2018 IDMS #heritage4generations

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Iran ICOMOS international day of monuments and sites, April 28th2018 :

This year’s slogan “Cultural Heritage for Generations” was introduced by a member of the Iran ICOMOS’s board wherein the president of the Iran ICOMOS first pointed to some important relations between the cultural heritage and generations, stating that the basis for achieving an appropriate vision needs deep understanding of the fundamental importance of cultural heritage for generations.

A roundtable was held including three representatives of Emerging Professionals of matters relating to cultural heritage (conservation, history of architecture and archeology) with the participation of the Iran ICOMOS’s president, to talk about communication among generations.

Cultural heritage in itself comprises the connecting hub among generations since heritage which originates from the past in its tangible aspects could connect us to previous generations in different ways. Our connections to past generations, who have lived this heritage, provides us with more intangible and invisible aspects of the cultural heritage. This includes values, goals, hopes, and conditions of previous generations, together with their knowledge and culture of life.

Cultural heritage is a right that belongs to all generations, upon which they remember themselves, identify their identities and to draw tested and optimized ways of life thereof. How could this public right to the cultural heritage and this generational/intergenerational justice be established? How could a generation become aware of such right, enjoy it and be obligated to protect and hand it down to the next generation so this intergenerational chain would stay connected?

It is the role of the Emerging Professionals to keep the intergenerational chain connected by handing down cultural heritage. We also have to consider the impediments and problems of the current era, e.g. intergenerational gaps and differences which are due to rapid changes which occurred in this century, extensive climate changes, globalization, the emergence of hybrid cultures etc. These issues complicate the path to responsibility and obligation to pursue cultural goals. ICOMOS has a key role to effectively promote awareness, hope, and obligation to establish intergenerational justice regarding cultural heritage.

Some Iran ICOMOS EPWG activities discussed were:

  • Establishing a connection with Cultural Heritage Organization (ICCHTO) and initiate ways to cooperate with ICCHTO
  • Connecting with universities and academic centers and other NGOs who are concerned on cultural heritage
  • Finding and inventing ways to connect meaningfully with municipalities and city/rural councils
  • Providing Iran ICOMOS with some training, learning and mentorship materials and programs to introduce ICOMOS and its activities to young students in universities and other academic institutes

Due to the success of this program, Iran ICOMOS’s Board declared that the ICOMOS’s secretariat will devise a plan for receiving suggestions made by all interested parties, and they will facilitate similar round-tables within the year of the cultural heritage.

April 28th, 2018
Nayereh (Atefeh) Mousavi

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