US/ICOMOS Call for Participants and Hosts for 2017 International Exchange Program

US/ICOMOS is pleased to announce the call for applications for participants and hosts in the 2017 International Exchange Program (IEP).
US/ICOMOS is seeking graduate students and young professionals (1-3 years of experience) specialized in historic preservation and heritage conservation to participate in the 2017 IEP. Participants will be assigned practical working internships, under professional supervision, with a public or private nonprofit preservation organization. Internships for U.S. citizens are in other countries, organized in many cases in cooperation with the local ICOMOS National Committee. Internships for non-U.S. citizens are placed throughout the United States. The US/ICOMOS carefully organizes and manages the 12 week program from its Directorate offices in Washington, DC.
Positions are for interns with a bachelor's degree (at a minimum) in a preservation or conservation-related field: architecture, landscape architecture, cultural resource management, materials conservation, interpretation, history of architecture, archaeology, industrial archaeology, public history or cultural tourism.
For more information, visit The deadline for participant applications is 15 January 2017.
US/ICOMOS also seeks host organizations, such as non-profits, government agencies, and private firms, who are interested in hosting a US/ICOMOS intern, whether in the United States or overseas. To become an intern host, please read the 2017 Call for Hosts and Sponsors and submit an application (a direct link to the online application is included in the call). Please note that the deadline for host applications is January 8, 2017.
Please direct questions via email to:
Brian Michael Lione
- Member, Board of Trustees US/ICOMOS
- Co-Chair, International Exchange Program Committee
- Former US/ICOMOS Intern to Jordan (1999)
- Member, Working Group on Iraq and Syria ICOMOS