Latvian statehood in 2018. ICOMOS Latvia encourages to remember and outline the beginners of heritage preservation enthusiasts and mark their contribution in preservation of heritage of Latvia as the major force for creation of national identity. There will be two regional events (Kuldiga and Daugavpils) formed by two parts: conference part will focus on personalities and their contribution during the centenary for certain region; networking part with experience sharing and contact book creation for new initiatives in heritage preservation.
The final event will be a conference in 2018 dedicated to the topic and accompanied by exhibition dedicated to the personalities and main activities of heritage preservation during the centenary.
Following the main slogan of the centenary celebrations of Latvia “I am Latvia”, the moto of the event is by learning more about our predecessors find new impulses in heritage preservation for the next centenary.
When? 21.April 2017, November 2017
Where? Country, town, address: Latvia, Kuldiga and Daugavpils
Official contact
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The Colors of Vilnius
Who? ICOMOS Lithuania, Old Town Reneval Agency, Public Company "Gelmes".
What? During the seminar participants will travel in time to acquaint himself with the colors of Vilnius in XVI-XX cent., they will see the cultural heritage buildings mural paintings, learn about its research, conservation, restoration and exposure. From previous eras they will come back to the XXI century for to look at the Street Art and colors of Vilnius at night. Public Company "Gelmes" will present at the seminar the exhibition of paintings and results of the competition "I discover and colour Vilnius". After the seminar the participants are invited to join Vilnius Old Town and its surroundings tour by bus.
When? April 20, 2017
Where? Stikliu str. 4, Vilnius LT-01131, Lithuania
Official contact; tel. +370 5 212 7723, Mrs. Jurate Raugaliene
Official website;
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North Macedonia
Title of your event: Press Conference dedicated to the International Day – 18 of April 2017 – Cultural Heritage – Sustainable Tourism.
Who? ICOMOS Macedonia.
What? This event is dedicated to the present International Day, its importance and NC’ efforts for preparing a Forum on this subject.
When? 18th of April 2017.
Where? North Macedonia, Skopje, Office of ICOMOS Macedonia: Str. “Pokriena Carsija” 37b, loc. 13. Time of event: 11:30 am.
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ICOMOS Malaysia Children Art Competition 2017, Traditional Games
Who? Organizers: ICOMOS Malaysia, Majlis Bandaraya Melaka Bersejarah, National Visual Arts Gallery Malaysia and George Town World Heritage Inc.
Sponsors: Hajeedar and Associates Sdn, ATSA Architects, Zuraina Leily Architect, Hees' Land and Rupajiwa Studio
Official Supporters: Department of National Heritage Malaysia (Ministry of Information Communications and Culture) and Melaka State Education Department
What? This year's theme for the annual 'ICOMOS Malaysia Children Art Competition' is 'Traditional Games'. Children between the age of 7 to 12 are eligible to participate under two categories; Category A- age 7 to 9 and Category B- age 10 to 12. Entries are judged on originality, artistic merit and expression of the theme. Winners for each category will receive cash prizes and certificates of achievements.
When? 16 April 2017, 9.30am-12.30pm
i) First Floor, National Visual Art Gallery Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
ii) Dataran Sungai Melaka, Jalan Quayside, Banda Hilir, Melaka
iii) Armenian Park, George Town, Pulau Pinang
Official contact: Kuala Lumpur: Ridzwan, +603 282 0514 or
Melaka: Norwahidah, +606 285 9700 or
Pulau Pinang: Chung Wei, +604 261 6606,
Title of the event: ICOMOS Malaysia World Heritage Day Forum
Who? ICOMOS Malaysia
What? Program Supporters: The Heritage Trust of Malaysia and Malaysian Institute of Architects
When? 29.04.2017
Where? The Heritage Trust of Malaysia, No. 2 Jalan Stonor, Kuala Lumpur
« Impact de la crise du tourisme sur les sites du Mali inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO ».
Who? Organisateurs : ICOMOS – MALI
What? Conférence – débat Organisation d’une conférence débat à l’attention des jeunes (élèves et étudiants) et des acteurs du développement culturel et touristique.
