189 pages
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The World Heritage List: Filling the gaps: An action plan for the future
This ICOMOS analysis on the World Heritage List and Tentative Lists should be seen as a contribution to the further development of the Global Strategy for a credible, representative and balanced World Heritage List. This analysis is a response to the invitation by the World Heritage Committee at its 24th Session in Cairns (2000) to: "proceed with an analysis of sites inscribed on the World Heritage List and the Tentative List on a regional, chronological, geographical and thematic basis". The proposed scope of the analysis was to "provide States Parties with a clear overview of the present situation, and likely trends in the short- to medium- term with a view to identifying under-represented categories.
Executive summary
Résumé analytique
Commissioning the ICOMOS Study
La commande de l'étude ICOMOS
ICOMOS Analyses
Analyses ICOMOS
Part A: Typological Framework
Partie A: Cadre typologique
Part B: Chronological-Regional Framework
Partie B: Cadre chronologique-régional
Part C: Thematic Framework
Partie C: Cadre thématique
Reasons for Gaps in the World Heritage List
Causes des lacunes de la liste du patrimoine mondial
The Way Forward: Action Plan 2004-2008
La marche à suivre: Plan d'action 2004-2008
Annex 1: Meetings referring to the Global Strategy
Annex 2: ICOMOS Studies
Annex 3: Bibliography
Annex 4: World Heritage List with inscription number and brief descriptions (2004)
Annex 5: World Heritage List according to UNESCO regions (2005)