ICOMOS e-News n° 84: Membership fees and cards 2013

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e-News n°84

18 juillet 2024

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Membership fees and cards 2013

 We are pleased to inform you that the 2013 membership cards are ready.

To obtain your card as quickly as possible, please settle your 2013 membership fee with your National Committee. Once your fee has been received, your National Committee can order your new membership card via the ICOMOS Member and Expert database. 

Complete your on-line membership profile

Don't forget to complete your on-line membership profile on the ICOMOS Member and Expert Database and to keep it up-to-date. Please complete all the categories of information stored in the database, as this will ensure that experts can be found for most queries.

The database is accessible from the ICOMOS web site, through the "Resources" menu on the homepage. The interface is available in English and French - just switch languages using the dropdown menu on the menu bar.

If you have not received or lost your log-in information, you can request it using the buttons: “I lost my password” or “I am an ICOMOS member but have not received a password yet”, available on the log-in page of the database.  This log-in and password also allows you to access the members-only section of the ICOMOS website.

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