18 April
Ideas for celebrating
Events 2011
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Bibliography on Water and cultural Heritage
Events 2011
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→ International Scientific Committee
Historic Towns and Villages (CIVVIH) promoted the day and its theme through its newsletter, March 2011:
Web site
18 April – UNESCO, Paris – The public event , “The International Protection of Landscapes”, in the presence of the Assistant Director for Culture, Mr. Francesco Bandarin, will explore achievements and new challenges in landscape protection – including international experiences. The National Register of Historical Rural Landscapes of Italy will also be presented on this occasion.
Download Programme
Contact: m.rossler@unesco.org
→ Armenia
- 16 April – in cooperation with the Archaeological Site Museum, “EREBUNI”, the Committee is organi sing an Exhibition dedicated to the Cultural Heritage of Water.
11 panels deal with different thematic aspects:
- Water is life
- Water and beliefs
- Water and UNESCO World Heritage
- Yerevan: city of two rivers
- Lake Sevan and its heritage
- Water and Architecture: Bridges
- Water and Architecture: Bathrooms
- Water and intangible heritage: Vardavar
- Vichaps: Armenian dragon stones
- Water and agricultural heritage
- The water on our table
The opening c eremony will be on 16 April at 12pm . Info at: www.erebuni.am (in Armenian only) Download Poster
- 18 April – the Committee will organise a guided tour of the Hydroelectric Plant “Sevan-Hrazdan Cascade”.
On the occasion of the International Day for Monuments and Sites, the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Armenia will send military personnel to clean up historic and cultural sites.
Contact: icomos_armenia@mail.ru
→ Australia
ICOMOS Australia
- 3 April, from 10 am – Open day at Cataract Dam (NSW) - More info.
- 10 April, 2pm to 4pm – Visit to Susac Lime Supply (WA) - More info
- 16 April, from 2pm – Visit to the Murtoa Stick Shed (VIC) - More info.
- 18 April: Public event – “Science, springs, soaks and spirits: the heritage of water on Cape York Peninsula”, organised by Australia ICOMOS, the Department of Environment and Resource Management & The Cairns Instituteat James Cook University, Smithfield. More info.
- 18 April, 5.30pm to 6.30pm – Visit to offices of Riddel Architecture (Fortitude Valley, QLD) -: More info.
- 27 - 30 October – Watermarks – Water’s Heritage Conference, Melbourne - More info
→ Bosnia-Herzegovina
ICOMOS Bosnia-Herzegovina
25 March, Sarajevo – Roundtable session on “ Firduz-bey hamam – revitalisation of the archaeological site” . The event was part of regional cooperation activities and welcomed representatives from the ICOMOS National Committees of Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro.
Official poster and programme
Contact: vssimcic@gmail.com
→ Bulgaria
ICOMOS Bulgaria
18 April – ICOMOS Bulgaria is organising two public presentations related to the heritage of water, in partnership with the Union of Architects of Bulgaria:
- “Invisible Heritage – Under the Black Sea waters”, by the Director of the Centre for Underwater Archaeology.
- “Aqua Vitae – Water in S piritual and E veryday L ife”, by arch. Nina Rechnikova.
Contact: icomosbg@icomos-bg.org
→ Canada
Activities involving ICOMOS Canada are mainly taking place in Montreal, but other activities will take place in Toronto (see http://www.rom.on.ca/water/ ) and Grand Pré, Nova Scotia (http://www.nominationgrandpre.ca/index.html), a landscape created as a land reclamation which has been nominated by Canada for the World Heritage List.
In Montreal, the International Day o f Monuments and Sites benefits from a standing alliance between Heritage Montreal and ICOMOS Canada, and a broad partnership with public, civic and academic organisations which is renewed every year. For the Montreal metropolitan area, some 15 activities are proposed to the general public which will address many aspects of the cultural heritage of water: archaeology, history, landscape, fountains, technology, harbour, conservation, floods, monuments of nature, public baths, recreational use and facilities, World Heritage, and so on (see http://www.heritagemontreal.org/en/international-day-for-monuments-and-sites-2011/ ).