When? Samedi 15 Avril 2017
Where? Pays, ville, adresse : Bamako (Mali)
Official contact: ICOMOS MALI – Téléphone : +223 / 20 23 43 21
Conception et diffusion de messages radiophoniques et audiovisuels sur la nécessité de préserver les monuments et les sites dans un contexte de crise généralisée Who? Organisateurs : ICOMOS – MALI
What? Messages radio et télé - diffusés
When? du Vendredi 14 Avril au Samedi 22 Avril 2017
Where? Pays, ville, adresse : Bamako (Mali) – sur les chaines nationales de la radio et de la télévision de l’Office Radiotélévision du Mali (ORTM) et sur des radios privées à forte écoute aussi bien à Bamako que dans les autres régions administratives du Mali
Official contact: ICOMOS MALI – Téléphone : +223 / 20 23 43 21
Participation de ICOMOS – MALI à une émission télévisée : « Actu hebdo » de l’ORTM
Who? Organisateurs : ICOMOS – MALI
What? Participation de la Secrétaire Générale d’ICOMOS – MALI à l’émission télévisuelle de grand débat hebdomadaire « Actu Hebdo » de la Chaîne nationale « ORTM ».
When? Dimanche 23 Avril 2017
Where? Pays, ville, adresse : Bamako (Mali) – sur la chaine 1 de la télévision nationale de l’Office Radiotélévision du Mali (ORTM)
Official contact: ICOMOS MALI – Téléphone : +223 / 20 23 43 21
Excursion à KASSARO
Who? Organisateurs : ICOMOS – MALI
What? Organisation d’une excursion sur un site du patrimoine culturel et naturel « MOUSSOBANI KOULOU » à KASSORO dans la Boucle du Baoulé et dans l’aire culturelle du Birgo (cercle de Kita) à une centaine de km au sud-ouest de Bamako : valorisation et diversification de sites touristiques à travers la participation d’autorités nationales et régionales à l’évènement et à sa couverture médiatique.
When? Samedi 22 Avril 2017
Where? Pays, ville, adresse : KASSORO – Cercle de KITA (Région de KAYES)
Official contact: ICOMOS MALI – Téléphone : +223 / 20 23 43 21
Revisite touristique de la médina de Fès à l’ère du développement durable.
Who? Organisateurs : ICOMOS Maroc, ADER Fès, Délégation de la Culture, Ecole Nationale d’Architecture.
What? Présentation succincte de l'événement :
La revisite de la médina de Fès, qui fait peau neuve après les derniers travaux de réhabilitation et de restauration des infrastructures et des monuments historiques, suivra les circuits touristiques de la médina. Elle permettra de redécouvrir ce patrimoine mondial dans la perspective du développement durable, et analyser ainsi les imbrications entre mises en patrimoine culturel et en tourisme durable de la médina de Fès.
When? Samedi 22 Avril 2017
Where? Pays, ville, adresse : Maroc, Fès, Circuits touristiques de la médina de Fès
Official contact Pr Abdelati LAHLOU (Président) & Pr Khalid EL HARROUNI (Vice Président) &
Official website
2017 International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development
Who? ICOMOS., México, CIIC International Committee on Cultural Routes. CCIC Comité Científico Nacional de Itinerarios Culturales., INAH., Morelos., Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, UAEM.
What? Interview, conferences, university radio UAEM., and Regional Museum Cuauhnáhuac, Palacio de Cortés, Cuernavaca, Morelos
When? April 18, 2017
Where? México, Cuernavaca, Morelos. Palacio de Cortés.
Official contact 01 (777) 3128171 3126996
Official website
Analizan en simposio la tríada patrimonio cultural, turismo y sostenibilidad.
Who? Comité Científico de Turismo Cultural del ICOMOS México.
What? News from our celebration of the international day of monuments and sites. News Paper: la Jornada
“Monuments & Sites: Retelling, Reconnecting, Reliving”
Who? Univeristy of Culture and Art, Lahore in collaborationn with ICOMOS Pakistan
When? 18-19 April (events)
Where? Pakistan, Lahore, 7Km Main Raiwind Road
Official website:
Download the annex
Redefining cultural tourism in the Philippines: Our Stories and Best Practices from the Region
ICOMOS Philippines will be celebrating International Day for Monuments and Sites with a two-day celebration on April 29-30, 2017. A one-day conference will be held at the National Museum on the first day where 8 experts will present different aspects of sustainable tourism in the Philippines and case studies of the cultural tourism in the region. We will be inviting Tourism and Cultural Officers from different local government units, Tourism and Architecture students and faculty members of different universities, tour operators, trainers from Department of Tourism as well as the general public. On the second day, there will be various tour of different heritage sites in the region.
