ICOMOS e-News n°86: ICOMOS - ICCROM e-learning course for Syrian cultural heritage professionals

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e-News n°86

18 juillet 2024

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Protection of Syria’s Cultural Heritage in Times of Armed Conflict: ICOMOS - ICCROM e-learning course for Syrian cultural heritage professionals

Press release - 9 January 2013

ICOMOS, in cooperation with ICCROM and the Directorate-General of Antiquities and Museums of Syria (DGAM), and in coordination with UNESCO, held an e-learning course for Syrian cultural heritage professionals from 7 to 8 January 2013 at the Damascus National Museum. The course was led by the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Risk Preparedness- ICORP
Read the full press release - Visit the web site 


Press contacts:
Mr Bijan Rouhani, ICOMOS-ICORP course coordinator - bijan.rohani@gmail.com (English)
Mr Samir Abdulac, ICOMOS expert member - abdulac@wanadoo.fr (English/French/Arabic)


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ICOMOS COURSE 07 01 2013 20

In this issue
ICOMOS-ICCROM e-learning course for Syria

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