Contact: dbumbaru@gmail.com
Other organization
- 16-17 April : Acadia University : Symposium on the Heritage of Water (water landscapes, water and way of life, and water and transportation ) and a community event in Grand Pré - www.nominationgrandpre.ca/
- Until 5 September : The Royal Ontario Museum (ROM), Toronto, Canada - Water: The Exhibition - a ground-breaking exploration of life’s most precious resource, - www.rom.on.ca/water/
→ Chile
18 April – ICOMOS Chile and the Mayor of Valparaíso (inscribed on the World Heritage list in 2003) have invited ICOMOS Vice President Alfredo Conti to celebrate the International Monuments and Sites Day in Valparaíso. Following a welcome by the Mayor, the ICOMOS Chile President will discuss the heritage of water of Valparaiso with the artist Cecilia Vicuña, and then Vice President Alfredo Conti will speak on the theme.
Download Event flyer
Contact: icomoschile@gmail.com
→ Costa Rica
ICOMOS Costa Rica
13-15 April, Province of Cartago – The event will feature, among various lectures, the presentation of the XVIII Photography Prize, the presentation of the 18 April Prize, a round table concerning the historic Centre of the city of Cartago, a night walk through the lit up city, visits to Orosi and Ujarras, and some musical and cultural events.
Full Activity Programme
Contact: icomoscr@ice.co.cr
→ Croatia
ICOMOS Croatia
The Committee is celebrating 18 April for the first time through a Scientific Symposium in the port town of Rijeka. Entitled “Dialogues with Heritage”, it is foreseen to become a biannual event. T he main theme for the first event, to be held on 18 April, is case studies on the preservation of cultural heritage; for the second event in the year, the main theme will be theoretical studies on art history and style.
The event is organised in cooperation with the Art History Department, University of Rijeka.
Programme and Abstracts in Croatian
Contact: ihuic@h-r-z.hr
→ Dominican Republic
ICOMOS Dominican Republic
The Committee is celebrating the event with an excursion to various places of natural beauty linked to water, in the afternoon it will present the first volume in the documentary series “The Fortified Caribbean”, hold its General Assembly. The event will be closed by a presentation on the Water supply and sewerage system of Santo Domingo.
Donwload Programme and Poster
→ Finland
ICOMOS Finland
18 April – Symposium “Veden perintö” (Heritage of Water). More info
Contact: kirsti.kovanen@icomos.org
→ Georgia
ICOMOS Georgia:
- 18 April, 2pm – ICOMOS Georgia will host a commemoration of the International Day for Monuments and Sites. Apart from ICOMOS Georgia members, honorary guests will be welcomed.
- 19 April, 10 am-6pm , Conference Hall, Courtyard Marriot, Tbilisi – ICOMOS Georgia, in partnership with the British Council, the Goethe-Institute Georgia and the Fund Istoriali, will organise a Round Table on the outcomes of the 2010-2011 joint project concerning urban heritage issues in Tbilisi, in order to adopt an appeal to the city authorities, including recommendations for the improvement of the management of Tbilisi Historic District.
Contact: icomosge@gol.ge
→ Germany
ICOMOS Germany
18 April, Altes Museum (part of the World Heritage site “Museum Island”), Berlin – The Committee, together with the State Museums of Berlin and the Berlin monument authority, will be holding a press conference to introduce some of the latest publications, for instance one on stucco of the 17th and 18th centuries, and especially the latest ICOMOS World Report on Monuments and Sites in Danger (Heritage at Risk 2008-2010). This press conference will also be used to report on the present state of conservation of German World Heritage Sites and to point out some dangerous trends as well as positive developments.
See also http://www.icomos.de/.
Other organization
The Wieskirche World Heritage site, Bavaria, will celebrate the International Day for Monuments and Sites again this year. With help of our volunteers and the support of the Church Foundation and local Community, we have put together an attractive programme.
For the full programme, see the flyer
Contact: B.Bardenheuer@lra-wm.bayern.de
→ Greece
14- 18 April, Events Hall of the NTUA, Athens – The Cultural Heritage of Water, the Voice of Water.
Co-organisers: ICOMOS Hellenic, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE), Association of Greek Archaeologists (SEA), MOnuMENTA, Mediterranean Information Office (ÌÉÏ), Global Water Partnership (GWP) and the Residents′ Initiative for the rescue of the archaeological site of the temple of Artemis Agrotera.
- 14 April: Press Conference
- 17 April: Seeking the trace of the Eridanus River – guided tour of the archaeological sites of the Agora and the Kerameikos, followed by an artistic event.
- 18 April: Scientific event on the theme of “The Cultural Heritage of Water , t he Voice of Water”, followed by an artistic programme proposed by the NTUA Music Department .
