
ICOMOS Privacy Policy

International Secretariat 11 rue du Séminaire de Conflans 94 220 Charenton-le-Pont, France

Tel. + 33 (0) 1 41 94 17 59 E-mail: secretariat[at]

18 April: Future themes / Previous Years - 18 avril : Futurs thèmes / Années précédentes

International Day for Monuments and Sites
Journée internationale des monuments et des sites

2023: Traditional Knowledge, Climate Action & Innovative Transformation / Connaissances traditionnelles, action climatique et transformation innovante


2022: Heritage and ClimatePatrimoine et climat
Events 2022 archives / Archives des évènements 2022

2021: Complex Pasts: Diverse FuturesPassés complexes : Futurs Divers
Events 2021 archives / Archives des évènements 2021

2020: Shared Cultures, Shared Heritage, Shared Responsibility / Cultures partagées, patrimoine partagé, responsabilité partagée
Events 2020 archives / Archives des évènement 2020

2019 : Rural Landscapes / Paysage ruraux
Events 2019 archives / Archives des évènements 2019

2018 : Heritage for Generations - Le patrimoine pour les générations
Events 2018 archives / Archives des évènements 2018

2017 : Cultural Heritage & Sustainable TourismPatrimoine Culturel & Tourisme Durable
Events 2017 archives / Archives des evenements 2017

2016: Heritage of Sport - Le patrimoine du sport
Events 2016 archives / Archives des événements 2016 / Bibliography - The Heritage of Sport

2015: 50th Anniversary of ICOMOS / 50ème anniversaire de l'ICOMOS

2014: Heritage of commemorationPatrimoine de la commémoration 
Events 2014 archives / Archives des événements 2014 

2013: Heritage of Education - Le patrimoine de l'éducation 
Events 2013 archives / Archives des événements 2013

2012: World heritage - Le Patrimoine mondial 
Events archives / Archives des événements

2011: The Cultural Heritage of Water / Le patrimoine culturel de l'eau [English] [Français]

2010: Heritage of Agriculture / Patrimoine de l’agriculture [English] - [Français] - [Español]

2009: Heritage and Science / Patrimoine et Science 

2008: Religious heritage and sacred places / Patrimoine religieux et lieux sacrés [English] - [Français]

2007: Cultural landscapes and monuments of nature / Paysages culturels et monuments de la nature [English] - [Français] - [Español]

2006: Industrial Heritage / Patrimoine industriel [English] - [Français] - [Español]

2005: 40th Anniversary of ICOMOS / 40ème anniversaire de l'ICOMOS

2004: Earthen Architecture and Heritage / Architecture et patrimoine en terre [English] - [Français] - [Español]

2003: Underwater Cultural Heritage / Patrimoine culturel subaquatique  [English] - [Français] - [Español]

2002: 20th Century Heritage / Le patrimoine du XXème siècle [English] - [Français]

2001: Save our historic villages / Sauver nos villages historiques [English] - [Français] - [Español]

Publications received in 2016 at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre

ICOMOS Bosnia and Herzegovina

Savremene percepcije kulturnog naslijeda Austro-Ugarske u Bosni i Hercegovini.Contemporary perception of the Austro-Hungarian cultural heritage in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  Proceedings of the Symposium from 22nd November 2014 in Sarajevo.Vjekoslava Sanković Simčić(ed.), Icomos National Committee in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 244p. .illus. electronic version.

During the 40 years of being a part of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, first as an occupied country under the formal sovereignity of the Turkish sultan in 1878, and after the Annexation in 1908, as a part of the Monarchy, Bosnia and Herzegovina experienced a phase of deep inner transformation.
The Austro-Hungarian occupation introduced new forms of architecture and town-planning into the Oriental physionomy of the Bosnia and Herzegovina towns, creating picturesque contrasts and unexpected relations in that interesting meeting of the two worlds.

ISBN 978-9958-9094-7-4

Download on Icomos Open Archive

ICOMOS Australia

Historic Environment. Vol. 28, n° 1, 2 & 3. 

1: "Outback and Beyond" - 121 p.
2: "Digital Heritage" - 116 p.
3: "Conflict and Compassion" - 109 p.
Cooke, Steven, Dr. (ed.), Australia ICOMOS. Victoria, Australia ICOMOS
, 2016. illus. 

ISSN : 0726-6715. 

