ICOMOS Open archive - 20 latest additions

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What's new in the field of cultural heritage ? 
Browse the 20 full-text documents on cultural heritage conservation added recently.



1. Radej, Bojan et Pirkovič, Jelka et PAQUET, Pierre (2017) Smart Heritage Policy. n/a . p. 1-23. [Article] (Non Publié)
2. palanichamy, jegan et madhan, n et viknesh, r (2017) Documentation of Historic Step Wells of South India. jegan palanichamy. [Autres] (Non Publié)
[img] [img]
3. Muñoz, Guillermo et Trujillo, Judith et Rodriguez Martinez, Carlos Augusto et Prado, Ricardo et Fique, Salomon et Pérez, David (2013) Arte rupestre: Recuperación del patrimonio estético precolombino: Fuente no renovable. Municipio de San Francisco de Sales, Cundinamarca, Colombia. Informe final.Corporación Gipri Colombia, San Francisco de Sales Cundinamarca. [Autres] (Non Publié)
4. Muñoz, Guillermo et Trujillo, Judith et Rodriguez M, Carlos et Fique, Salomon et Riveros, Nina et Prado, Ricardo (2015) Prospección, Registro y Catalogación del Arte Rupestre del Municipio de Cachipay, Cundinamarca, Colombia. Informe final, Julio 2015. Corporación Gipri Colombia, Cachipay Cundinamarca. [Autres] (Non Publié)
5. (2015) Conserving Concrete Heritage Experts Meeting. The Getty Center, Los Angeles, California, June 9-11, 2014. Conference Volume. The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 49p. [Monographie]
6. (2015) Organic Materials in Wall Paintings. Rapports Techniques. Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, 137p. ISBN 978-1-937433 (electronic version). [Monographie]
7. Chapman, William et Collins, Robertson (1992) Urban Conservation in Bombay and Pune. The State of Maharashstra, India. Report of a Technical Exchange project. Comptes rendus de Projets. US ICOMOS 66p. [Monographie] (Non Publié)
8. (2015) Site management plan Babylon cultural landscape and archaeological city. Autres. Wolrd Monuments Fund, New York, 20p. ISBN 978-098-589-43-82. [Monographie]
9. (2017) Case studies carried out within the ‘Our Common Dignity Initiative 2011-2016: Rights-Based Approaches in World Heritage’. Rapports Techniques. ICOMOS Norge, Oslo, 28p. [Monographie]
10. (2017) REPORT: The Advisory Body “Our Common Dignity Initiative” on Rights-based approaches in World Heritage: Taking stock and looking forward. Comptes rendus de Projets. ICOMOS Norway, Oslo, 28p. [Monographie]
11. (2016) Culture: Urban future. Global report on culture for sustainable urban development. Manuels. UNESCO, Paris France, 303p. ISBN 978-92-3-100170-3. [Monographie]
12. Historic Scotland, Technical Conservation, Research and Education Group (2007) INFORM guide: information for historic building owners. Gilding Techniques, Care and Maintenance. . 8p . [Revue]
13. Macaux, Alice (2011) Le projet de reconstruction du château de la ville de Berlin [Berliner Stadtschloss] - Réflexion sur les problèmes soulevés par la reconstruction de monuments historiques. Master thesis, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. [Thèse]
14. Berengier, Axel (2016) The Role of Inter-Organisational Collaboration in Countering the Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Property. Mémoire thesis, The University of Glasgow. [Thèse]
15. Nicoletti, Fabrizio (2015) Catania Antica. Nuove prospettive di ricerca. Autres. Regione Siciliana, Assessorato dei beni culturali e dell'identità siciliana, Dipartimento dei beni culturali e dell'identità siciliana, Palermo, 756p. ISBN 978-88-6164-348-2. [Monographie]
16. Matta, Ellyn et Caballero, Gabriel Victor (2016) Improving the Resilience of Small Towns using Cittaslow Principles. In: 53rd IFLA World Congess: Tasting the Landscape, 20-22 April 2016, Torino, Italy. [Document issu d'une conférence ou d'un atelier]
17. Caballero, Gabriel Victor (2017) Crossing Boundaries: Linking Intangible Heritage, Cultural Landscapes, and Identity. In: Pagtib-ong: UP Visayas International Conference on Intangible Heritage, May 25-26, 2017, Iloilo City, Philippines. [Document issu d'une conférence ou d'un atelier] (Sous Presse)
18. (2017) Community Involvement in Heritage Management. Manuels. Stadt Regensburg, Planning and Building Division, World Heritage Coordination, OWHC Regional Secretariat, Regensburg, Germany, 70p. [Monographie]
19. Wijesuriya, Gamini (2017) Towards the de-secularisation of heritage. Built Heritage (2). p. 1-15. [Article]
20. Niglio, Olimpia (2017) Knowing, preserving and enhancing. The cultural-religious heritage. AlmaTourism - Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development, 8 (15). p. 152-156. ISSN 2036-5195 [Article]

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