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Terms of use

ICOMOS collaborative photo bank – General terms of use

ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank (ICPB) is part of the Open Access movement which promotes free and unlimited access to scientific production while defending the rights of authors over their photographical works. The Open Access movement recognizes that authors have intellectual property of their publications and thus they should decide how their publications should be disseminated and used.
ICPB respects copyright and all works deposited remain the property of the author, except in the case of a non-exclusive cession of rights to ICOMOS.

Download and use of an image

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Upon dowload, by clicking on “Accept”, you acknowledge that you have read and understood ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank’s General Terms of Use and that you undertake to respect them. You commit to respect the Creative Commons licenses attached to every image and in general to use any photographical documentation from ICPB only for scientific, academic, non-commercial and non-for-profit purposes. ICOMOS does not assume any responsibility if there is a breach of copyright in distributing the documents or metadata.

Uploading one or several photographs to the ICPB

Before depositing a document, authors must make sure they hold the copyright or are authorized to deposit the document in the ICOMOS Open Archive, and that there is no restriction on its electronic distribution.

In depositing the files and the associated metadata, the author:

  • grants the ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank the right to store them and to make them permanently publicly available for free online.
  • declares that the document deposited is his/her own intellectual property or the property of a person who officially granted him/her the authorization to dispose of it.
  • understands that ICPB does not assume any responsibility if there is a breach of copyright in distributing the documents or metadata.

For work being deposited by its own author
ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank (ICPB). ICOMOS is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in deposited documents. Opinions expressed and data provided in deposited documents, and their associated metadata, do not commit ICOMOS in any way and are the sole responsibility of their authors. Deposited documents are not automatically endorsed by ICOMOS. The ICOMOS respects copyright and all documents deposited in the ICOMOS Open Archive remain property of their authors except in case of non-exclusive cession of rights to ICOMOS. In self-archiving documents and their associated metadata, authors declare that the material they deposit is their own intellectual property and grant ICOMOS the right to store it in the ICPB and to make them permanently publicly available for free on-line. ICOMOS does not assume any responsibility if there is a breach of copyright in distributing the documents or metadata.

For work being deposited by someone other than its author
In depositing documents, and their associated metadata, that are not their own work, the person depositing declares that he/she has been appointed by the author or the copyright holder to deposit the documents in the ICPB or that the material is in the public domain, and accepts full responsibility for any breach of copyright that distributing these files or metadata may entail.

Creative Commons
Creative Commons is a non-profit organization whose main aim is to establish a balance between the rights of authors, cultural industries and the general public’s access to culture. Creative Commons “provide free licenses and other legal tools to mark creative work with the freedom the creator wants it to carry, so others can share, remix, use commercially, or any combination thereof.” It is the first attempt to provide a valid legal framework for Open Access.

In the upload stage of the deposit, the ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank offers authors who hold the rights to their works, the possibility of choosing one of the following six available Creative Commons licenses to publish their works:

• Attribution
• Attribution Share Alike
• Attribution No Derivatives
• Attribution Non-Commercial
• Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
• Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives

For more information about these licenses consult

Young boys bathing in river Tungabhadra.

"The austere and grandiose site of Hampi comprise mainly the remnants of the Capital City of Vijayanagara Empire (14th-16th Cent CE), the last great Hindu Kingdom. The property encompasses an area of 4187, 24 hectares, located in the Tungabhadra basin in Central Karnataka, Bellary District.

Hampi’s spectacular setting is dominated by river Tungabhadra, craggy hill ranges and open plains, with widespread physical remains."

Source: World Heritage site 

February 06th, 2017

The Persepolis at Night

Size : 0 B | Hits : 3650 | Downloads : 1333 

Terms of use

ICOMOS collaborative photo bank – General terms of use

ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank (ICPB) is part of the Open Access movement which promotes free and unlimited access to scientific production while defending the rights of authors over their photographical works. The Open Access movement recognizes that authors have intellectual property of their publications and thus they should decide how their publications should be disseminated and used.
ICPB respects copyright and all works deposited remain the property of the author, except in the case of a non-exclusive cession of rights to ICOMOS.

