ICOMOS e-News n° 109: 18th GA - Early-bird registration extended to 18 September !

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 18 juillet 2024

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18th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium 
Register now: early-bird registration extended ! 

Dear members of ICOMOS, colleagues and friends,  

Early-bird registration up to 18 September 2014

Taking into account the difficulties faced by some colleagues to register during the holidays, the Organizing Committee of the 18th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium  "Heritage and Landscape as Human Values" (9-14 November 2014, Florence, Italy) has decided to extend the early bird registration deadline, which now runs until 18 September 2014.

Register via the special 18th General Assembly website where you will find all additional information you need. 

Register now >>

Accommodation in Florence 

Participants of the ICOMOS General Assembly are encouraged to reserve their accommodation in Florence through our dedicated partner Vivafirenze.it
Use the special reservation code ICOMOS14H to obtain exclusive rates with up to 20% discount for stays between 6 to 15 November 2014.

Book your accommodation >>


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