Who? ICOMOS Philippines
When? April 29-30, 2017
Official contact: Dominique Candi Escover
Official website:
A Estátua do Combatente e seu gesso – dois cenários, mesma mensagem
Ricardo LOPES, Martim ARINTO, Agnès LE GAC
Em Lisboa, no cemitério do Alto de São João, mais precisamente no Talhão dos Combatentes encontra-se a estátua do Combatente, cujo gesso encontra-se no Museu Militar de Lisboa. Este gesso encontra-se pintado de cor verde de forma a invocar de forma mais veemente a estátua em bronze.
Pretende-se relatar o processo no qual a Liga dos Combatentes procurou homenagear os seus camaradas de armas caídos na Grande Guerra e que culminou com a substituição da estátua original em cimento pela atual de bronze, uma vez que o contexto político e social em Portugal após a Grande Guerra não permitiu oferecer o reconhecimento do sacrifício dos combatentes, vivos e mortos.
Trata-se aqui de mostrar a mensagem eternizada e personificada por este soldado gigante, quer na sua forma em bronze quer na sua forma em gesso, que incessantemente, mantém-se sempre vigilante e sempre alerta, e estoicamente vai velando pelo descanso perpétuo dos seus irmãos que dormem no seu acampamento final.
When? 22 Abril 2017, 10h30 - 11h30 - Conferência e Visita Guiada (em Português)
Where? Museu Militar de Lisboa Largo da Artilharia, 110-468 Lisboa
Tel. +351 21 884 23 00
Official contact Agnès Le Gac - E-mail: - Mobile: +351 919 353 618
O Mausoleu dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra
Martim ARINTO, Agnès LE GAC, Ricardo LOPES
O Cemitério do Alto de São João possui um importantíssimo simbolismo na preservação da memória da participação de Portugal na Grande Guerra, embora esta realidade seja para muitos habitantes e cidadãos um facto desconhecido. Este simbolismo passa impreterivelmente pelo Talhão dos Combatentes que por sua vez hostenta uma figura central que se eleva acima de todo o cemitério: a estátua de um combatente, em bronze.
No âmbito das evocações do centenário da participação portuguesa no conflito, realizou-se recentemente uma investigação científica que visou a componente material e imaterial desta mesma estátua. É no seguimento dos resultados desta investigação que convidamos todos os interessados a reunirem-se à entrada do próprio cemitério para uma visita guiada em torno desta mesma temática. Serão abordados o processo de realização e edificação deste mesmo monumento, o simbolismo que este caso reflecte na memória portuguesa da sua participação na Grande Guerra, e das adversidades que o contexto histórico e político despertaram no seu desenvolvimento.
When?18 Abril de 2017, 10h00 às 11h00 - Conferência e Visita Guiada (em Português)
The Mausoleum of the Combatants of the Great War
Agnès LE GAC, Ricardo LOPES, Martim ARINTO
The symbolism of the Alto de São João's Cemetery is quite important regarding the memory of Portugal's participation in the Great War, although this reality is for many inhabitants and citizens an unknown fact. This symbolism is particularly manifested in the Burial Plot of the Combatants, which in turn hosts a central figure that rises above the whole graveyard: the statue of a combatant, in bronze.
Within the context of the centenary of the Portuguese participation in the conflict, a scientific investigation was recently carried out. It focus on the material and immaterial component of this very statue. We invite all those interested to gather at the cemetery entrance for a guided tour around this subject. The manufacturing process and construction of this monument, the symbolism
that this case reflects in the Portuguese memory of its participation in the Great War, and the adversities that the historical and political context aroused in its development will be addressed.
