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2018 IDMS #heritage4generations

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5th. Colloquium on Heritage. Round Table and Reflection Tables
On the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of Monuments and Sites whose purpose is to promote the awareness of the diversity of the cultural heritage of humanity, its vulnerability and the efforts required for its protection and conservation.
The Master's Degree in Rehabilitation, maintenance and retrieval of buildings, postgraduate studies at the Alfonso X el Sabio University in Madrid, aimed at the Heritage field, with the collaboration of the Working Group of the COAM Heritage Area and the participation of some members of ICOMOS- Spain, the UNESCO Chair of Heritage, and ARESPA, Spanish Association of Companies of Restoration of Historical Heritage, organizes the fifth Colloquium on Reflection on Heritage, focusing on the theme of HERITAGE FOR NEW GENERATIONS, within the framework of the EUROPEAN YEAR OF HERITAGE .
We are at a crucial moment in the construction of Europe, with a worn out dream, institutions touched and an economic crisis that has not just come back. It is necessary then to go back to the roots to find the signs of identity that will help us to move towards the future, and Heritage is the biggest hallmark of Europe and that has served as a model for the world. Therefore, why not resort to it? Why not understand that a revision to it can give us signals and ideas to recover the illusion of building a joint project? It is time to remind the youth and the new generations of the importance of everything that unites us and supports us as a society, as a culture and as a continent.
The event was successfully held on Wednesday, April 18, with the presence of authorities such as the Director General of Heritage of the Community of Madrid, Ms. Paloma Sobrini, the General Coordinator of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the City of Madrid , Mrs. Cármen Rojas Cerro and the Dean of the COAM, Arq. D. José María Ezquiaga, who opened the Act.
Next Ms. Mª Isabel Sardón de Taboada, Member of ICOMOS-Spain and Director of the University Master in Rehabilitation, Maintenance and Recovery of the UAX Building, gave an exhibition on the central theme "Heritage for the new generations: The Spanish heritage and European: protection, conservation, management and dissemination ", which was followed by the four roundtables in which professionals of acknowledged experience in this field participated and authorities from institutions dedicated to each of the topics.
Finally it is to emphasize the participation of the university young people that representing the different levels of the Spanish university offered their point of view on the Patrimony and the future of this one in Europe: Jorge Sevillano Sola, student of Architecture Degree in UAX, Lucía López Sardón, student of Humanities Degree in Carlos III University, Cármen Pérez-Somarriba, student of Master in Architecture UPM Polytechnic University of Madrid, Lucia Rivera Quevedo, Architect. Master's Degree in Rehabilitation, Maintenance and Recovery of Buildings - UAX., María Reyes Fernández, Bachelor of Fine Arts, PhD candidate at the School of Fine Arts of the Complutense University and Rubén Rodríguez Elizalde. Geologist and Civil Engineer and PhD in Architecture and Heritage by University Alfonso X el Sabio.

April 18th, 2018
Javier Vila Tejero (MUR-UAX professor) and David García Rodríguez (COAM)

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