Selected Resources on Heritage and Sustainable Development

UN Texts

UNGA, Habitat, UNSD

Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (United Nations, 2015)

New Urban Agenda: Habitat III outcome document: Quito Declaration on Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements for All (UN-Habitat, 2016) 

SDG Goal 11 Monitoring Framework (UN-Habitat, 2016)

Work Plans for Tier III Indicators (UN Statistics Division, 2016)

Tier Classification for SDG Indicator 11.4.1 (UIS, 2016)


World Heritage and Sustainable Development (UNESCO)

UNESCO Framework for Cultural Statistics (UNESCO Institute of Statistics, 2009)

Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) (UNESCO, 2011)

Hangzhou Declaration: Placing Culture at the Heart of Sustainable Development Policies (UNESCO, 2013)

Policy for the Integration of a Sustainable Development Perspective into the Processes of the World Heritage Convention (UNESCO, 2015)

Culture Urban Future Report (UNESCO, 2016)

Climate, Disaster, Finance, Tourism

UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC, 1992)

Paris Agreement (Climate Change) (UNFCCC, 2015)

Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 (ISDRR, 2015)

Recommendations of the International Expert Meeting on Cultural Heritage and Disaster Resilient Communities, Tokyo (UNESCO, ICCROM, ICORP, ICOM & Japanese Institutions, 2015)

Addis Ababa Action Agenda for Financing for Development (UNGA, 2015)

Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals (UNWTO, 2015)

Key Documents of ICOMOS on Heritage and the SDGs

ICOMOS 17th General Assembly Resolution 27: Ensuring that culture and cultural heritage are acknowledged in sustainable development (ICOMOS, 2011)

ICOMOS 18th General Assembly Resolution 37: Ensuring that culture and cultural heritage are acknowledged in the proposed Goals and Targets on Sustainable Development for the Post-2015 United Nations Development Agenda (ICOMOS, 2014)

The Paris Declaration on Heritage as a Driver of Development (ICOMOS, 2011)

ICOMOS Statement on the Adoption of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (ICOMOS, 2015).

The International Committee on Historic Cities, Towns and Villages (CIVVIH): Resolution on Post-2015 Concept Note on SDGs: Endorsing ICOMOS Concept Note on Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development for the United Nations Post‐2015 Agenda and the Third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (HABITAT III) and for other purposes (ICOMOS, 2015)

ICOMOS Concept Note: Cultural Heritage, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and the New Urban Agenda (ICOMOS, 2016)

ICOMOS Action Plan: Cultural Heritage and Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (ICOMOS, 2017)

ICOMOS 19th General Assembly Resolution 21: Strengthening Efforts to Protect and Safeguard the World’s Cultural Heritage through Fully Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals  and “Culture 2030 Goals” (ICOMOS, 2017)

ICOMOS 19th General Assembly Resolution 20: The Florence Declaration on Cultural Heritage Conservation and Sustainable Tourism for Development (ICOMOS, 2017)

Is Heritage left behind in the HLPF Ministerial Declaration? Statement for inclusion of cultural and natural heritage with reference to SDG11 and other goals (ICOMOS, UCLG, GPN, Europa Nostra, IFLA, 2018)

Culture in the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda (A report by the Culture 2030 Goal Campaign with ICOMOS, 2019)

Heritage and the Sustainable Development Goals: Policy Guidance for Heritage and Development Actors (ICOMOS, 2021) 

Selected Documents of ICOMOS on Various Aspects of Heritage and Sustainable Development

CIVVIH Valletta Position Paper on Historic Cities and Sustainable Urban Development Policies (ICOMOS, 2010)

Valetta Principles for the Safeguarding & Management of Historic Cities, Towns & Urban Areas (ICOMOS, 2011)

ICOMOS 17th General Assembly Resolution 38: Energy Conservation and sustainable development (ICOMOS, 2011)

Florence Declaration: Heritage and Landscape as Human Values: Declaration of the principles and recommendations on the value of cultural heritage and landscapes for promoting peaceful and democratic societies (ICOMOS, 2014)

World Heritage and Sustainable development - From Policy to Action (ICOMOS, IUCN, ICCROM, BfN, 2016)

ICOMOS 19th General Assembly Resolution 20: The Florence Declaration on Cultural Heritage Conservation and Sustainable Tourism for Development (ICOMOS, 2017)

No Past, No Future?’ An ICOMOS Perspective on cultural heritage and the Sustainable Development Agenda. In: World Heritage and Sustainable Development: New Directions in World Heritage Management (ICOMOS, 2018)

The Futures of Our Pasts: Engaging Cultural Heritage in Climate Action (ICOMOS, 2019)

ICOMOS 20th General Assembly Resolution 15: Cultural Heritage and the Climate Emergency (ICOMOS, 2020)

ICOMOS 20th General Assembly Resolution 19: People-Centred Approaches to Cultural Heritage. Rights-Based Approaches and Sustainable Development: Challenges and Opportunities (ICOMOS, 2020)

Other Resources

Culture in the Sustainable Development Goals, a Guide for Local Actions (UCLG, 2018)

Important Links for Sustainable Development:

UN Division for Sustainable Development Goals

UNESCO World Heritage and Sustainable Development

UN Habitat New Urban Agenda

UNWTO Sustainable Development

New ICOMOS Focal Point for the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Potts photo 192ICOMOS would like to thank Mr Andrew Potts of US/ICOMOS for his contributions as the ICOMOS Focal Point for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Ege YILDIRIM 250ICOMOS would like to take this opportunity to introduce Dr Ege Yildirim of ICOMOS Turkey as the new ICOMOS Focal Point for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. She will continue to coordinate ICOMOS activities of sustainable development in relation to the agenda of the UN SDGs. Read her Agenda for 2017-2018.

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