Review of Ethical Commitment Statement: extended deadline - 26 February

Considering the low number of comments received on the review of the Ethical Commitment Statement - also a part of the General Consultation - we have decided to extend the deadline for comments on that specific subject. We invite ICOMOS members to examine the proposed modification to the Ethical Commitment Statement (click here) and send their comments to the International Secretariat at by 26 February 2014 inclusive



Proposed amendments to the Statutes of ICOMOS - 3rd consultation of the members - complete

All ICOMOS members were invited to participate in the last steps of the current process to update the ICOMOS Statutes, which are the constitution of our organisation. This process was presented at the recent meetings of the Advisory and Executive Committees in San Jose, Costa Rica, last October. We thank you for your contributions. At this time, the consultation has come to a close.  

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International Secretariat Governance

ICOMOS International Secretariat

ICOMOS wing thumbnailThe International Secretariat is located at the headquarters of ICOMOS in Greater Paris.

11 rue du Séminaire de Conflans
94220 Charenton-le-Pont
Tel. + 33 (0) 1 41 94 17 59
Fax. + 33 (0) 1 48 93 19 16
e-mail: secretariat [at]

As our new premises are in the same location as the Médiathèque du patrimoine et de la photographie (MPP), please present yourself at the reception desk of the Médiathèque who will direct you to the ICOMOS offices. We thank you for kindly informing us of your visit ahead of time.

Access Map


Under the supervision of the Director General, appointed by the President, the Secretariat coordinates the implementation of the ICOMOS General Programme as well as the decisions of the General Assembly, the Board and its bureau.

In this respect, the International Secretariat's principal mission is the following:

- support the development of ICOMOS's network

- disseminate knowledge about heritage conservation, notably by its Documentation Center

- provide advisory and evaluation services to State Parties required for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention.


Marie-Laure Lavenir - Director General

Thomas Astier - Programme Associate, Evaluation Unit

Bertrand Bellet - Documentation and Archive manager, Documentation Centre

Gwenaelle Bourdin - Director, Evaluation Unit

Bianca Callegaro - Programme Associate, Advisory and Monitoring Unit

Regina Durighello - Director, Advisory and Monitoring Unit

Eleonore Gaudry - Programme Associate, Evaluation Unit

Gaia Jungeblodt - Director, International Secretariat

Marchia Kalyanitta - Project Assistant, International Secretariat

Jessica Khan - Network and Committees Coordinator, International Secretariat

Yuna Mathan - Communication Coordinator, International Secretariat

Faye Nzegang - Projects Manager, International Secretariat

Amélie Roussillon - World Heritage Evaluation Specialist, Evaluation Unit

Apsara Sanchez - Operations Associate, Evaluation Unit

Maureen Thibault - Communication and Projects Manager, International Secretariat

Lauren Thomas - Programme Associate, Advisory and Monitoring Unit

Henri Verrier - Head of finances


Photo: © Lucile Smirnov

Présidents précédents

2014-2017 : Président : Gustavo Araoz (U.S.A.) - Secrétaire générale : Kirsti Kovanen (Finlande)

2011-2014 : Président : Gustavo Araoz (U.S.A.) - Secrétaire générale : Kirsti Kovanen (Finlande)

2008-2011 : Président : Gustavo Araoz (U.S.A.) - Secrétaire générale : Bénédicte Selfslagh (Belgique)

2005-2008 : Président : Michael Petzet (Allemagne) - Secrétaire général : Dinu Bumbaru (Canada)

2002-2005 : Président : Michael Petzet (Allemagne) - Secrétaire général : Dinu Bumbaru (Canada)

1999-2002 : Président : Michael Petzet (Allemagne) - Secrétaire général : Jean-Louis Luxen (Belgique)

1996-1999 : Président : Roland Silva (Sri Lanka) - Secrétaire général : Jean-Louis Luxen (Belgique)

1993-1996 : Président : Roland Silva (Sri Lanka) - Secrétaire général : Jean-Louis Luxen (Belgique)

1990-1993 : Président : Roland Silva (Sri Lanka) - Secrétaire général : Herb Stovel (Canada)

1987-1990 : Président : Roberto di Stefano (Italie) - Secrétaire général : Helmut Stelzer (R.D.A.)

1984-1987 : Président : Michel Parent (France) - Secrétaire général : Abdelaziz Daoulatli (Tunisie)

1981-1984 : Président : Michel Parent (France) - Secrétaire général : Abdelaziz Daoulatli (Tunisie)

1978-1981 : Président : Raymond Lemaire (Belgique) - Secrétaire général : Ernest Allen Connaly (U.S.A.)

