Publications received in 2020 at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre
ISBN 9789865321642. Presented by 6 ICOMOS-ISCs ICORP, ISCARSAH, ISCEAH, ICTC, ISCES+CC and CIPA on 17 October 2020. These proceedings are generated by the papers presented in the 6 ISCs Joint Meeting: Advancing Risk Management for the Shared Future Joint Meeting. Consistent with the objective of ICOMOS, cross-disciplinary collaborations between International Scientific Committees have long been encouraged. For promoting the exchange of information and knowledge on cultural heritage conservation. The 6 ICOMOS-ISCs, including ICORP, ISCARSAH, ISCEAH, ICTC, ISCES+CC and CIPA, work cooperatively in organizing this joint meeting. The Webinar and Online Presentation is held on 17 October 2020. It aims to develop clear trans-disciplinary recommendations by addressing risk management in cultural heritage via this collaborative engagement. The outcome of this joint meeting is based on developing potential tools (a selection of papers or guideline drafts) to risk management in cultural heritage for further implementation by the practitioners. The following topics were addressesd during the joint meeting: (1) Climate Change and Cultural Heritage, (2) Disaster Risk Management and Resilience, (3) Post-disaster reconstruction and authenticity, (4) Post-disaster management, (5) Relevant subjects, particularly the issues/case studies regarding Wildfires and Heritage — Community Engagement, Preparedness, Resilience and Recovery. The Committee Board of the 6 ISCs Joint Meeting October 2020 |
ICOMOS International Committee on Historic Towns and Villages (CIVVIH) 2018 CIVVIH annual meeting, scientific symposium « heritage & sustainable city » : history, archeology, antiques and sustainable city / rencontre annuelle du CIVVIH 2018, symposium scientifique « patrimoine & ville durable » : histoire, archéologie, antiquités et ville durable. Bruguerolle, Antoine (ed). 2019. 62 p. [Same text in Eng & Fre] The subject of the permanence of Antiquity within the city is emphasized by the administration of the city of Nîmes and echoes the scientific reflection and works lead by the CIVVIH experts. To widen the work field and allow as large as possible an involvement –beyond the notion of Antiquity– an evocation of history and archeology was proposed and met the making of the sustainable city and new urbanistic practices, planning and architecture. Three transversal themes were suggested to shed light on experiences and exemplary case studies on the subject. Each theme has been the subject of a learning session involving a theoretical introduction followed by seven to eight papers showing significant practices or experiences and concluded by a round table and open debate supervised by a moderator. The proceedings of which you can find here |
ICOMOS International Rock Art Committee (CAR-ICOMOS) INORA, "International Newsletter on Rock Art". Clottes, Jean (ed). Foix, France : UISPP/IFRAO/ARAPE, 2020. 3 publications per year. Last issue received: N°87, July 2020. [same texts in Eng / Fre]
ICOMOS Germany, ICOMOS Luxembourg, ICOMOS Austria, ICOMOS Switzerland Denkmal ohne Grenzen. Deutschsprachige Texte - vom Europäischen Denkmalschutzjahr 1975 zum Europäischen Kulturerbejahr 2018 / Heritage without Borders. Sigrid Brandt (ed), Jörg Haspe (ed)l, John Ziesemer (ed). Berlin : hendrik Baβler verlag, 2020. (Monumenta IV) 263 p., illus. [same texts in Ger, Eng, Fre]. ISBN 978-3-945880-49-4 This volume contains significant German-language texts from the European Year on Cultural Heritage 2018, on the theory and practice of heritage preservation and monument protection, including "classics" dealing with preservation and protection principles, rarely cited and reflected upon in foreigh-language heritage publications. |
ICOMOS Australia
Conserving it together - Heritage at risk. Volume 31, No. 2. Ireland, Tracy (ed.). Victoria, Australia Icomos, 2020. 126 p. [Eng] ISSN : 0726-6715 |
ICOMOS Germany HERITAGE AT RISK. World Report 2016-2019 on Monuments and Sites in Danger. Machat, Christoph (ed.), Ziesemer, John (ed.) Berlin, hendrik Bäßler verlag, 2020. 173 p., illus. [Eng] ISBN 978-3-945880-67-8 The ICOMOS World Report 2016-2019 on Monuments and Sites in Danger (Heritage at Risk) is the latest volume of what is already a whole series of World Reports started in 2000. It consists of contributions from 23 countries, among them reports from National and international Scientific Committees of ICOMOS, but also, as usual, reports by individual experts, completed by short information on the World Heritage Watch network, founded in 2014, and by press releases on the Europa Nostra programme “The Seven Most Endangered Heritage Sites in Europe” launched in 2013. Hard copies are available at ICOMOS Documentation Centre. --- Michael Petzet *12 April 1933 - †29 May 2019*: In memory. Jansen, Michael (ed.), Ziesemer, John (ed.) Berlin, ICOMOS Germany, 2020. 149 p., illus. [Ger, Eng] The testimonies of Michael Petzet's friends and colleagues (who were sometimes both at the same time) about this eminent, dedicated personality of the cultural heritage sphere, in Germany but also at an international level. M. Petzet was ICOMOS president from 1999 to 2008. Hard copies are available at ICOMOS Documentation Centre. Michael Petzet *12 April 1933 - †29 May 2019*: In memory. Jansen, Michael (ed.), Ziesemer, John (ed.) Berlin, ICOMOS Germany, 2020. 149 p., ill. [Ger, Eng] The testimonies of Michael Petzet's friends and colleagues (who were sometimes both at the same time) about this eminent, dedicated personality of the cultural heritage sphere, in Germany but also at an international level. M. Petzet was ICOMOS president from 1999 to 2008. Hard copies are available at ICOMOS Documentation Centre. *** Eiserner Vorhang und Grünes Band. Netzwerke und Kooperationsmöglichkeiten in einer europäischen Grenzlandschaft / Iron Curtain and Green Belt. Networks and Opportunities for Cooperation in a European Border Landscape ISBN 978-3-946154-54-9 Following the guiding theme of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, “Border Areas – Encounter Areas”, and focussing on the inner-European post-war border of the Iron Curtain, the aim of this international conference is to review, present, and discuss the Conference-Programme - Flyer (pdf) *** A Future for Our Recent Past. Model Projects of Modern Heritage Conservation in Europe. Brandt, Sigrid (ed.), Haspel, Jörg(ed.), Kondrashev, Leonid (ed.), Kudryavtsev, Alexander (ed.) et Ziesemer, John (ed.). Berlin: Hendrik Bäβler Verlag, 202 ISBN 978-3-945880-54-8 This publication is a report of the International Conference "A Future for Our Recent Past" which aimed at documenting European cooperation to address the cultural heritage of the last century, and discussed measures to preserve, restore and revitalize the monuments from the XXth.
