ICOMOS e-News n°98: Review of Ethical Commitment Statement - extended deadline

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e-News n°98

18 juillet 2024

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Review of Ethical Commitment Statement

Extended deadline - 26 February

Dear colleagues, members of ICOMOS,

We would first like to warmly thank those many Committees and members who have responded to the call for comments and submitted their views on the proposed amendments to the ICOMOS Statutes by the deadline of 31 January 2014. These many comments are being compiled and analysed with a view to prepare a final draft proposal to amend the Statutes that will be as consensus-based as possible. The draft proposal will be communicated to members in compliance with the existing statutory requirements, for adoption by the upcoming General Assembly in Florence next November.

We noted recently that some documents, including the draft proposal to update the Ethical Commitment Statement, were not accessible on the website. This technical incident has now been corrected.

Considering the low number of comments received on the review of the Ethical Commitment Statement - also a part of the General Consultation - we have decided to extend the deadline for comments on that specific subject. We invite you to examine the proposed modification to the Ethical Commitment Statement (click here) and send your comments to the International Secretariat (secretariat@icomos.org) by 26 February 2014 inclusive.

Many thanks in advance for your attention and contribution.

For the members of the Merged Working Group on Statutes,

Bénédicte Selfslagh and Dinu Bumbaru


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