1975-1978 : Président : Raymond Lemaire (Belgique) - Secrétaire général : Ernest Allen Connaly (U.S.A.)

1972-1975 : Président : Piero Gazzola (Italie) - Secrétaire général : Raymond Lemaire (Belgique)

1969-1972 : Président : Piero Gazzola (Italie) - Secrétaire général : Raymond Lemaire (Belgique)

1965-1969 : Président: Piero Gazzola (Italie) - Secrétaire général : Raymond Lemaire (Belgique)

Past Presidents

2014-2017: President: Gustavo Araoz (U.S.A.) - Secretary General: Kirsti Kovanen (Finland)

2011-2014: President: Gustavo Araoz (U.S.A.) - Secretary General: Kirsti Kovanen (Finland)

2008-2011: President: Gustavo Araoz (U.S.A.) - Secretary General: Bénédicte Selfslagh (Belgium)

2005-2008: President: Michael Petzet (Germany) - Secretary General: Dinu Bumbaru (Canada)

2002-2005: President: Michael Petzet (Germany) - Secretary General: Dinu Bumbaru (Canada)

1999-2002: President: Michael Petzet (Germany) - Secretary General: Jean-Louis Luxen (Belgium)

1996-1999: President: Roland Silva (Sri Lanka) - Secretary General: Jean-Louis Luxen (Belgium)

1993-1996: President: Roland Silva (Sri Lanka) - Secretary General: Jean-Louis Luxen (Belgium)

1990-1993: President: Roland Silva (Sri Lanka) - Secretary General: Herb Stovel (Canada)

1987-1990: President: Roberto di Stefano (Italy) - Secretary General: Helmut Stelzer (German Democratic Republic)

1984-1987: President: Michel Parent (France) - Secretary General: Abdelaziz Daoulatli (Tunisia)

1981-1984: President: Michel Parent (France) - Secretary General: Abdelaziz Daoulatli (Tunisia)

1978-1981: President: Raymond Lemaire (Belgium) - Secretary General: Ernest Allen Connaly (U.S.A.)

1975-1978: President: Raymond Lemaire (Belgium) - Secretary General: Ernest Allen Connaly (U.S.A.)

1972-1975: President: Piero Gazzola (Italy) - Secretary General: Raymond Lemaire (Belgium)

1969-1972: President: Piero Gazzola (Italy) - Secretary General: Raymond Lemaire (Belgium)

1965-1969: President: Piero Gazzola (Italy) - Secretary General: Raymond Lemaire (Belgium)

ICOMOS past General Assemblies


The new ICOMOS Statutes adopted in November 2014, foresee an annual General Assembly that takes place on the same occasion as the annual Advisory Committee meeting.

The agenda of the annual General Assembly focuses on: receiving the reports of the ICOMOS President and Treasurer on the management by the Board and the health and financial situation of the association; and approving the annual report and accounts and discharging the Board, as well as voting next year’s budget.
All other matters such as adoption of doctrinal texts, elections of the Board and officers, conferring of Honorary membership, voting the ICOMOS General Programme and budgetary guidelines for the next triennium, as well as proposing resolutions for adoption by ICOMOS continue to be dealt with by the triennial General Assembly (next one in 2017, Delhi, India). 

All members shall have the right to attend the General Assembly and may be designated to be a voting member at the General Assembly within the conditions set out in Articles 9-a and 13-d-4 of the Statutes. 

General Assembly

AG2014 Baptistere vignetteThe new ICOMOS Statutes adopted in November 2014, foresee an annual General Assembly that takes place on the same occasion as the annual Advisory Committee meeting.

The agenda of the annual General Assembly focuses on: receiving the reports of the ICOMOS President and Treasurer on the management by the Board and the health and financial situation of the association; and approving the annual report and accounts and discharging the Board, as well as voting next year’s budget.

All other matters such as adoption of doctrinal texts, elections of the Board and officers, conferring of Honorary membership, voting the ICOMOS General Programme and budgetary guidelines for the next triennium, as well as proposing resolutions for adoption by ICOMOS continue to be dealt with by the triennial General Assembly.

All members shall have the right to attend the General Assembly and may be designated to be a voting member at the General Assembly within the conditions set out in Articles 9-a and 13-d-4 of the Statutes.


Photo: © Lucile Smirnov / ICOMOS General Assembly, Florence, November 2014

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