Download and use of an image

Warning upon download
Upon dowload, by clicking on “Accept”, you acknowledge that you have read and understood ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank’s General Terms of Use and that you undertake to respect them. You commit to respect the Creative Commons licenses attached to every image and in general to use any photographical documentation from ICPB only for scientific, academic, non-commercial and non-for-profit purposes. ICOMOS does not assume any responsibility if there is a breach of copyright in distributing the documents or metadata.

Uploading one or several photographs to the ICPB

Before depositing a document, authors must make sure they hold the copyright or are authorized to deposit the document in the ICOMOS Open Archive, and that there is no restriction on its electronic distribution.

In depositing the files and the associated metadata, the author:

  • grants the ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank the right to store them and to make them permanently publicly available for free online.
  • declares that the document deposited is his/her own intellectual property or the property of a person who officially granted him/her the authorization to dispose of it.
  • understands that ICPB does not assume any responsibility if there is a breach of copyright in distributing the documents or metadata.

For work being deposited by its own author
ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank (ICPB). ICOMOS is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in deposited documents. Opinions expressed and data provided in deposited documents, and their associated metadata, do not commit ICOMOS in any way and are the sole responsibility of their authors. Deposited documents are not automatically endorsed by ICOMOS. The ICOMOS respects copyright and all documents deposited in the ICOMOS Open Archive remain property of their authors except in case of non-exclusive cession of rights to ICOMOS. In self-archiving documents and their associated metadata, authors declare that the material they deposit is their own intellectual property and grant ICOMOS the right to store it in the ICPB and to make them permanently publicly available for free on-line. ICOMOS does not assume any responsibility if there is a breach of copyright in distributing the documents or metadata.

For work being deposited by someone other than its author
In depositing documents, and their associated metadata, that are not their own work, the person depositing declares that he/she has been appointed by the author or the copyright holder to deposit the documents in the ICPB or that the material is in the public domain, and accepts full responsibility for any breach of copyright that distributing these files or metadata may entail.

Creative Commons
Creative Commons is a non-profit organization whose main aim is to establish a balance between the rights of authors, cultural industries and the general public’s access to culture. Creative Commons “provide free licenses and other legal tools to mark creative work with the freedom the creator wants it to carry, so others can share, remix, use commercially, or any combination thereof.” It is the first attempt to provide a valid legal framework for Open Access.

In the upload stage of the deposit, the ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank offers authors who hold the rights to their works, the possibility of choosing one of the following six available Creative Commons licenses to publish their works:

• Attribution
• Attribution Share Alike
• Attribution No Derivatives
• Attribution Non-Commercial
• Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
• Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives

For more information about these licenses consult

Fars, Shiraz
November 11th, 2015
Ramin Rahmani Nejad

We, and Pyramids in Dahshur, Egypt -2016

Size : 0 B | Hits : 3666 | Downloads : 1053 

Terms of use

ICOMOS collaborative photo bank – General terms of use

ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank (ICPB) is part of the Open Access movement which promotes free and unlimited access to scientific production while defending the rights of authors over their photographical works. The Open Access movement recognizes that authors have intellectual property of their publications and thus they should decide how their publications should be disseminated and used.
ICPB respects copyright and all works deposited remain the property of the author, except in the case of a non-exclusive cession of rights to ICOMOS.

Download and use of an image

Warning upon download
Upon dowload, by clicking on “Accept”, you acknowledge that you have read and understood ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank’s General Terms of Use and that you undertake to respect them. You commit to respect the Creative Commons licenses attached to every image and in general to use any photographical documentation from ICPB only for scientific, academic, non-commercial and non-for-profit purposes. ICOMOS does not assume any responsibility if there is a breach of copyright in distributing the documents or metadata.

Uploading one or several photographs to the ICPB

Before depositing a document, authors must make sure they hold the copyright or are authorized to deposit the document in the ICOMOS Open Archive, and that there is no restriction on its electronic distribution.

In depositing the files and the associated metadata, the author:

  • grants the ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank the right to store them and to make them permanently publicly available for free online.
  • declares that the document deposited is his/her own intellectual property or the property of a person who officially granted him/her the authorization to dispose of it.
  • understands that ICPB does not assume any responsibility if there is a breach of copyright in distributing the documents or metadata.