When? 22 Abril de 2017, 02:30 - 03:30 pm - Conference and Guided Tour (in English)
Where? Cemitério do Alto de São João
Parada do Alto de São João - 1900-053 Lisboa
Official contact: Agnès LE GAC - | +351 919 353 618
Touring about the heritage sites
All-Russian Society for the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Monuments, Moscow Branch of NC ICOMOS, Russia
Who? Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage
What? Free tours about the cultural heritage sites
When? 18.04.2017
Where? Russia, Moscow
Official contact Yulia Loginova +7-921-421-22-41
Official website
Working meetings with members of the NC ICOMOS, Russia
Who? Moscow City Heritage
Likhachev Russian Research Institute of the Cultural and Natural Heritage, Moscow Branch of NC ICOMOS, Russia
What? Visiting museums
When? 18.04.2017
Where? Russia, Moscow
Official contact Yulia Loginova +7-921-421-22-41
Official website
Touring about the heritage sites
Who? Moscow Museum, Moscow Branch of NC ICOMOS, Russia
What? Free tours about the cultural heritage sites
When? 18.04.2017
Where? Russia, Moscow
Official contact Yulia Loginova +7-921-421-22-41
Official website
Sustainable tourism and conservation of Vyborg cultural heritage
Who? St. Petersburg Branch of NC ICOMOS, Russia
What? Activities related to "Sustainable tourism and conservation of Vyborg cultural heritage
When? 18.04.2017
Where? Russia, St. Petersburg
Official contact Sergei Gorbatenko +7-921-904-75-05
Official website
Conference "Old estates are timeless source of inspiration"
Who? Orel Branch of NC ICOMOS, Russia and I. A. Bunin Orel Regional Scientific Universal Public Library
What? The project is aimed at creating a common information base of the most significant historical and cultural heritage sites and monuments in Orel Region and local tourism development
When? 17.04.2017
Where? 43, Maxim Gorky Street, Orel, Russia
Official contact Natalia Koveshnikova +7 920 082 51 38
Walking tour: "Historical and architectural appearance of Orel downtown streets
Who? Orel Branch, NC ICOMOS, Russia
What? The project is aimed promotion of Orel's unique historical and architectural heritage, raising awareness of the conservation, restoration and improvement of the historical city center
When? 16.04.2017
Where? Lenina Street, Orel, Russia
Official contact Natalia Koveshnikova +7 920 082 51 38
Meeting dedicated to the International Day of Monuments and Sites
Who? Orel Branch of NC ICOMOS, Russia, and Orel Region Cultural Heritage Conservation Department
What? The project is aimed promotion of Orel's unique historical and architectural heritage, raising awareness of the conservation, restoration and improvement of the historical city center.
When? 19.04.2017
Where? 1, Panchuka Street, Orel, Russia
Official contact Natalia Koveshnikova +7 920 082 51 38
Exhibition of diploma projects by students of Landscape Architecture Chair at Orel State Agrarian University
Who? Orel Branch of NC ICOMOS, Russia and Landscape Architecture Chair at Orel State Agrarian University
What? Presentational of graduation qualification works on rehabilitation and restoration of landscape gardening art monuments of XVIII-XIX centuries in the territory of Orel Region
When? 10.04.2017 – 20.04.2017
Where? 69, Generala Rodina St., Orel, Russia
Official contact Alexey Koveshnikov
Cycle of lectures on "Monuments of history and culture of Orel and Orel Region".
