Monuments&Sites XVII - Historical polar bases - preservation and management



Compiled and edited for the International Polar Heritage Committee
of ICOMOS by:
Susan Barr, President of IPHC and Paul Chaplin, Secretary General IPHC

96 pages

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Susan Barr - Introduction

Susan Barr - Management of IPY stations in the Norwegian Arctic

Cornelia Lüdecke - German Meteorological Stations in northwest Svalbard

Johan Mattsson and Anne-Cathrine Flyen - Bio-deterioration in buildings in Svalbard

Robert A. Blanchette - Northumberland House, Fort Conger and the Peary Huts in the Canadian High Arctic: current conditions and assessment of wood deterioration taking place

Ricardo Roura - Antarctic Research stations: Environmental and cultural heritage perspectives 1983-2008

Michael Morrison -Observations on standards of management and maintenance

Roberta Farrell and Shona Duncan - Scientific Evaluation of Deterioration of Historic Huts of Ross Island, Antarctica

John Greenwood and Megan Absolon - Challenges of Conservation in the Antarctic

Adam Wild - Minus six degrees of separation (Ross Sea restoration project)
Brett E. Arenz and Robert A. Blanchette - East Base, SOS: Assessment of deterioration and recommendations for conserving this important Antarctic historic site
Ruben Stehberg, Michael Pearson, Andrés Zarankín, Ximena Senatore, Carolina Gatica - Protection and preservation of the oldest sites of the Antarctic: the case of Fildes Peninsula and Byers Peninsula in the South Shetland Islands

Paul Chaplin - Pole to Pole: video-telephone discussion between Scott Base,
Antarctica and the IPHC conference in Barrow, Alaska

Monuments&Sites XVI - What is OUV? Defining the Outstanding Universal Value of Cultural World Heritage Properties

m a_s_16An ICOMOS study compiled by Jukka Jokilehto,

with contributions from Christina Cameron, Michel Parent and Michael Petzet

Berlin: Hendrik Bäßler Verlag, 2008. 111 p.

ISBN: 978-3-930388-51-6

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Summary / Sommaire


Following on from and completing the volume Monuments and Sites XII “The World Heritage List, Filling the Gaps – an Action Plan for the Future”, published in 2005, this new volume takes a comprehensive look back at the work done among other by ICOMOS since 1976 as an advisory body to the World Heritage Committee in relation to the criteria for the outstanding universal value (OUV) required by the Convention as a precondition for the inscription on the World Heritage List. It contains chapters on: the development of the OUV concept; characteristics of the OUV criteria i.) – vii.) and their justification; different aspects of using the criteria; other requirements for inscription; reasons for non-inscription; as well as conclusions and recommendations and a series of annexes, some  of which represent previously unpublished material.  

ICOMOS is currently seeking sponsorship to translate this publication into other languages. Contact: secretariat[at]

Après le volume Monuments et Sites XII « Liste du patrimoine mondial, Combler les lacunes – Un plan d’action pour l’avenir », publié en 2005, ce nouveau volume jette un regard exhaustif sur le travail réalisé entre autres par l’ICOMOS depuis 1976 en tant qu’organisation consultative du Comité du patrimoine mondial par rapport aux critères de valeur universelle exceptionnelle requis par la Convention à titre de condition préalable à l’inscription sur la Liste du Patrimoine mondial. Il comporte des chapitres sur le développement du concept de valeur universelle exceptionnelle, les caractéristiques des critères de valeur universelle exceptionnelle i.) – vii.) et leur justification, les différents aspects d’utilisation des critères, les autres exigences pour l’inscription, les motifs de non inscription, ainsi que des conclusions et des recommandations et une série d’annexes, dont certaines présentent des documents non publiés précédemment.  

L'ICOMOS est à la recherche de sponsors pour traduire cette publication dans d’autres langues. Contact: secretariat[at]

Electronic Version / Version Electronique

Download the publication in PDF format / Téléchargez la publication en format PDF:

  • What is OUV? Defining the Outstanding Universal Value of Cultural World Heritage Properties [PDF, 1.96 MB]


  • I. Introduction
  • II. What is Outstanding Universal Value (OUV)?
    1. The UNESCO Convention
    2. UNESCO Expert Meeting, 1976
    3. First Definitions of OUV by the Committee
    4. Report by Michel Parent, 1979
    5. Global Strategy Meeting in Amsterdam, 1998
    6. Operational Guidelines, 2005
    7. Kazan Meeting on OUV, 2005
    8. Terminological Considerations
  • III. Justification of the WH Criteria
    • Thematic Framework
    1. Criterion (i) (Masterpiece)
    2. Criterion (ii) (Values/Influences)
    3. Criterion (iii) (Testimony)
    4. Criterion (iv) (Typology)
    5. Criterion (v) (Land-Use)
    6. Criterion (vi) (Associations)
    7. Criterion (vii) (Natural Beauty)
  • IV. Use of the Criteria
    1. Criteria as Applied per Property
    2. Evolving Application of Criteria
    3. Discrepancies in the Evaluation Process
    4. Application of One Sole Criterion
  • V. Other Requirements for Inscription
    • Authenticity
    • Integrity
  • VI. Reasons for Non-Inscription
  • VII. Conclusions and Recommendations
  • Annexes
    • Annex 1 A: UNESCO Meeting in Morges (1976)
    • Annex 1 B: ICCROM on OUV (1976)
    • Annex 1 C: ICOMOS on World Heritage Criteria (1976)
    • Annex 1 D: Michel Parent, Report on WH Criteria (1979)
    • Annex 1 E: World Heritage Expert Meeting, Amsterdam (1998)
    • Annex 1 F: World Heritage Expert Meeting, Kazan (2005)
    • Annex 1 G: Christina Cameron, Keynote Paper in Kazan (2005)
    • Annex 2 A: Changes to World Heritage Criteria in different versions of the Operational Guidelines
    • Annex 2 B: Compendium of World Heritage Sites and Criteria
    • Annex 3 A: Brief Descriptions of Sites inscribed in 2005–2007
    • Annex 3 B: Index of World Heritage Cultural and Mixed Properties

Monuments&Sites XV - Illustrated glossary on stone deterioration patterns / Glossaire illustré sur les formes d'altération de la pierre / Illustriertes Glossar der Verwitterungsformen von Naturstein

Monuments and Sites 15 ISCS Glossary Stone Page 01ICOMOS-ISCS:

English-French version
Version Anglais-Français

ICOMOS members:
15 euros
Non members:
20 Euros

Order form / Bon de commande

2008, 2010 

78 pages

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Also available in bilingual with English versions  / Disponible aussi en versions bilingues avec l'anglais :

téléchargement  Arabic / Arabe

téléchargement  Czech / Tchèque

téléchargement  Georgian / Géorgien

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  • Background glossaries - Glossaires de références
  • Glossary overview - Aperçu général du glossaire
  • Général terms - Termes généraux
  • Crack and Deformation - Fissure et Déformation
  • Detachement - Détachement
  • Features induced by material loss - Figures induites par une perte de matière
  • Discoloration and deposit - Altération chromatique et dépôt
  • Biological colonization - Colonisation biologique



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