Die Venusgrotte im Schlosspark Linderhof. Illusionskunst und High ISBN 978-3-945880-45-6 "The Venus Grotto in the park of Linderhof Castle in the Upper Bavarian community of Ettal in southern Bavaria is a unique total work of art of the 19th century. Commissioned by the Bavarian King Ludwig II and significantly co-designed by him, the building combines technological innovation and illusionistic staging art to create an extraordinary experience space that corresponds more to an interactive theatre stage than to traditional grotto architecture. Diagrams of distant and fantastic worlds, the Blue Grotto in Capri and opera scenes by Richard Wagner were realised with the greatest effort in a single location; today they provide a unique view of the technical and artistic innovations of the century before last. Translated with from |
ICOMOS Bosnia & Herzegovina
ISBN : 978-9926-8463-0-5 Proceedings of the Scientific Symposium "The influence of the Bahaus on contemporary architecture and culture in Bosnia and Herzegovina" which took place in Sarajevo on December 9, 2019.
Through its regular chapters (History, Theory, Philosophy of Conservation; Conservation Practice; Interview; International Documents; Reviews) “Modern Conservation” seeks to establish a balance between history, theory and philosophy of conservation on the one hand, and conservation practice, with case studies from the local experiences and the world, on the other. The new issue includes an interview with Dinu Bumbaru, Secretary General of ICOMOS International and president of ICOMOS Canada.
ICOMOS Uruguay This publication takes a retrospective look at the evolution of cultural heritage conservation in Uruguay up to its contemporary situation. Several aspects are covered, from the legal framework to inventories, protection and documentation of different types of heritage at the national level. ISBN 978-9974-94-602-6 |
ICOMOS Wallonie-Bruxelles
ISBN : 978-2-9600205-8-8 THEMA & COLLECTA addresses issues that are at the heart of ICOMOS' concerns by offering to share with its readers reflections, experiences, testimonies and examples that contribute to enriching the dynamics of monument and site conservation. |
Significant books published by ICOMOS members
ISBN 978-2-86742-278-2 A dive into the country of architecture, the experiences and reflections it has inspired, and which are intended to be both testimonials and elements of a methodology. Where do we stand in the distinction between architectural heritage and historical monuments? And in the fog of globalization, what roles will they play tomorrow in rescuing cultural identities adrift? What practical measures are required to respond to this challenge? It is in the land of necessary hope that we are expected to ensure not only the survival, but the smile of architectural heritage. *** Angkor Wat: A Transcultural History of Heritage. Volume 1: Angkor in France. From Plaster Casts to Exhibition Pavilions. Volume 2: Angkor in Cambodia. From Jungle Find to Global Icon. Falser, Michael. Berlin : de Gruyter, 2020. Vol.: 508 p., ill.; Vol. II: 642 p., ill. [Eng] This book enravels the formation of the modern concept of cultural heritage by charting its colonial, postcolonial-nationalist and global trajectories. By bringing to light many unresearched dimensions of the twelfth-century Cambodian temple of Angkor Wat during its modern history, the study argues for a conceptual, connected history that unfolded within the transcultural interstices of European and Asian projects. With more than 1400 black-and-white and colour illustrations of historic photographs, architectural plans and samples of public media, the monograph discusses the multiple lives of Angkor Wat over a 150 year-long period from the 1860s to the 2010s. Volume 2 (Angkor in Cambodia) covers, for the first time in this depth, the various on-site restoraiton efforts inside the 'Archaeological Park of Angkor' from 1907 until 1970, and the temple's gradual canonisation as a symbol of national identity during Cambodia's troublesome docolonisation (1953-89), from independance to Khmer Rouge terror and Vietnamese occupation, and, finally, as a global icon of UNESCO World Heritage since 1992 until today. *** NachderStundeNull: AusNachkriegserfahrungenfürSyrienlernen? Proceedings of the scientific symposium held in Leipzig the 9 and 10 November 2016, and organised by the German National Committee of ICOMOS and the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) in cooperation with the German Academy for Urban and Regional Planning (DASL) and the Europae Archeologiae Consilium - Council of European Archaeology (EAC).
Publications received in 2019 at ICOMOS Documentation Centre
Publications received in 2018 at ICOMOS Documentation Centre