Ordering hard copies/information

With the participation of ICOMOS Mexico

Los nuevos paradigmas de la conservación del patrimonio cultural. 50 años de la Carta de Venecia. Conference Volume. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, López Morales, Francisco Javier  et Vidargas, Francisco Mexico, 2014,  308 p. 

Report of the International Meeting organized by the Direction of World Heritage of the National Institute of Anthropology and History, (Mexico, 2014).

ISBN 978-607-484-533-4.

Download in Icomos Open Archive


ICOMOS Switzerland
Was kommt? Quel avenir? Quale futuro? Was bleibt? Quel patrimoine? Quale patrimonio? Icomos Switzerland. Baden, Switzerland, Hier und Jetzt, Verlag, 2016. Vol. 4, 204 p.

Vol. 1, 40 p.: Städtebau und Denkmalpflege / Urbanisme et sauvegarde du patrimoine / Urbanismo e salvaguardia del patrimonioVol.2, 52 p.:Konservierung und Restaurierung / Conservation et restauration / Conservazione e restauroVol. 3, 36 p. : Archäologie und Bauforschung / Archéologie et étude de l'architecture / Archeologia e studio dell'architetturaVol. 4, 76 p. : 50 Jahre: Zur Geschichte von ICOMOS Suisse / 50 ans ICOMOS Suisse : à propos de son histoire / 50 anni di ICOMOS Suisse: una sintesi storica
ISBN 978-3-03919-404-9

Purchase on the editor website: Hier und Jetzt

Capability Brown Garden history44Capability Brown: Perception and response in a global context. Proceedings of the 3 days conference held in Bath, UK, 7-9 September 2016. Cultural Landscapes and Historic Gardens Committee of ICOMOS-UK. Simms, Barbara (ed.). Londres, Garden History Society, 2016. (Garden History, Journal of the Gardens Trust, No. 44 : suppl. 1, autumn 2016).
ISSN 0307-1243

"Highlights included a Keynote speech by Professor John Dixon Hunt, University of Pennsylvania and an evening reception at the National Trust's Prior Park, a Brown designed garden with its iconic Palladian bridge overlooking the World Heritage City of Bath. There was a Civic Reception at the magnificent Bath Assembly Rooms where the speakers and delegates were welcomed to the City of Bath by the Chairman of BANES Council, Councillor Alan Hale and addressed by Dame Helen Ghosh, Director General of the National Trust who spoke about the conservation of Capability Brown landscapes in their care."
Purchase from ICOMOS UK

ICOMOS Germany Journal LXIICOMOS Germany

Vom Ende her denken?! Archäologie, Denkmalpflege, Planen und BauenProceedings of the colloquium of the German National Committee of ICOMOS and the German Archaeological Institute in cooperation with the Federal Archi- tectural Chamber, the Association of the Landarchaeologists in the Federal Republic of Germany and the Lower Saxony Regional Office for the Preservation of Monuments, Leipzig, Germany, 7 November 2014. Winghart, Stefan (ed.) and Haspel, Jörg (ed.). Hameln, Germany, CW Niemeyer, 2016. (ICOMOS - Hefte des Deutschen Nationalkomitees, LXI). 135 p. (Ger)

ISBN 978-3-945880-11-1
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ICOMOS Germany
ICOMOS Germany Journal LXIIIndustrielle Kulturlandschaften im Welterbe-Kontext
. Proceedings of the international meeting ICOMOS Germany / TICCIH / Stiftung Industriedenkmalpflege und Geschichtskultur, 26-27 February 2015, Dortmund, Germany. Mehrfeld, Ursula (ed.), Pfeiffer, Marita (ed.), Brandt, Sigrid (ed.). Berlin, Hendrik Bäßler verlag, 2016. (ICOMOS - Hefte des Deutschen Nationalkomitees, LXII). 152 p. (various texts in Ger, Eng)

ISBN 978-3-945880-11-1
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Heritage and landscape as human values - conference proceedings / ICOMOS Symposium « Patrimoine et Paysages en tant que Valeurs Humaines. Di Stefano, Maurozio (ed.). Proceedings of the Symposium held at ICOMOS' 18th General Assembly, Florence, Italy, 9-14 November 2014. Naples, Italy, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2015. 672 p., illus. (various texts in Eng, Fre)
ISBN: 9788849530575
PurchaseThis main volume contains the 196 papers presented by participants on the five themes of the Symposium and submitted in accordance with publishing guidelines, as well as "The Florence Declaration on Heritage and Landscapes as Human Values" in 3 languages, the papers presented at the Youth Forum and a selection of photographs of the event.

