ICOMOS signs MoU with E.C.C.O.

ICOMOS and E.C.C.O. (European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers' Organisations) have agreed to closer collaboration through a Memorandum of Understanding signed on 6 March in Paris.
E.C.C.O. promotes a high level of education and training, research and practice in the field of Conservation-Restoration and aims to work toward legal recognition of professional standards in order to affirm and obtain recognition of the professional status of Conservator-Restorer at the national and european level. It has 21 member organisations in Europe and 3 associate members, all composed of professional Conservator-Restorers.
Areas of collaboration will include the sharing of networks; E.C.C.O. participating in ICOMOS International Scientific Committees in those areas that correspond to its strategic goals; joint publication and communication activities on good conservation practices; the study and analysis of training and educational structures to promote excellence in capacity building in all areas of the world; and coordination to enhance common work with other organisations and bodies.