Annual General Assembly 2024 – Agenda and working documents

Transparent marron cropThe ICOMOS Annual General Assembly 2024 will be held on 13 November 2024 in Ouro Preto, Brazil, in a hybrid format. You can now review the agenda and working documents.



Annual General Assembly

Wednesday, 13 November 2024, 10am-12pm (Brasilia time) / 2pm-4pm (Paris time)
The agenda of the Annual General Assembly will focus on receiving the reports of the ICOMOS President and Treasurer on the management by the Board and the health and financial situation of the association; approving the annual report and accounts and discharging the Board, as well as voting on next year’s budget, and the doctrinal text prepared by the International Scientific Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICICH).

Please find below the working documents for the Annual General Assembly 2024 (last updated 13/09/2023).

Agenda item



2 to 6

Draft Resolutions

Coming soon


Report of the Credentials Committee

Coming soon


Preliminary Agenda

English / French


Minutes of the 21st General Assembly 2023

English / French


Report by the President of ICOMOS

Coming soon


Report by the Treasurer of ICOMOS

Coming soon


ICOMOS 2023 Annual accounts

English / French

Additional document:

Reports of the statutory auditor on the 2023 accounts

English / French


ICOMOS 2025 Budget

Coming soon

6-1 International Charter and Guidance on Sites with Intangible Cutural Heritage
[nb: typographical corrections are in progress]

English-French /

Additional documents:

- English version of the Charter showing changes made in response to comments on the most recent draft

- Comment tracker with responses to comments

- Report on the process since the last round of consultation.






Voting information

All ICOMOS members have the right to attend the Annual General Assembly and may be designated as voting members under the conditions provided for in articles 9-a and 13-d-4 of the ICOMOS Statutes.

The agenda includes all items that are part of the General Assembly. Items highlighted in grey will be dealt within the sessions, and items in white will be voted on only on the online voting platform. Designated voting members will receive more information on how to vote closer to the meeting date.

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