The World Heritage Convention will celebrate its 50th anniversary in November 2022!
With over 1100 sites inscribed to date in more than 150 countries, representing the greatest natural and cultural treasures of humanity, the success of the World Heritage List goes far beyond the initial ambition of its founders. Beyond the sites inscribed, the Convention has proven to be an extraordinarily powerful tool to serve the cause of heritage and strengthen its protection.
As the main international organization dedicated to the conservation of cultural heritage, ICOMOS was designated from the outset as an advisory organization to the World Heritage Committee. In this dual capacity, we have been putting the experience, skills and commitment of our Committees and members around the world – both at the national and international levels – at the service of the World Heritage Convention for 50 years.
ICOMOS encourages its Committees and Working Groups to inform us of any events planned to celebrate this anniversary: all relevant information can be sent to calendrier[at]
Here's the list of future and past events organised by ICOMOS National and International Scientific Committees and Working Groups in honour of this important milestone.
DIÁLOGO: La gestión de los Sitios Patrimonio Mundial. |
Revival after a disaster. Restoration of Notre-Dame of Paris Cathedral and of the Shuri-jô castle |
50 years of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention. Achievements and Challenges in Europe |
ICAHM Annual Meeting - The World Heritage Convention at 50: Evolution and influence on Archaeological Heritage Management since 1972 |
'What's News?' Special Edition |
"World Heritage at 50: A Symposium on the Past, Present and Future of the World Heritage Convention in the United States and Around the World" |
"50 years of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention: International Standards in a National Context" |