Downloads: Brochure, Programme and Poster
Contact: icomoshellenic@tee.gr
→ Hungary
ICOMOS Hungary
18 April, Théatre du Millenáris – Round Table debate and prize giving ceremony.
Contact: secretariat@icomos.hu
→ India
18 April, Ambala, Harayana – The Committee is co-organi sing the event, “Preserve Haryana’s Heritage”, which includes an exhibition and a heritage walk.
Organisers : NMMA, ASI and State Department of Archaeology and Museums, Haryana.
Co Organisers: ICOMOS India, INTACH Haryana and Ambala Administration.
Download Invitation
Contact: dronah@gmail.com
→ Ireland
ICOMOS Ireland
To celebrate this event ICOMOS Ireland has organised the following two lectures:
• 'Ireland's Costal Legacy - How to Ensure its Future'
•'Commissioners of Irish Lights and Lighthouses of Ireland'
More info
→ Italy
To celebrate 18 April the Committee is organizing events in:
- Venice, Conference “Cultural Territorial Networks for the Heritage of Water”; together with the Association “Venti di Cultura”
- Florence, together with the ICOMOS Italy – Youth Section and Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco.
Contact: icomos@icomositalia.com
→ Macedonia
ICOMOS Macedonia
18 April, Doyran (Doyran Lake) – Forum dedicated to Water and Cultural heritage, with presentations and discussions on issues concerning the Pile house settlements in Macedonia, Roman baths and Ottoman hamams, dishes for water from ancient periods, and more
The Forum will include visits to cultural monuments in the vicinity of Doryran, to museums in Gevgelija (Macedonian City of Culture for 2011) and to archaeological sites in the region.
Full programme of activities available at www.icomos.org.mk
→ Madagascar
ICOMOS Madagascar
18 April - For the first time ever in Madagascar, the National Authorities through the Ministry of Culture and Heritage and on the proposal by ICOMOS Madagascar will celebrate the International Day for Monuments and Sites. The celebration will take the form of an exhibition at the Palace of Andafiavaratra (built in 1872) on "Listed sites and monuments of Madagascar" (including the heritage of water). At its opening, the President of ICOMOS Madagascar, the Head of Sites and Monuments and the newly appointed Minister of Culture and Heritage will speak.
The event is particularly important for ICOMOS Madagascar who sees it as the culmination of a long and patient awareness raising exercise with the government and the public about the heritage and a second achievement (the first being the appointment of the President of the National Committee as the country’s expert at the World Heritage Committee from 2006-2009).
Contact: rafolonaivo@hotmail.com
→ Mauritius
ICOMOS Mauritius
- A Press release has been disseminated to the national press describing the cultural importance of water in our tangible and intangible national heritage. The Mascarene Islands were all originally uninhabited and it was the supply of fresh water which ensured their coloni sation by the maritime nations of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. The physical infrastructure of water retention and conduits has left some spectacular aqueducts and culturally-important water-distribution points. In the past century, many religious practices have become associated with volcanic crater lakes and rivers, and vast pilgrimages now take place regularly to these wetlands.
ICOMOS Mauritius has called on the authorities to protect these important heritage sites, both from the perspective of the built-heritage as well as from an ecological perspective, within their natural setting.
- A Photography Competition has been launched among the Second- Year Lycée Pupils. The best photograph will receive a prize and the photos will be presented as a slide show in the Lyc ées.
Contact: philippe.lahausse@icomos.org
→ Nepal
The Youth Awareness Environmental Forum (YAEF) in Nepal has established a community radio called “Environment Cycle Radio” F.M. 104.2 MHz. The radio station will broadcast heritage- related slogans every day at 6pm from 17 to 19 April.
On 18 April, the YAEF will hold an interactive programme concerning the important heritage in Lalitpur Godawari Area, which is the major water resource and heritage area in the Kathmandu Valley.
Contact: yaef_ast_60@hotmail.com
Website: www.yaefnepal.org
→ New Zealand
ICOMOS New Zealand
- 16 April – A Film evening at Film Archives Taranaki St .: “ Toehold on the Harbour” .
- 17 April and 18 April – Michael Kelly, a Wellington historian , is leading two waterfront historic tours, leaving Wellington Railway Station and walking along the wharves to Clyde Quay.
- 17 April and 18 April – the Documentary Film “NZ Lighthouse Keepers” , produced by Howard Taylor, will screen at the Museum of Wellington City & Sea Queens Wharf.
