Proposed new ICOMOS Rules of Procedure

24450775011 7913c449b2 zThe revised ICOMOS Statutes adopted in 2014 made the then current Rules of Procedure obsolete in many respects. Taking into account the resolution by the 2014 General Assembly, the ICOMOS Board is seeking to have an initial group of amended Rules of Procedure approved at the Annual General Assembly in Istanbul in October 2016, so that they can be in force for the next Triennial General Assembly in 2017. This first group includes the Rules of Procedure relating to General Assemblies, and those for bidding to host a General Assembly and for assessing the bids.

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Proposed amendments to the ICOMOS Statutes

Istanbul Skyline - © Ulla Moilanen/FlickrAs foreshadowed at last year’s Annual General Assembly in Fukuoka, the ICOMOS Board is intending to call an Extraordinary General Assembly in conjunction with the forthcoming Annual General Assembly taking place in Istanbul in October 2016, for the purpose of making some minor amendments to the ICOMOS Statutes. The formal notice of meeting will be sent in June.

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Situation in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Ukraine)

On 24 March 2016, ICOMOS participated at the request of the UNESCO Director General, Ms Irinia Bokova, at an Information Meeting on the “Follow up of the situation in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Ukraine)” at UNESCO heaquarters, and made a presentation on information at its disposal in its field of competence, cultural heritage preservation, along with representatives of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the OSCE and Amnesty international. Read the speech of the UNESCO Director General. 

Terra 2016 - Reduced registration fee for ICOMOS members

We are pleased to inform you that registration is open for the XIIth World Congress on Earthen Architectures - Terra 2016, taking place in Lyon from 11 - 14 July 2016. As an official partner, ICOMOS France allows ICOMOS members to benefit from a special registration fee of 320 euros. If you register before 10 March 2016, you will obtain an additional 50 euros off this special registration fee. 

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Russian Federation: Call for individual membership / Россия: Приглашение к индивидуальномy членствy

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The ICOMOS Board has entrusted the Temporary Council *, under the supervision of ICLAFI (the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Legal, Administrative and Financial issues) and the International Secretariat, to advertise and implement an open membership policy in view of enlarging the membership of ICOMOS in the Russian Federation, in the run up to the elections for the Permanent Board of the future National Committee to be held in 2016.

We are therefore inviting qualified individuals in the Russian Federation to apply for membership. 

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