Cuaderno 111 DOCUMENTOS DE ICOMOSDOCUMENTOS DE ICOMOS. Nordenflycht Concha, José de (ed.), ICOMOS Chile. Santiago, Ministerio de Educación, Dirección de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos, Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales, 2015, 254 p., illus. (Cuadernos del Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales, No. 111) (Spa)

Free distribution: icomoschi


The publication combines charters, doctrinal texts and resolutions of international meetings of ICOMOS, and updated knowledge and methodologies for the conservation and management of world cultural heritage

Financial Reports

General Assembly - Sydney 2023
Full audited accounts 2022 and report by the Auditors

Report: English / French

Accounts: English / French

Annual General Assembly - Bangkok 2022
Full audited accounts 2021 and report by the Auditors

Report: English / French

Accounts: English / French

Annual General Assembly - Online 2021
Full audited accounts 2020 and report by the Auditors

Report: English / French

Accounts: English / French

General Assembly - Online 2020
Full audited accounts 2019 and report by the Auditors

Report: English / French

Accounts: English/ French

Annual General Assembly - Marrakesh 2019
Full audited accounts 2018 and report by the Auditors (for adoption by the Annual General Assembly)

Report: French / English

Accounts: French / English

Details of the Victoria Falls and Raymond Lemaire funds for 2017 and 2018 French 
Annual General Assembly - Buenos Aires 2018
Full audited accounts 2017 and report by the Auditors FrenchEnglish (the full Auditor's report is in the French version, the English version only contains the cover letter of the report)
Details of the Victoria Falls and Raymond Lemaire funds for 2017 and 2018 French 
General Assembly - Delhi 2017
Full audited accounts 2016 and report by the Auditors FrenchEnglish (the Auditor's report is in the French version)
Annual General Assembly - Istanbul 2016
Report by the Treasurer English / French
Full audited accounts 2015 and report by the Auditor English / French (the Auditor's report is in the French version)
Summary Balance Sheets 2013-2014-2015 English / French
Summary Income Statements 2013-2014-2015 English / French
Raymond Lemaire Fund  English / French
Victoria Falls Fund  English / French
Preliminary Triennial Budget 2017-2018-2019  English / French
Annual General Assembly - Fukuoka 2015
Report by the Treasurer English / French
Full audited accounts 2014 and report by the Auditor English / French (the Auditor's report is in the French version)
Summary Balance Sheets 2012-2013-2014 English / French
Summary Income Statements 2012-2013-2014 English / French
Raymond Lemaire Fund English / French
Victoria Falls Fund  English / French
Triennial Budget 2016-2017-2018 English / French





ICOMOS Symposia and Seminars / Colloques et séminaires de l'ICOMOS

(chronological order)

ICOMOS General Assemblies Scientific Symposia / Symposiums scientifiques des Assemblées générales de l'ICOMOS

ICOMOS Advisory Committee Scientific Symposia / Symposiums scientifiques des Conseils scientifiques de l'ICOMOS

ICOMOS International Symposia  and Seminars /Symposiums et séminaires ICOMOS International

National Committees Symposia and Seminars / Symposiums et séminaires des Comités nationaux de l'ICOMOS International
ICOMOS members & NC presidents: Please send us the electronic versions of proceedings that are missing on this list (documentation[at]

ICOMOS International Scientific Committees Symposia and Seminars / Symposiums et séminaires des Comités scientifiques internationaux de l'ICOMOS
ICOMOS members & ISC presidents: Please send us the electronic versions of proceedings that are missing on this list (documentation[at]


Publications received in 2015 at the ICOMOS Documentation centre

ICOMOS Australia

Cover Historic Environment v 27 no 1Historic Environment. Vol. 27, Nos. 1, 2 & 3. 

1: "Imagined Cities and Urban Spaces" - 120 p.
2: "The Future for Heritage Practice" - 128 p.
3: "Watermarks" - 108 p.
Cooke, Steven, Dr. (ed.), Australia ICOMOS. Victoria, Australia ICOMOS
, 2015. illus. 
ISSN : 2334-9239. 

Ordering hard copies and information

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Principles con her sites ChinaokPrinciples for the conservation of heritage sites in China (revised 2015). ICOMOS China, Beijing, 115p., illus. (same texts in Eng, Chi)

ISBN: 978-7-5010-4400-9.