- 17 April and 18 April – the historic crane, “ Hikitea”, will be open to the public at Taranaki Wharf , so that visitors can view restoration work.
- 18 April, Museum of Wellington City & Sea – t hree of Wellington’s heritage experts will talk about the archaeology of water : Andy Dodd on “ Coastal Steamers on the New Zealand Wars” ; Kevin Jones on “ Water and goldmining in the upper Shotover” , Central Otago and Mary O’Keeffe on “ Two Unexpected Shipwrecks” .
Special 18 April 2011 web site - with a full list of events: www.icomos.org.nz/international-day-2011.htm
Preliminary list of events : download list (dated 24.03.2011)
Suggested activities: download flyer
Download Poster
→ North Cyprus
The Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Centre for Cyprus Studies and EMU Faculty of Architecture in Famagusta are celebrating 18 April for the first time. They are organising a Panel – “ Past, Present and Future of Our Heritage” – and photography exhibition, with photos of heritage buildings and sites taken byEMU Elementary School children . Banners have been prepared which will be displayed by the Municipality of Famagusta on the main arteries of the city. From now on, they are planning to celebrate the day every year.
Contact: naciye.doratli@mail.emu.edu.tr
→ Pakistan
ICOMOS Pakistan
18 April – The Committee, in collaboration with GEO TV and NED University, is projecting the documentary “Sharmili 1331” on the Indus Blind Dolfins (an endangered species) and the Mohanas (the boat community of the Indus). The film will be followed by refreshments.
Download Invitation
Contact: icomospak@neduet.edu.pk
→ Peru
May 2011 – Symposium on “ Cultural Heritage of Water: Material Culture and Heritage” . Event with the participation of various specialists who are involved in the management of water resources or the preservation of traditional hydraulic technology that characteri ses our country.
Contact: icomosperu@gmail.com
→ Philippines
ICOMOS Philippines
The Committee is organising a Forum on the “ Heritage of Water” . P articipants will be members from the different heritage NGO s in the country.
Contact: info@icomosphilippines.com
→ Portugal
ICOMOS Portugal
For 18 April, ICOMOS Portugal, together with IGESPAR, is organising nearly five hundred activities all over Portugal. We will end the day’s celebrations with discussions about the interaction between science, architecture, art, literature , music and more, with water, in the Seminar, “Water: Culture and Heritage”, taking place at the Museum de Etnologia in Lisbon andculminating with with a fantastic concert.
Complete list of initiatives available at www.igespar.pt/pt/news/9/1922/ and http://icomos.fa.utl.pt/
Downloads: Seminar Invitation and Programme
→ Romania
ICOMOS Romania
- The Committee will celebrate the day by awarding an Honorary Diploma to Mr. Sherban Cantacuzino, a committed supporter of Romanian Heritage, Honorary Chairman of the Pro Patrimonio Foundation and Honorary Member of ICOMOS.
- On the same occasion, ICOMOS Romania will sign a memorandum of understanding with ICOM Romania and the national representatives of the archives and public libraries in order to proceed with the establishment of the Romanian National Blue Shield Committee.
- Furthermore, civic associations in Braila, Oradea and Cluj-Napoca are organising programmes to raise awareness about historic monument preservation and the link between heritage and water, with the support of ICOMOS Romania.
Contact: sergiu_nistor2@yahoo.com
→ Serbia
18 April, Belgrade – “Belgrade fortress at the confluence of two rivers – advantages and problems”.
ICOMOS Serbia is celebrating the International Day for Monuments and Sites by organi sing a presentation on Belgrade fortress, situated at the confluence of two rivers, the Sava and the Danube. The advantages of this position of the fortress will be explained through various historical plans and maps, as well as its great potential as a main tourist attraction in today’s Belgrade. The various ways in which water is threatening this cultural monument will be illustrated.
Presenters will be Nevenka Novakovic and Ivana Filipovic, architects and conservation professionals from the Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade.
Contact: icomos.serbia@gmail.com
→ Seychelles
ICOMOS Seychelles, in conjunction with the Seychelles National Archives, will launch, on 18 April, a series of articles on history and heritage issues to appear in the country’s most popular daily newspaper, the Seychelles Nation. As ICOMOS Seychelles is a new organisation on the local NGO scene, the articles will serve to promote the status of the organisation and to launch its logo, as well as to further public awareness of conservation and cultural heritage issues. The programme will also mark the beginning of an interesting working relationship between the Seychelles National Archives and ICOMOS Seychelles.