Who? Orel Branch of NC ICOMOS, Russia, and I. S. Turgenev Orel State University
What? The project is aimed at implementation of cultural and educational programs run by Orel Branch of NC ICOMOS
When? 19.04.2017
Where? 77, Moskovskaya Street, Orel, Russia
Official contact Natalia Koveshnikova +7 920 082 51 38
Carrying out scientific-practical сonferences
Who? Yaroslavl Branch of the NC ICOMOS, Russia
What? Carrying out scientific-practical conferences, featuring presentation of of "Yaroslavl Estates" book
When? 18.04.2017Where? 2A, Shkolnaya St, Karabikha, Krasnye Tkachi, Yaroslavl Region, Russia,
State Literary and Memorial of Museum Reserve
of N. A. Nekrasov "Karabikha"
Official contact Yuri Avrutov +7-903-822-22-16
Round table on "Regional cultural heritage and tourism: "Crossroads of Civilizations" tourism cluster
Who? Volgograd Branch of NC ICOMOS, Russia, together with the editors of "City Sociology" magazine
What? Round table on "Regional cultural heritage and tourism: "Crossroads of Civilizations" tourism cluster within the framework of the International Day of Monuments and Sites"
When? 18.04.2017
Where? Russia, Volgograd, Institute of Architecture and Construction under Volgograd State Technical University
Official contact Galina Ptichnikova +7-902-650-85-27
Round table "Historical towns and villages of the region": cultural and historical potential, possibilities of tourism
Who? The Republic of Mordovia Branch of the NC INCOMOS Russia together with the Institute of National Culture under N. P. Ogarev National Research Mordovia State University
What? Discussion of small towns problems in terms of economic and social crisis, the protection of monuments of history and culture, development of tourist business
When? 15.04.2017
Where? Russia, Saransk, Institute of National Culture under N. P. Ogarev National Research Mordovia State University
Official contact Victor Mahayev +7-927-183-62-43
Official website
Round table "Monuments of military history: state, opportunities of tourist use
Who? The Republic of Mordovia Branch of the NC INCOMOS, Russia,. Human Sciences Research Institute under the Government of the Republic of Mordovia, Mordovian Branch of the All-Russian public organization "Russian Military Historical Society"
What? Discussion of the problems of regional military history monuments of the XVII-XX centuries, the development of tourist business
When? 16.04.2017
Where? Russia, Saransk, Human Sciences Research Institute under the Government of the Republic of Mordovia
Official contact Victor Mahayev +7-927-183-62-43
Official website
International Conference "The historical and cultural heritage as a potential for the development of tourism and recreation"
Who? Kazan State Institute of Culture, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan, the State Historical, Architectural an Art Museum Reserve of the Kazan Kremlin, Kazan Privolzhsky Federal University, the Republic of Tatarstan Branch of NC ICOMOS, Russia
What? International Conference "The historical and cultural heritage as a potential for the development of tourism and recreation"
When? 17.04.2017-19.04.2017
Where? 3, Orenburgsky Trakt Russia, Kazan
Official contact Rafael Valeyev +7-917-264-56-39
Official website
Round table on regional problems of heritage preservation
Who? Samara Branch of NC ICOMOS, Russia together with Samara Branch of the the Union of Architects of Russia
What? Round table on the occasion of the International Day of Monuments and Sites, annual event attended by representatives of state monuments conservation bodies, professional communities of architects, restaurateurs, archaeologists, etc., as well as general public.
The round table covers practically all issues of restoration, features reports and electronic presentations, projects or already finished works of architects and restorers of Samara school, exhibition of student projects in architecture and restoration of Architecture and Construction Institute under Samara State Technical University, discuss the most acute problems of individual heritage items, as well as architectural and historical environment in general.
When? 18.04.2017
Where? Samara, Russia
Official contact Tatyana Vavilonskaya +7-917-030-00-08
All-Russian photo contest in the field of architectural and natural heritage "Heritage of Generations"
Who? Foundation for the preservation of the cultural heritage "Heritage of Generations" and Bryansk Regional Branch of NC ICOMOS, Russia
What? The All-Russian photo contest in the field of architectural and natural heritage "Heritage of Generations" including the promotion of historical, cultural, natural heritage of regions and peoples of the Russian Federation; identification of valuable architectural and historical monuments, ensembles, natural areas, sites in Russia, including objects in emergency state and under the threat of destruction, objects in need of urgent conservation and restoration; drawing public attention to the topical problems of preservation of historical, cultural and natural heritage of the regions and peoples of the Russian Federation, etc.
When? 20.01.2017-30.10.2017
Where? Russia (summing up results - Moscow)
Official contact Ruslan Prokopishin +7-916-174-45-53
Official website,
Lecture series -"Preservation of historical-cultural and natural heritage of Russia - The volunteer and community initiatives"
Who? Foundation for the preservation of the cultural heritage of "Heritage of Generations", Bryansk Regional Bracnh of NC ICOMOS, Russia, Bryansk State University of Engineering and Technology
What? Lecture "Volunteer Interaction with religious organizations of various denominations in the rehabilitation of cultural heritage - The history and experience of the Russian Orthodox Church"
When? 17.04.2017
Where? 26, Lenin Ave., Bryansk, Russia,
Bryansk State University of Engineering and Technology
Official contact Ruslan Prokopishin +7-916-174-45-53
Official website
Volunteer units campaign for preserving historical, cultural and natural heritage (volunteers)
Who? Foundation for the preservation of the cultural heritage "Heritage of Generations", Bryansk Regional Branch of NC ICOMOS, Russia, Bryansk State University of Engineering and Technology, Bryansk Eparchy