This 2015 bilingual version was prepared and designed by ICOMOS China with facilitation and editing of the English translation by the GCI. As was the intention in the original version of the Principles, the translation was considered important to provide English-speaking professionals who work in China and the international preservation community with access to the China Principles. In the revised version each of the forty-five Principles is followed by associated Commentary that explains and amplifies it. The Glossary has been retained and updated or corrected as needed. (source: GCI)

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ICOMOS Finland

Common heritageCommon heritage: The multicultural heritage of Vyborg and its preservation / Cовместное наследие: Мультикультурное наследие Выборга и его сохранение. Proceedings of the international symposium hel on 13-14 February 2014 at Vyborg's Alvar Aalto library. Böök, Netta (ed.) 2nd ed. Helsinki, ICOMOS Finland, Finnish Architecture Society,  2015, 264 p., illus. (same text Eng, Rus)

ISBN: 978-952-67465-7-9

The compilation Common heritage... comprises the presentations held at the international seminar  held in 2014 on issues of heritage and features the road map for the preservation of Vyborg's built heritage that was written as a conclusion for the seminar.

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Le vitrail : comment prendre soin d'un patrimoine fragile ? Stained-glass: how to take care of a fragile heritage? 9e Forum sur la conservation et la technologie du vitrail. Loisel, Claudine (ed.), Pallot-Frossard, Isabelle (ed.). Paris, ICOMOS France, Corpus Vitrearum – Laboratoire de recherche des monuments historiques, July 2015. 179 p. (Various texts in Fre and Eng)

ISBN: 978-2-9543731-1-9 - 39.00€

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Métal à ciel ouvert : La sculpture métallique d'extérieur du XIXe au début du XXe siècle / Open air metal : outdoor metallic sculpture from the 19th to the early 20th century. 15èmes journées d'étude de la SFIIC - 4 & 5 décembre 2014, Paris. SFIIC (ed.), Azéma, Aurélia (ed.), Texier, Annick (ed.).  Paris, ICOMOS France, Laboratoire de recherche des monuments historiques, December 2014. 284 p. (Various texts in Fre and Eng)

ISBN: 978-2-905430-18-2 - 39.00€

Purchase online

ICOMOS Germany

ICOMOS Germany journal No LXHochwasserschutz an historischen Orten: integration denkmalpflegerischer Belange in wasserbauliche Schutzkonzepte / Flood Protection for Historic Sites. Integrating Heritage Conservation and Flood Control Concepts.Proceedings of the International Conference held in Dresden, 13‐14 June 2014Will, Thomas (ed.), Lieske, Heido (ed.). ICOMOS, Nationalkomitee der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Landesdenkmalamt Berlin. Berlin, hendrik Bäßler, 2015. 140 p., illus. (Ger)

ISBN: 978-3-945880-05-0

Read or download the publication on ICOMOS Germany website

ICOMOS Germany, ICOMOS Austria, ICOMOS Luxembourg, ICOMOS Switzerland

MONUMENTA IIIEine Zukunft für unsere Vergangenheit. Zum 40. Jubiläum des Europäischen Denkmalschutzjahres (1975–2015) / A Future for Our Past. The 40th Anniversary of European Architectural Heritage Year (1975–2015) / Un Avenir pour Notre Passé. 40e Anniversaire de l'Année Européenne du Patrimoine Architectural (1975–2015). Falser, Michael (ed.), Lipp, Wilfried (ICOMOS Österreich/Austria/Autriche). Berlin, hendrik Bäßler, 2015. 674 p., illus. (Monumenta Series, No. III) (various texts in Ger, Fre, Eng)

ISBN: 978-3-945880-03-6

ICOMOS Germany

expert meeting berlin2013Dokumentation / Documentation. Internationales expertentreffen vom 17-19 2013 in Berlin anlässlich des Internationalen Denkmaltages von ICOMOS am 18 April 2013 / International meeting of experts, April 17-19, 2013 in Berlin on the occasion of the International Monument Day of ICOMOS, April 18, 2013. Jüdische Friedhöfe in Mittel- und OsteuropaWelterbevorschläge / Jewish cemeteries in Central and Eastern - World Heritage proposals. Berlin Heritage Authority (ed.). ICOMOS, Nationalkomitee der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Landesdenkmalamt, 2014. 163 p., illus. (Eng)

