Watch our videos for this year's 18 April!
Co-Chairs of this the ICOMOS GA2020 Scienfitic Symposium share some words with us on this year 18 April's theme: "Shared Cultures, Shared Heritage, Share Responsibility". See below to watch the videos
Co-Chairs of this the ICOMOS GA2020 Scienfitic Symposium share some words with us on this year 18 April's theme: "Shared Cultures, Shared Heritage, Share Responsibility". See below to watch the videos
Dear members and friends of ICOMOS
The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting an ever growing number of countries and having a profound impact on our lives for a presently unforeseeable period of time. Our primary concern is the safety and well-being of our members, friends, and all parts of the extended ICOMOS family. ICOMOS expresses its solidarity with all those who are on the front-line fighting to contain this outbreak, care for its victims, and maintain civic life, and those who have already been directly affected in their wellbeing or have lost loved ones.
Please find below the second Coronavirus COVID-19 Statement concerning the planned GA2020 in Sydney, this October. Following a decision by Australia ICOMOS in May regarding the event in Sydney, the ICOMOS Board and International Secretariat will propose the most appropriate solution to ensure that ICOMOS maintains its statutory obligations under French law and obligations to our membership.
On 3 and 4 February 2020, ICOMOS participated to the Symposium on Water and Culture which took place in Tokyo, Japan, as well as a day of workshops aimed at better understanding the relationships between people and water.
ICOMOS International invites you to read and share the Statement of Concern by ICOMOS Lebanon regarding the Commemorative steles of Nahr el-Kalb, Mount Lebanon:
[Update 4 March 2020]
ICOMOS South Africa has invited representatives from 17 African countries to be part of a master level pilot course in human rights and cultural heritage from 13 to 17 March 2017. The training, led by the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights University of Oslo, was held at Ditsong Museum, Pretoria. The report is now available.
Conference cancelled
The Board of the ICOMOS International Committee for the Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites (ICIP) is pleased to announce the ICOMOS Interpretation 2020 Conference at Angkor, Cambodia. The conference will take place on 28 and 29 September 2020 with pre-conference tours on 26 and 27 September.
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