For work being deposited by its own author
ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank (ICPB). ICOMOS is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in deposited documents. Opinions expressed and data provided in deposited documents, and their associated metadata, do not commit ICOMOS in any way and are the sole responsibility of their authors. Deposited documents are not automatically endorsed by ICOMOS. The ICOMOS respects copyright and all documents deposited in the ICOMOS Open Archive remain property of their authors except in case of non-exclusive cession of rights to ICOMOS. In self-archiving documents and their associated metadata, authors declare that the material they deposit is their own intellectual property and grant ICOMOS the right to store it in the ICPB and to make them permanently publicly available for free on-line. ICOMOS does not assume any responsibility if there is a breach of copyright in distributing the documents or metadata.

For work being deposited by someone other than its author
In depositing documents, and their associated metadata, that are not their own work, the person depositing declares that he/she has been appointed by the author or the copyright holder to deposit the documents in the ICPB or that the material is in the public domain, and accepts full responsibility for any breach of copyright that distributing these files or metadata may entail.

Creative Commons
Creative Commons is a non-profit organization whose main aim is to establish a balance between the rights of authors, cultural industries and the general public’s access to culture. Creative Commons “provide free licenses and other legal tools to mark creative work with the freedom the creator wants it to carry, so others can share, remix, use commercially, or any combination thereof.” It is the first attempt to provide a valid legal framework for Open Access.

In the upload stage of the deposit, the ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank offers authors who hold the rights to their works, the possibility of choosing one of the following six available Creative Commons licenses to publish their works:

• Attribution
• Attribution Share Alike
• Attribution No Derivatives
• Attribution Non-Commercial
• Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
• Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives

For more information about these licenses consult

T his photo was taken by me during the school excursion for archaeology module, which was organized by DAI Cairo office and the Master course of 'Heritage Conservation and Site Management' of Helwan University in Cairo. I took couples of photos regarding the pyramids located in Dahshur. I took this photo when our excursion team came back to the bus again. It was so impressive as one batch who seemed to be rambler or pilgrims walked in line heading to the Bent Pyramid.

Wadi Al Hitan, Dahshur
Dahshur Pyramid Plateau
December 09th, 2016

We, and Pyramids in Dahshur, Egypt - 2016

Size : 0 B | Hits : 3681 | Downloads : 1077 

Terms of use

ICOMOS collaborative photo bank – General terms of use

ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank (ICPB) is part of the Open Access movement which promotes free and unlimited access to scientific production while defending the rights of authors over their photographical works. The Open Access movement recognizes that authors have intellectual property of their publications and thus they should decide how their publications should be disseminated and used.
ICPB respects copyright and all works deposited remain the property of the author, except in the case of a non-exclusive cession of rights to ICOMOS.

Download and use of an image

Warning upon download
Upon dowload, by clicking on “Accept”, you acknowledge that you have read and understood ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank’s General Terms of Use and that you undertake to respect them. You commit to respect the Creative Commons licenses attached to every image and in general to use any photographical documentation from ICPB only for scientific, academic, non-commercial and non-for-profit purposes. ICOMOS does not assume any responsibility if there is a breach of copyright in distributing the documents or metadata.

Uploading one or several photographs to the ICPB

Before depositing a document, authors must make sure they hold the copyright or are authorized to deposit the document in the ICOMOS Open Archive, and that there is no restriction on its electronic distribution.

In depositing the files and the associated metadata, the author:

  • grants the ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank the right to store them and to make them permanently publicly available for free online.
  • declares that the document deposited is his/her own intellectual property or the property of a person who officially granted him/her the authorization to dispose of it.
  • understands that ICPB does not assume any responsibility if there is a breach of copyright in distributing the documents or metadata.

For work being deposited by its own author
ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank (ICPB). ICOMOS is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in deposited documents. Opinions expressed and data provided in deposited documents, and their associated metadata, do not commit ICOMOS in any way and are the sole responsibility of their authors. Deposited documents are not automatically endorsed by ICOMOS. The ICOMOS respects copyright and all documents deposited in the ICOMOS Open Archive remain property of their authors except in case of non-exclusive cession of rights to ICOMOS. In self-archiving documents and their associated metadata, authors declare that the material they deposit is their own intellectual property and grant ICOMOS the right to store it in the ICPB and to make them permanently publicly available for free on-line. ICOMOS does not assume any responsibility if there is a breach of copyright in distributing the documents or metadata.