ICOMOS Germany

juedische friedhoefe ICOMOS German National Committee LIII Page 001Jüdische Friedhöfe in Mittel- und OsteuropaWelterbevorschläge / Jewish cemeteries in Central and Eastern - World Heritage proposals. Proceedings of the Internationale Fachtagung / International Conference, Berlin-Weißensee, 3-6 April 2011.
ICOMOS, Nationalkomitee der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Landesdenkmalamt Berlin; Berlin, hendrik Bäßler, 2014. 211 p., illus. (various texts in Ger, Eng)

ISBN: 978-3-930388-25-7

ICOMOS Netherlands

WaterHeritageWater & Heritage: Material, conceptual and spiritual connections. Willems, Willem J.H. (✝) & Van Schaik, Henk P.J. (eds.), ICOMOS Netherlands. Leiden, Netherlands, Sidestone Press Academics, 2015. 434 p. (Eng)

ISBN: 9789088902789

Purchase online

"Water & Heritage … tells the story of water heritage in all its diversity. It reveals the technical ingenuity that water heritage has always inspired, and it presents the challenges that this heritage faces, along with possible solutions. Reflecting the depth of cooperation between UNESCO and ICOMOS, this book was launched … as a showcase of cooperation to increase dialogue on water heritage." – Irina Bokova (Director-General of UNESCO)


ICOMOS Peru Symposium2014Conservación y patrimonio: Reflexiones a los 50 años de la Carta de Venecia. Proceedings of the international scientific symposium held at the Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Antropología e Historia del Perú, Lima, from 6 to 9 October 2014. Martotell Carreño, Albert (ed.). Lima, Peru, ICOMOS Perú, 2014. 158 p. (Spa)

ISBN: 978-612-46798-03


ICOMOS Serbia Modern Conservation No3ICOMOS Serbia

Modern Conservation. No.3. Šekaric, Branka (ed.). Belgrade, ICOMOS Serbie, 2015. 366 p., illus. ISSN: 2334-9239. Order and information

Through regular sections: History, theory, philosophy of conservation; Conservation practice; Interview; International Documents and Reviews, this issue includes large number of interesting articles and continues with the tradition of publishing the papers of domestic and foreign authors whose contribution is in line with the concept of a magazine that advocates for the improvement of discipline, increasing of knowledge and ethically based conservation practice. The new issue includes an interview with Stefano De Caro, Director General of ICCROM.

ICOMOS Switzerland

Gartenwege der Schweiz smallBauerngärten zwischen Säntis und Bodensee. Häne, Roman, Gschwend, Meinrad, Künzi, Mariann. ICOMOS Switzerland, Historic gardens working group. Baden: Hier und Jetzt, 2015. (Gartenwege der Schweiz, No. 3). 88 p. (Ger)

ISBN: 978-3-03919-328-8 - CHF 19,00Purchase on publishing house's website

ICOMOS Switzerland

Icomos it giardini storici planificazione CoverI giardini storici nella pianificazione / Les jardins patrimoniaux dans la planification. Nyffenegger, Brigitte, Zuber, Alois, Mekacher, Nina. ICOMOS Switzerland, Federal Culture Office., 2014. 23 p. (Ita & Fre)

Download in multiple languages  (Ita) (Ger) (Fre) 

ICOMOS Switzerland 

Swiss academies report0905 CoverEine Zukunft für die historische Verkehrslandschaft Gotthard. Proceedings from the Symposium held on 6 and 7 September 2013 in Altdorf, Switzerland. Elsasser, Kilian T. (ed.), Habegger, Ueli (ed.), Kreis, Georg (ed.). ICOMOS Suisse Industrial culture working group. Bern, Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, 2014. (Swiss Academies Reports 9 (5)). 152 p. (Ger)

ISBN: 978-3-907835-82-1Download PDF (en allemand)

ICOMOS Switzerland

Historische Hotels und Restaurants in der Schweiz 2016 COverHistorische Hotels und Restaurants in der Schweiz 2016 / Hôtels et restaurants historiques en Suisse 2016 / Alberghi e ristoranti storici in Svizzera 2016. ICOMOS Suisse, in collaboration with GastroSuisse, hotelleriesuisse, Schweiz Tourismus. Baden, Verlag hier+jetzt, 2015. (Ger)

ISBN: 978-3-03919-379-0

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