1. Clearing the territory of the village church (in emergency state), priority emergency events.
2. Clearing garbage and rubbleштin ythe park of prince V. N. Teneshev's estate (the park is neglected).
3. A survey of the park, determining the state and age and species composition of the greenery.
4. Sociological survey of the local population under predetermined questionnaires
5. Monitoring and photographing the current state of estates with partially preserved buildings. Imposition of proposals to local conservation authorities for registration the ensemble of the estate as a cultural heritage item.
Volunteer tour to archeological, historical and cultural reserve in the vicinity of the village (primitive and Paleolithic settlements)
When? 18.04.2017
Where? Hotylevo village Glinishchevskoe rural settlement, Bryansk District, Bryansk Region, Russia
Official contact Ruslan Prokopishin +7-916-174-45-53
Official website
Scientific Conference "Social and economic modernization of the territories having historical and cultural potential - conservation integrity, commitment to the development and improvement of the quality of life of population"
Who? Foundation for the preservation of the cultural heritage "Heritage of Generations", Bryansk Regional Branch of NC ICOMOS, Russia, Bryansk State University of Engineering and Technology, Association of Black Earth Belt State Universities
What? Regional disparities in access to cultural infrastructure development - challenges and prospects;
-Rural culture is the keeper of the traditional culture and the intangible cultural heritage;
-The role of the volunteer squads in preserving historical, cultural and natural heritage;
-Pilot programs and development scenarios of historical-cultural heritage for better quality of life in local communities
- Integrated cross-sectional theoretical and methodological analysis of territorial identity with geographic information system (GIS). The prospects of a virtual museum on GIS platform;
- Improvement of legislative and methodological support to preservation and recovery of historical settlements -interagency, cross-level, and interregional contradictions;
- Using territories with historical, cultural and natural potential for development of research and educational tourism. Basic provisions for preserving monuments of historical, cultural and natural heritage
When? 17.04.2017
Where? Russia, Bryansk, Bryansk State University of Engineering and Technology
Official contact Ruslan Prokopishin +7-916-174-45-53
Official website
Smederevo Fortress and the Sustainable Tourism for Development of the City of Smederevo
Who? National Committee ICOMOS Serbia, Smederevo Museum
What? The celebration of the International Day on Monuments and Sites will be focused on the Smederevo Fortress, a site on the Serbian Tentative list for inscription in the World Heritage List. An expert tour with the conservators from the Regional Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments in Smederevo will be organized in order to comprehend the values and potential of this site. Afterwards a Round table "Smederevo Fortress and the Sustainable Tourism for Development of the City of Smederevo" will be held in the Smederevo Museum, with the representatives of the local authorities and Tourist Organization of Smederevo, but open as well to all other relevant institutions, NGOs and public.
When? April 18, 2017
Where? Smederevo, Fortress and Museum, Omladinska Str. No 6
Official contact: icomos.serbia@gmail.comOfficialOfficial website:
Promoting Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Tourism in the Seychelles.
Who? Icomos Seychelles in collaboration with the Ministry of Sports,Youth and Culture,Seychelles.
What? Publication of article on Seychelles potential and development opportunities based on cultural heritage and sustainable tourism in frontline national newspapers.
Where? Seychelles
Official contact Patrick Nanty, ICOMOS Seychelles,
Interpretation, presentation and dissemination of Spanish Cultural Heritage: awareness, professionalization and celebration
Who? Aproha (Spanish Professional Association of Art Historians. National Register of Associations: Sección 1ª/ Número Nacional: 610332-)
What? Art Historians will present and interpret most important Spanish cultural properties to all kind of visitors and citizens, stressing the importance of these activities for heritage conservation and the need of their professional regulation.