For work being deposited by someone other than its author
In depositing documents, and their associated metadata, that are not their own work, the person depositing declares that he/she has been appointed by the author or the copyright holder to deposit the documents in the ICPB or that the material is in the public domain, and accepts full responsibility for any breach of copyright that distributing these files or metadata may entail.

Creative Commons
Creative Commons is a non-profit organization whose main aim is to establish a balance between the rights of authors, cultural industries and the general public’s access to culture. Creative Commons “provide free licenses and other legal tools to mark creative work with the freedom the creator wants it to carry, so others can share, remix, use commercially, or any combination thereof.” It is the first attempt to provide a valid legal framework for Open Access.

In the upload stage of the deposit, the ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank offers authors who hold the rights to their works, the possibility of choosing one of the following six available Creative Commons licenses to publish their works:

• Attribution
• Attribution Share Alike
• Attribution No Derivatives
• Attribution Non-Commercial
• Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
• Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives

For more information about these licenses consult

This photo was taken by me during the school excursion for archaeology module, which was organized by DAI Cairo office and the Master course of 'Heritage Conservation and Site Management' of Helwan University in Cairo. I took couples of photos regarding the pyramids located in Dahshur. This photo describes the appearance of the Bent Pyramid which was the first attempt to make the facade smoothly.

Wadi Al Hitan
Sneferu's Bent Pyramid, Dahshur
December 09th, 2016

We, and Pyramids in Dahshur, Egypt - 2016

Size : 0 B | Hits : 3668 | Downloads : 1099 

Terms of use

ICOMOS collaborative photo bank – General terms of use

ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank (ICPB) is part of the Open Access movement which promotes free and unlimited access to scientific production while defending the rights of authors over their photographical works. The Open Access movement recognizes that authors have intellectual property of their publications and thus they should decide how their publications should be disseminated and used.
ICPB respects copyright and all works deposited remain the property of the author, except in the case of a non-exclusive cession of rights to ICOMOS.

Download and use of an image

Warning upon download
Upon dowload, by clicking on “Accept”, you acknowledge that you have read and understood ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank’s General Terms of Use and that you undertake to respect them. You commit to respect the Creative Commons licenses attached to every image and in general to use any photographical documentation from ICPB only for scientific, academic, non-commercial and non-for-profit purposes. ICOMOS does not assume any responsibility if there is a breach of copyright in distributing the documents or metadata.

Uploading one or several photographs to the ICPB

Before depositing a document, authors must make sure they hold the copyright or are authorized to deposit the document in the ICOMOS Open Archive, and that there is no restriction on its electronic distribution.

In depositing the files and the associated metadata, the author:

  • grants the ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank the right to store them and to make them permanently publicly available for free online.
  • declares that the document deposited is his/her own intellectual property or the property of a person who officially granted him/her the authorization to dispose of it.
  • understands that ICPB does not assume any responsibility if there is a breach of copyright in distributing the documents or metadata.

For work being deposited by its own author
ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank (ICPB). ICOMOS is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in deposited documents. Opinions expressed and data provided in deposited documents, and their associated metadata, do not commit ICOMOS in any way and are the sole responsibility of their authors. Deposited documents are not automatically endorsed by ICOMOS. The ICOMOS respects copyright and all documents deposited in the ICOMOS Open Archive remain property of their authors except in case of non-exclusive cession of rights to ICOMOS. In self-archiving documents and their associated metadata, authors declare that the material they deposit is their own intellectual property and grant ICOMOS the right to store it in the ICPB and to make them permanently publicly available for free on-line. ICOMOS does not assume any responsibility if there is a breach of copyright in distributing the documents or metadata.

For work being deposited by someone other than its author
In depositing documents, and their associated metadata, that are not their own work, the person depositing declares that he/she has been appointed by the author or the copyright holder to deposit the documents in the ICPB or that the material is in the public domain, and accepts full responsibility for any breach of copyright that distributing these files or metadata may entail.

Creative Commons
Creative Commons is a non-profit organization whose main aim is to establish a balance between the rights of authors, cultural industries and the general public’s access to culture. Creative Commons “provide free licenses and other legal tools to mark creative work with the freedom the creator wants it to carry, so others can share, remix, use commercially, or any combination thereof.” It is the first attempt to provide a valid legal framework for Open Access.

