Année européenne du patrimoine culturel 2018 - événement préparatoire
Un événement préparatoire, "Europe's cultural heritage common opportunities and challenges", se tiendra à Berlin le 13 novembre 2015 afin d'annoncer officiellement l'Année européenne du patrimoine culturel.
À l'occasion de la conférence de presse et de l'atelier, l'ICOMOS présentera également le volume n°III de "Monumenta", "40e Anniversaire de l’Année Européenne du Patrimoine Architectural (1975–2015)" édité par Michael Falser et Wilfried Lipp, qui médite sur le patrimoine architectural européen depuis 1975.
"Sharing Heritage" - European Cultural Heritage Year 2018 - the concept
(source : Deutsches Nationalkomitee für Denkmalschutz)
The aim of the European Year of Cultural Heritage is to share our common cultural heritage and its potential for identification, participation and development in the light of a heterogeneous European society and against the background of current political and economic challenges. The European Year of Cultural Heritage builds in particular upon the fact that our shared cultural heritage is always both local and European. The European Year highlights this dimension and uses it to respond to current challenges. lt also builds on new opportunities to preserve and develop cultural heritage while underscoring the need to do so, because our cultural heritage is an essential, unique part of Europe's social and economic potential which is closely tied to many other fields and is thus the foundation of our shared development in Europe.
The programme focus for the European Year is "Society in Transition'', which reflects ongoing and diverse social change in Europe and makes c!ear that the discussion should focus on people. Three aspects in particular are to be discussed during the European Year: cultural diversity, demographic change and sustainability. This will give the European Year its political and economic relevance.
The European Year will provide the opportunity for a comprehensive exchange between European partners at all levels. The European Year will be organized by the European Union in cooperation with the Council of Europe. All European countries as well as all political, professional, social, regional and other institutions and civil society will be invited to become actively involved, especially via participatory procedures.