When? 18 April 2017 morning
Where? Granada, Sevilla, Valencia, Santiago de Compostela, Cáceres, Barcelona, Madrid
Official contact. Aproha:; Celia Martínez Yáñez
Official website.
Download the annex
Title of your event: Cultural heritage and sustainable tourism; Challenges and opportunities
Who? ICOMOS Tunisia & ASM Tunis, Dar Ben Gacem (hotel dans la medina de Tunis)
Short description of the event: For decades, tourism has developed to become the major economic sector in Tunisia. Increasingly, the culture that is reflected in tangible and intangible cultural heritage is of considerable value in the promotion of Tunisian tourism. However, what tools have been implemented? What measures have been taken in the planning of sustainable tourism, conservation of built cultural heritage, historic urban landscapes, cultural landscapes and living heritage?
A round table bringing together the actors of the sector (culture, tourism, civil society, promoters of cultural tourism, academics, designers, artisans, etc.) will be organized by the Tunisian committee in Dar Lasram on 18 April 2017.
Like continuing the reflection on a concrete case that is "The Archipelago of Kerkennah", islands in southern Tunisia with a rich heritage in danger.
When? 18 april 2017
Where? Tunisia, Tunis, Dar Lasram: 24 rue du tribunal Bab Souika 1006
Official contact: Faïka Béjaoui
“Cultural Heritage & Sustainable Tourism” on the scope of Adana City and close environment
Who? Organizers : ICOMOS TR, University of Çukurova, University of Mersin, Local Authorities, TMMOB Chamber of Architects Adana Branch, Related local ICOMOS members
What? Short Presentation:
Opening Session and welcome by the President of ICOMOS TR
Thematic presentations on the city of Adana
The contribution of governmental organisations on the sustainable tourism
The sustainable tourism and archeologically excavations and sites
Students workshop
Closing session
Site visit: The historic city centre of Adana and Misis
When? March 28 2017, 9.00 am
Where : Turkey, Adana, Seyhan Belediyesi Yaşar Kemal Kültür Merkezi
Official Contact :
Official website :
"Cultural Heritage & Sustainable Tourism” on the scope of Bursa
Who? Organizers : Bursa Grand Municipality, Bursa World Heritage Site Management, ICOMOS TR, related local ICOMOS members
What? Short Presentation:
Opening Session by the the city of Mayor of Bursa
Thematic presentation by the Site Manager of Bursa
Four speeches (international expert) on World Heritage Site and sustainable tourism
Four speeches by site managers of World Heritage Sites on Turkey
Exhibition about World Heritage Sites in Turkey
Site visit: The historic city centre of Bursa and Cumalıkızık Where : Turkey, Bursa,
When? 16-17 May 2017
Official Contact :
Official website :
“Cultural Heritage & Sustainable Tourism” on the scope of İzmir
Who? İzmir Dokuz Eylül University, related local ICOMOS members
What? : Exhibition
Exhibition of the contest of “Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Tourism organized by related ICOMOS Turkey members among primary school students.
When? 15-27 May 2017
Official Contact :
Official website :
Celebrate #WorldHeritageUSA
Who? US/ICOMOS and US National Park Service
What? US/ICOMOS will undertake the following activities with NPS and other partners in observance of World Heritage Day:
Microsite Launch- On April 18, 2017, US/ICOMOS will go live with a new microsite, www.worldheritageusa. Designed by the award-winning web development firm Alex+Tom the microsite will highlight sites in the US on the World Heritage List. The microsite will link to online resources that have enriched content on US World Heritage sites, and will highlight the role of the US in the creation of the global list, the advantages of listing, and the best ways to plan visits to and connect with US sites. Coordinated Social Media- There are 23 listed US sites, 20 of which are owned and managed by NPS, and 20 sites on the US Tentative List. For the 24 days after the April 18 microsite launch, leading up to the Memorial Day start of the travel season, one listed site per day will post under #WorldHeritageUSA. On the 24th day, sites on the US Tentative List will be featured.
When? April 18 through May 12, 2017
Where? Nationwide
Official contact Bill Pencek
Official website (not live until April 18, 2017)
Download the annex
18 de abril de 2017, día internacional de los monumentos y sitios: patrimonio cultural y turismo sustentable:
El Patrimonio Cultural Edificado en Venezuela vinculado al turismo