In the upload stage of the deposit, the ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank offers authors who hold the rights to their works, the possibility of choosing one of the following six available Creative Commons licenses to publish their works:

• Attribution
• Attribution Share Alike
• Attribution No Derivatives
• Attribution Non-Commercial
• Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
• Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives

For more information about these licenses consult

This photo was taken by me during the school excursion for archaeology module, which was organized by DAI Cairo office and the Master course of 'Heritage Conservation and Site Management' of Helwan University in Cairo. I took couples of photos regarding the pyramids located in Dahshur. This photo describes that well-defined bricks are scattered out of order, and they are revealed to sand wind without any shelter. We can understand that those bricks were used for building of pyramids in the Dahshur that can be seen as the background of the photo.

Wadi Al Hitan
Pyramids in Dahshur
December 09th, 2016

We, and Pyramids in Dashur, Egypt - 2016

Size : 0 B | Hits : 4667 | Downloads : 1091 

Terms of use

ICOMOS collaborative photo bank – General terms of use

ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank (ICPB) is part of the Open Access movement which promotes free and unlimited access to scientific production while defending the rights of authors over their photographical works. The Open Access movement recognizes that authors have intellectual property of their publications and thus they should decide how their publications should be disseminated and used.
ICPB respects copyright and all works deposited remain the property of the author, except in the case of a non-exclusive cession of rights to ICOMOS.

Download and use of an image

Warning upon download
Upon dowload, by clicking on “Accept”, you acknowledge that you have read and understood ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank’s General Terms of Use and that you undertake to respect them. You commit to respect the Creative Commons licenses attached to every image and in general to use any photographical documentation from ICPB only for scientific, academic, non-commercial and non-for-profit purposes. ICOMOS does not assume any responsibility if there is a breach of copyright in distributing the documents or metadata.

Uploading one or several photographs to the ICPB

Before depositing a document, authors must make sure they hold the copyright or are authorized to deposit the document in the ICOMOS Open Archive, and that there is no restriction on its electronic distribution.

In depositing the files and the associated metadata, the author:

  • grants the ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank the right to store them and to make them permanently publicly available for free online.
  • declares that the document deposited is his/her own intellectual property or the property of a person who officially granted him/her the authorization to dispose of it.
  • understands that ICPB does not assume any responsibility if there is a breach of copyright in distributing the documents or metadata.

For work being deposited by its own author
ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank (ICPB). ICOMOS is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in deposited documents. Opinions expressed and data provided in deposited documents, and their associated metadata, do not commit ICOMOS in any way and are the sole responsibility of their authors. Deposited documents are not automatically endorsed by ICOMOS. The ICOMOS respects copyright and all documents deposited in the ICOMOS Open Archive remain property of their authors except in case of non-exclusive cession of rights to ICOMOS. In self-archiving documents and their associated metadata, authors declare that the material they deposit is their own intellectual property and grant ICOMOS the right to store it in the ICPB and to make them permanently publicly available for free on-line. ICOMOS does not assume any responsibility if there is a breach of copyright in distributing the documents or metadata.

For work being deposited by someone other than its author
In depositing documents, and their associated metadata, that are not their own work, the person depositing declares that he/she has been appointed by the author or the copyright holder to deposit the documents in the ICPB or that the material is in the public domain, and accepts full responsibility for any breach of copyright that distributing these files or metadata may entail.

Creative Commons
Creative Commons is a non-profit organization whose main aim is to establish a balance between the rights of authors, cultural industries and the general public’s access to culture. Creative Commons “provide free licenses and other legal tools to mark creative work with the freedom the creator wants it to carry, so others can share, remix, use commercially, or any combination thereof.” It is the first attempt to provide a valid legal framework for Open Access.

In the upload stage of the deposit, the ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank offers authors who hold the rights to their works, the possibility of choosing one of the following six available Creative Commons licenses to publish their works:

• Attribution
• Attribution Share Alike
• Attribution No Derivatives
• Attribution Non-Commercial
• Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
• Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives

For more information about these licenses consult

This photo was taken by me during the school excursion for archaeology module, which was organized by DAI Cairo office and the Master course of 'Heritage Conservation and Site Management' of Helwan University in Cairo. I took couples of photos regarding the pyramids located in Dahshur.  I selected this photo because this represent the relation between human being and historical monument clearly, and I always think that it is needed to consider heritage monuments in the context of human society when it comes to heritage management. When I looked at the elderly' face carefully, my finger naturally clicked on my phone camera without hesitation. I could understand how the elderly' life and the history of pyramid overlapped together, reflecting their coexistence including their joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure. The heritage sites in the world cannot be understand without human being, and vice versa.

