ICOMOS e-News n°102: 18th GA - Important calls available on ICOMOS website

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 18 juillet 2024

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18th ICOMOS General Assembly,
9 - 14 November 2014, Florence, Italy

Dear ICOMOS members, 

Please note that a number of important calls linked to the 18th General Assembly taking place in Florence, Italy, in November 2014, are now available on the ICOMOS website - click here. 

The special website dedicated to the 18th General Assembly containing all practical information related to registration, hotels, post-tours, … will be launched shortly. We will keep you informed once its up and running. 

Grants to attend the 18th General Assembly

ICOMOS wishes to ensure that representatives from all regions of the world and from as many National Committees as possible can attend the General Assembly . For ICOMOS members in some regions of the world, the cost of attending a General Assembly is an expense that neither the National Committee nor its members can afford to cover 100%. Therefore ICOMOS is offering a number of grants to facilitate their attendance.

ICOMOS expresses its warm thanks to the Getty Foundation for its continued support by awarding a 75 000 US$ grant to enable participation at the 18th General Assembly. ICOMOS also thanks the National Committees and individual members who contributed to ICOMOS' own Victoria Falls Fund which facilitates the participation of members at statutory meetings. Thanks to their generosity, ICOMOS will again be able to provide additional grants.

As in 2011, all members are encouraged to make direct contributions to the Victoria Falls Solidarity Fund through the online registration mechanism for the 18th General Assembly.

All grants to attend the General Assembly (Getty Foundation and Victoria Falls Solidarity Fund) will be allocated by the Grants Committee according to established criteria. In accordance with ICOMOS General Assembly Resolution 2002/13, National Committees are reminded that any support to individuals not in their Committee to attend the General Assembly, must be channelled through the Victoria Falls Solidarity Fund.

The grants are open to all members from eligible countries and fulfilling the conditions required; they are not reserved for National Committee Presidents. Only one grant per country can be allocated.

Candidates should send their completed application forms and supporting material directly to the International Secretariat at GA2014-Victoria-Falls@icomos.org by 9 May 2014. 

Call for draft resolutions

Please consult the detailed guidelines for the presentation of draft resolutions for the General Assembly. ICOMOS members and Committees wishing to submit draft resolutions linked to specific sites or on new activities are invited to forward them to the International Secretariat at GA2014-resolutions@icomos.org, by 9 September 2014. 

Additional information on the process of submission and adoption of GA resolutions can be found in the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly (Art. 24 & 44)

Call for candidates for the Piero Gazzola Prize

Established in 1979, the Piero Gazzola Prize commemorates ICOMOS’ founding President and is the highest distinction awarded by ICOMOS. The Prize, symbolised by a commemorative medal and diploma, is awarded during the ICOMOS General Assembly to an individual or a group of people who have worked together and contributed with distinction to the aims and objectives of ICOMOS.

For more information on the Prize, past laureates and the nomination process click here. Nominations must be submitted by the National Committees to the International Secretariat at secretariat@icomos.org by 9 May 2014.

Call for candidates for ICOMOS Honorary Membership

Honorary Membership is conferred by the General Assembly upon individuals who have rendered distinguished service in the field of conservation, restoration and enhancement of historic monuments, sites, and groups of buildings. 

For further information on how to submit nominations and the list of ICOMOS Honorary members click here. Nominations must be submitted by the National Committees to the International Secretariat at secretariat@icomos.org by 9 May 2014.

Call for candidates for election to the Executive Committee

The 18th General Assembly will elect the following members of the Executive Committee by secret ballot for a term of three years (2014-2017): a President, a Secretary General, a Treasurer General, five Vice Presidents and twelve Executive Committee members.

Candidates for election to the Executive Committee can be proposed by National Committees and members of ICOMOS. The list of all candidatures received by 9 May 2014 is distributed to the ICOMOS membership four months (120 days) prior to the General Assembly. However, candidatures can be submitted until the first working day of the General Assembly, 10 November 2014 at 6 pm. The final list of candidatures is posted at the General Assembly venue 24 hours before the ballot, after verification by the Candidatures Committee. 

For further information on how to submit candidatures - click here. The brief resumés, statement of intent and photograph of candidates whose nomination file is submitted by 9 May 2014 to GA2014-elections@icomos.org will be circulated to the membership prior to the General Assembly via the website and the ICOMOS e-News. 

For further information on the election process please consult the current ICOMOS Statutes (Art 10 & 12) and the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly (Art. 24, 54 to 56). 

Voting rights, proxies and payment of membership dues 

To fully exercise their voting rights at the General Assembly, National Committees should meet the following conditions by 9 October 2014:

  • Members and National Committees must be up to date with their membership fee payments,
  • each National Committee has a maximum of 18 votes (a majority of the voting members of each National Committee shall be individual members);
  • a list of voting members must have been sent to the ICOMOS International Secretariat. 
  • This list should include Member(s) present at the General Assembly, and the names of members giving a proxy. (Voting members may give their proxy to another voting member of their National Committee. No voting member shall be entitled to have more than five votes in addition to his/her own.) 

Signed and dated proxies must be handed to the International Secretariat by 6 pm on the first working day of the General Assembly, 10 November 2014. Voting members can obtain proxy forms from their National Committee. 

For further information on voting rights, proxies and payment of membership dues, please consult the current ICOMOS Statutes (in particular articles 6, 7, 10, 12 and 13) and the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly (in particular articles 15, 23, 24, 27, 45 to 55).

Key dates to remember

9 May 2014 (6 months prior to the General Assembly)
Deadline for the submission of candidatures for: 

  • The participation grants (Getty Foundation and Victoria Falls Solidarity Fund),
  • Site specific draft resolutions and those involving new activities or a substantial increase in budgetary expenditures (first deadline)
  • The Piero Gazzola Prize,
  • Honorary Membership,
  • The elections to the Executive Committee, allowing them to be published in advance.

9 October 2014 (1 month prior to the General Assembly)
Deadline for receipt by the International Secretariat of:

  • The totality of membership dues,
  • The lists of voting members (and the voting members carrying proxies).

10 November 2014 (first working day of the General Assembly)
Deadline for receipt by the International Secretariat of:

  • (Additional) candidatures for election to the Executive Committee,
  • Original proxies,
  • Site specific draft resolutions and those involving new activities or a substantial increase in budgetary expenditures.

11 November 2014 (second working day of the General Assembly)
Deadline for receipt by the International Secretariat of:

  • All other draft resolutions 
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