Contact: pnanty@macs.sc
→ Slovenia
ICOMOS Slovenia
18 April – Press conference : “ Historical review and perspective of the underwater archaeological research in Slovenia”.
See the Committee’s special web site on the Day
Download Invitation
→ South Africa
ICOMOS South Africa
In the Western Cape Province of South Africa, the day will be celebrated in the town of Worcester through a joint programme of the provincial heritage resources authority, Heritage Western Cape, and the provincial museum service. A programme to explain the heritage of the traditional municipal irrigation system that transports water into gardens through the use of open furrows flowing through the streets of the town will be explained to children at the Worcester Museum. The programme includes an origami workshop, where children will make paper boats which in the afternoon they will race through the furrows. P rizes will be awarded to the winners.
Contact: Andrew.Hall@icomos.org
→ Spain
The Committee is supporting the events organi sed by the City of Banyeres de Mariola (Alicante, Comunitat Valenciana), in view of the rich hydraulic heritage of the upper Vinalopó river (dams, canals, primers, rafts, flour mills, paper mills, water mines), its close relationship with the natural park of the Sierra Mariola and the strong commitment of the population to its protection and enhancement.
The Paper Museum in Valencià will hold an open day, with workshops on handmade paper from 11 am to 1pm and from 5pm to 7pm.
El Comité Nacional del ICOMOS (ICOMOS-España) brinda su apoyo a los actos organizados por el Ayuntamiento de Banyeres de Mariola (Alicante, Comunitat Valenciana), en atención a la riqueza del patrimonio hidráulico del curso alto del río Vinalopó (azudes, acequias, partidores, balsas, molinos harineros, molinos papeleros, minas de agua), a su estrecha relación con el parque Natural de la Sierra Mariola y el firme compromiso de la población con su salvaguarda y puesta en valor.
El Museu Valencià del Paper celebrará una jornada de puertas abiertas, con talleres de elaboración artesanal de papel de 11:00 a 13:00 y de 17:00 a 19:00.
Contact: buzon@esicomos.org
Other organization
18 April, 7pm, Centro-Museo Artium, Vitoria-Gasteiz
Organised by Extea – UNESCO Centre Basque Country, the event will present different visions of water in various cultures, including an exhibition on how water is crucial to our own landscape, as in the Salinas de Añana. In addition, the film, “ The Dream of Water”, will be shown, as well as the winning entries of the video contest, “Give me 1 minute of water”.
Full programme
Contact: info@unescoetxea.org
Web site
→ Turkey
- 16 April – All day visit to the two historic waterworks (Terkos and Cendere), guided by the ICOMOS Turkey member who prepared the plans to restore and reuse them, with an explanation of the importance of these buildings for water distribution in Istanbul and a presentation o n the works that are underway.
Download Poster
- 17 April, Izmir – Scientific meeting, including two lectures : “ Buildings related to Water in Turkey” and “ Fountains of the historic city of Izmir and restoration issues”. An afternoon tour will be conducted to some of these fountains.
Download Poster
Contact: nurgunkut@gmail.com
→ United Arab Emirates
Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture and Heritage will be organi sing a heritage trail through Hili Oasis in the city of Al Ain. The trail will highlight how water has shaped the oasis culture of the Emirate, allowed civili sation around it to thrive and how water has impacted on heritage resources today. The self-guided trail will lead visitors through the oasis to admire the ancestral and modern falaj irrigation system, explore date palm gardens and farms, visit a selection of existing historic mud brick buildings and see how they have been conserved.
Contact : amel.chabbi [at] adach.ae
Website: www.adach.ae
→ Venezuela
ICOMOS Venezuela is publishing an 8 page article with photographs entitled, “18 April – International Day for Monuments and Sites 2011 – Venezuela and its heritage associated with water”, in Entre Rayas magazine, a bi-monthly architectural magazine which will, from this year, include a section dedicated to ICOMOS in every issue. Contact: icomosvenezuela@yahoo.com
  
If your National Committee or other organization is organizing an event (or many events) on the occasion of the International Day for Monuments and Sites, please submit any information and/or documentation about the event to the ICOMOS International Secretariat. All events organized around the 18th April will be published on this website.
ICOMOS International Secretariat
49-51, rue de la Fédération
75015 Paris
Tel.: +33 1 45 67 67 70
Fax: +33 1 45 66 06 22