Wadi Al Hitan
Pyramids of Dahshur
December 09th, 2016

Neolithic lakeshore settlement, Greece, 2015

Size : 0 B | Hits : 3760 | Downloads : 975 

Terms of use

ICOMOS collaborative photo bank – General terms of use

ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank (ICPB) is part of the Open Access movement which promotes free and unlimited access to scientific production while defending the rights of authors over their photographical works. The Open Access movement recognizes that authors have intellectual property of their publications and thus they should decide how their publications should be disseminated and used.
ICPB respects copyright and all works deposited remain the property of the author, except in the case of a non-exclusive cession of rights to ICOMOS.

Download and use of an image

Warning upon download
Upon dowload, by clicking on “Accept”, you acknowledge that you have read and understood ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank’s General Terms of Use and that you undertake to respect them. You commit to respect the Creative Commons licenses attached to every image and in general to use any photographical documentation from ICPB only for scientific, academic, non-commercial and non-for-profit purposes. ICOMOS does not assume any responsibility if there is a breach of copyright in distributing the documents or metadata.

Uploading one or several photographs to the ICPB

Before depositing a document, authors must make sure they hold the copyright or are authorized to deposit the document in the ICOMOS Open Archive, and that there is no restriction on its electronic distribution.

In depositing the files and the associated metadata, the author:

  • grants the ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank the right to store them and to make them permanently publicly available for free online.
  • declares that the document deposited is his/her own intellectual property or the property of a person who officially granted him/her the authorization to dispose of it.
  • understands that ICPB does not assume any responsibility if there is a breach of copyright in distributing the documents or metadata.

For work being deposited by its own author
ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank (ICPB). ICOMOS is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in deposited documents. Opinions expressed and data provided in deposited documents, and their associated metadata, do not commit ICOMOS in any way and are the sole responsibility of their authors. Deposited documents are not automatically endorsed by ICOMOS. The ICOMOS respects copyright and all documents deposited in the ICOMOS Open Archive remain property of their authors except in case of non-exclusive cession of rights to ICOMOS. In self-archiving documents and their associated metadata, authors declare that the material they deposit is their own intellectual property and grant ICOMOS the right to store it in the ICPB and to make them permanently publicly available for free on-line. ICOMOS does not assume any responsibility if there is a breach of copyright in distributing the documents or metadata.

For work being deposited by someone other than its author
In depositing documents, and their associated metadata, that are not their own work, the person depositing declares that he/she has been appointed by the author or the copyright holder to deposit the documents in the ICPB or that the material is in the public domain, and accepts full responsibility for any breach of copyright that distributing these files or metadata may entail.

Creative Commons
Creative Commons is a non-profit organization whose main aim is to establish a balance between the rights of authors, cultural industries and the general public’s access to culture. Creative Commons “provide free licenses and other legal tools to mark creative work with the freedom the creator wants it to carry, so others can share, remix, use commercially, or any combination thereof.” It is the first attempt to provide a valid legal framework for Open Access.

In the upload stage of the deposit, the ICOMOS Collaborative Photo Bank offers authors who hold the rights to their works, the possibility of choosing one of the following six available Creative Commons licenses to publish their works:

• Attribution
• Attribution Share Alike
• Attribution No Derivatives
• Attribution Non-Commercial
• Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
• Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives

For more information about these licenses consult

Representation of an archaeological site containing remains of a Neolithic lakeshore settlement that occupied an artificial island near the modern village of Dispilio on Lake Orestiada in Kastoria regional unit, Macedonia, Greece

Dispilio, Lake Orestiada, Kastoria regional unit, Macedonia, Greece
Neolithic lakeshore settlement, Dispilio, Kastoria, Macedonia, Greece
November 23rd, 2015
P. Spathis
Structural Damage
Physical forces
Hydrological Events such as floods

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